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Everything posted by B&Mfan

  1. /em dreams of getting a Beemer here in Oz........ I'd take any addition to the list of coasters here right now.
  2. Also , does anyone have any tips for me? i.e. what to ride first etc? Not been to the Mountain before but imagine it's a lot like the other mega parks where a strategy is really helpful to maximise rides on the day........
  3. Hey Richard/Total Thrillers, I am off to the states for a conference at the end of next week and have decided to pop along to the opening of Scream! at the mountain. Was wondering if anyone was interested at having a look at my snaps if I posted them somewhere when I got back and if there was any pictures in particular people wanted taken? Lemme know (I plan on taking a bucket load of them!) B&Mfan
  4. Wow now that place was lame. The only half decent attraction in the place was the Titanic ride which was quite well done, albeit very short in duration for the 2 hour wait we had at the time. I remember paying something like $75 to get in and another $12 for a burger meal. To all the lucky ones that have said that they never got there count your blessings (BTW hello everyone, i've been lurking on the boards for a while and decided i should register . I'm really not a whiner honest, it's just i'm still angry about Lame Studios LOL).
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