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Everything posted by Flea

  1. Wow, wow and wow. Who honestly needs to use the internet at a theme park? They're not really pushing the whole "escape from reality" thing are they? Such a shame to see...
  2. I wouldn't go as far as saying it's a wasteful investment... the ride is positioned next to what looks like a busy road. There's no doubt that every passing driver would be looking at the ride, which obviously in turn would mean more visitors for the park.
  3. Just came across something interesting on Facebook. JVPLAY recently created a group that claims to have an investor offer 150 acres of land for the development of a new park in Western Sydney. From what I understand they seem to be keen on building an "education park" rather than the Six Flags Sydney we've all been hoping for... I'm doubting their credibility but I figured it was worth mentioning.
  4. But when does employee pay stop? I know many shops will stay open past their scheduled closing time to scrape in as much money as possible BUT they will stop paying employees at 5pm.
  5. I'm a bit sceptical about it seeing as though the summer pass is still being promoted. If it really is announced/launched today, what would they do with all those that have bought a summer pass but yet to use it? Refund the difference? Make all summer passes into these new "unlimited passes"?
  6. It's been a while since we've heard/seen anything... has any progress been made?
  7. I think going by the track seen in these two pics it's a given that we'll see some form of a bunny hop in the layout I'm pretty interested to see the length of the trains. The turns do seem really tight that would only really suit a smaller train of say 3 or 4 cars (think Maverick style), plus with the track having atleast 4 blocks (station, launch, 2nd launch and brakes - or 5 if there's a dual station) it'll open up the possibility of having more than 2 trains on the track at one time.
  8. I don't mean to add fuel to the fire, but you'd think with klassen's profile pic he wouldn't be all that hard to track down. klassen, djrappa and others are doing you a favour. They are not insulting or threatening you - they're just assuming that you value your job and thus would like to keep it. Revealing things that are being spoken about behind the scenes, such as the new park map, isn't all that smart.
  9. I was just browsing through the net and came across something pretty interesting. The proposal mentions that they have their project team sorted out and their required investment amount ($132m) seems fairly realistic for a decent sized theme park. Thoughts?
  10. I'd love to see one of these at Seaworld. I'm pretty sure it'd snugly fit in the space between Bermuda & Corkscrew too. Am I hot or cold?
  11. Go to "My Controls" here on the forums and find the "Purchase Paid Subscriptions" link under the options menu.
  12. Good stuff rich, it looks fantastic. Will the width of the forums be changed to suit that of the main site? I'd personally love to see it stay how it is now... the fixed width on R-C was a tad annoying with images breaking up pages and whatnot.
  13. There's a video of it in action http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6c4hl6_BFk. The ride would honestly be a whole lot better without the bell!
  14. That's not true. So long as you stay at SWR you can enter the park through the resort's monorail station. If the monorail isn't operating you can enter through the gate just below the station. SWR operates a regular shuttle service that goes to Surfers and back. There are daily buses to all the main attractions, so I wouldn't go as far as saying that you're stranded if you don't have a car.
  15. I wouldn't be surprised if the paper just went ahead and snatched the images straight off this site. They look really familiar to the shots joz took a while ago.
  16. There are three threads - all of which have been spread out over time. I'd love to know what harm Undeclared is doing to your time on the forums by asking valid questions.
  17. How long did each stop last? Sounds like a blocking issue to me (whether it be too many cars running or a problem with the sensors).
  18. Is it the "error trapper" message?
  19. Basically it's all VR parks vs. Dreamworld. Sea World, WnW & WBMW aren't in direct competition with each other since they're all owned by the same company.
  20. It's got me a little nervous as I'm heading up to the Gold Coast for the first time in a few years (so I've yet to see/ride all the new stuff). I'll be up on the 8th - 12th... fingers crossed!
  21. Unless I'm missing something - I see Cedar Point and not Wonderland.
  22. We have a private messenging system for a reason. If you want to continue to argue take it there, or use an instant messenging program. DW_rulz, the question was completely valid and just because he didn't know something about something, that doesn't make him an idiot. As stated earlier, forums are used to share information and ask questions. I'll leave this topic open and trust this won't continue.
  23. Thanks for the pics Ian. It looks gorgeous in the park.
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