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Everything posted by teki

  1. No there's more stadiums, referees and I think there will be video referee this time.
  2. Hey has anyone heard anything else about the new Rugby League 2. Check out these sites. www.hes.net www.trublu.com.au www.rugbyleague2.com
  3. Oh well you start your own.
  4. This Comp Is Closed Richard Lock The Thread The Winner Is Rippin Rolernut.
  5. This comp has no entries besides rippin-rolernut.
  6. They were a day after each other its accidental.
  7. This time its the same competition except we will have a splashboat. rippin-rolernut can use the one he gave me already. You have until Tuesday the 1st of March to complete. Shorter time this time. I WILL JUDGE ON SCENERY THIS TIME MATTY O YOU GET YOUR WISH. Please Note IF YOU HAVE RCT3 PLEASE DO IT IN THAT I WOULD PREFER IT AND A NUMBER OF PEOPLE SAID THEY'D ENTER LAST TIME IF YOUR GOING TO ENTER PLEASE MAKE SURE I RECIEVE YOUR ENTRY BY THE DATE ABOVE. Good luck to everyone. Thanks, Teki
  8. This time its the same competition except we will have a splashboat. rippin-rolernut can use the one he gave me already. You have until Tuesday the 1st of March to complete. Shorter time this time. I WILL JUDGE ON SCENERY THIS TIME MATTY O YOU GET YOUR WISH. Please Note IF YOU HAVE RCT3 PLEASE DO IT IN THAT I WOULD PREFER IT AND A NUMBER OF PEOPLE SAID THEY'D ENTER LAST TIME IF YOUR GOING TO ENTER PLEASE MAKE SURE I RECIEVE YOUR ENTRY BY THE DATE ABOVE. Good luck to everyone. Thanks, Teki
  9. Sorry for the triple post but they're a day after each other now to busness. THE WINNER OF WATER SLIDE WATER WORKS1 in Febuary 2005 is Matty O you have designed the best Dingy Slide out of everyone on Roller-Coaster.com.au. Gazza came second despite only having 2 entries. I wasnt biased to Matty O because of themeing but I can tell you all Gazza's entry was only one point behind. Thanks to all (Matty O and Gazza) who entered and I hope you will all enter my next Competition Good Luck and GO RCT 3 SOAKED!!
  10. The competition finishes in 3 hours and 36 minutes I only have 2 entries please get them in. The winner will be announced tomorrow.
  11. I'm not doin a NL because I A) Don't have the program Can't be stuffed downloading it (I got Slooooooooow Dial up) C) Don't know how to use it I only got two entries if I don't get entries from 3 other different people I won't do the Log Flume and Splash Boats Competition.
  12. 1 day to hand in your entries and I don't want them by PM.
  13. Of coarse it is they're like 5-10 hours behind us depending on where in Euroupe.
  14. Yes Matty O great idea. People want to see reality rides and maybe if you did like the top 5 coasters or rides at every main park in Australia you could make this huge park called Australiaworld or somthing like that it's just my suggestion.
  15. LoL about the joke with superman if they did it with the ride cam Alex B started the thread with it would be like riding a SUPERRRRRRRRRR roller coaster. So this ride must be a Water Roller Coaster because of the name and the roller coaster. (If I'm wrong im only presuming)
  16. Exactly Matty O RCT3 Creator Paul RCT 3 Director Gazza and Me Competition Runners and RCT Managers Everyone else are the participators. Guys 6 days remaining in the comp. Great Scenery and Ride Matty O. You should try a Wild West Falls Creation in RCT3.
  17. teki


    Yeah it's just down the road of Westfield Chermside. Gazza do you mean tube by raft if you do its dark bumpy and water squirts in your face its like Terror Canyon 2.
  18. It's not Matty O wanted it so yeah but you don't earn points for it but its optional i said.
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