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Everything posted by Flea

  1. But what better way to set yourself apart in the industry? I'd sacrifice a traditional backrow for a backwards car any day - particularly on this calibre of coaster. The layout is ridiculous as is.
  2. Forgive me if this has already been answered/discussed, does anyone else think the backwards car will be an up charge? It's one thing to queue for the front when the rest of the train is facing forward anyway, but backwards is a totally different experience. At 2 pax a train queues would be enormous on even a moderate day. Regardless - really stunning layout. This will be Australia's first true airtime machine.
  3. So on Tatsu... I see it pop up a lot on people's lists but even after 5 rides I still don't quite get it. The riding position is too uncomfortable IMO. Heading to USJ next week so perhaps Flying Dinosaur will change my mind on flyers.
  4. ^ As someone who has actually ridden both I can tell you that TC is miles ahead of MF. They're two very different ride experiences but for me, MF was the disappointment of the trip. Forceless and rattly. TC on the other hand was the most relentless ridiculous coaster - no video does it justice.
  5. As great as these coasters are, that element isn't what you'd call graceful! Very very interesting shaping
  6. At least for a few years before the change, it didn't go much higher.
  7. Wow... Very disappointing that it's an up charge.
  8. I don't understand why people are complaining about content. We've never had such comprehensive coverage of a new attraction before. Every member's contribution has been fantastic and is very much appreciated by 99% of us.
  9. I very much doubt that given his less than warm welcome from various members earlier on in this thread.
  10. They've hosted a couple of livestreams recently that you can view on their channel here. Both are long but well worth the watch, the game is looking phenomenal. You can really tell just how much their heart is in this. They've found a stunning balance between a quirky unique art style and realism. It all just gels really nicely. RCTW on the other hand.
  11. ^ Agreed, Xcelerator is the most re-rideable coaster I've been on. Pure fun. The original Intamin accelerator and apparently still the one that packs the most punch.
  12. Slightly off topic and maybe an unfair question to ask as I've only ridden GL a handful of times, but does anyone think going with 8 person cars wasn't worth the added cost? From what I've seen there are never more than 2 cars on the circuit at one time and there is always prolonged stacking. Smaller cars, more efficient loading, less stacking = same capacity? Right?
  13. Thanks for the videos! Great to see it back in action. Very curious to see what modifications have been made. I initially thought the turn before the first MCBR looked slower, but looking at older videos it takes the turn at a similar speed.
  14. Yeah, maybe I play too much No Limits, but wouldn't that just be a regular function under normal operations that wouldn't require maintenance to come in and reset the ride? Once the block is clear the previous block releases, then repeat for each block until the ride eventually resumes normal operation?
  15. ^ In that situation is stacking treated the same as an e-stop (lights on/announcement played)?
  16. And I'm sure it will draw massive crowds with an Intamin Gyro Swing 5 minutes down the road.
  17. Nah, who needs upstops anyway? Coaster 4 sure.
  18. The new developer has done wonders for RCTW. Check out the blog post and screenshot
  19. A nice RMC would surely be best bang for buck these days - truly world class coaster for $10-15m (Outlaw Run cost US$10m).
  20. Ride the travelling coaster at any major show. Same model I believe. To answer your questions though - no it wasn't good. It was semi popular. Not sure why it was removed but the thing didn't make very pleasant noises. I remember the first turn out of the station onto the lift made a hideous and loud screech for some reason.
  21. Please consolidate your responses into a single post next time :)
  22. Great trailer! Just as well the original incarnation of RCTW was scrapped, wouldn't stand a chance against this.
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