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Everything posted by pieboy

  1. > proceeds to spray water in your face literally the whole time you're underwater
  2. Yeah that was my thought initially but this projected view in the documents kinda eased that worry a little.
  3. Sad to see it go for so long! Queue times for the next couple of school holidays will take a big blow but tbh out of all the rides in the park, the next-gen up date is the most noticeable in lack of quality control. I hope they don't mess with the wild mouse turns too much, how rough they are is my favourite aspect of the whole track. Those drops are horrendous though.
  4. Was finally able to buy, here's the current rewards for anyone interested... 1 transaction per month is pretty cheap of 'em but fair enough I guess
  5. Lot of states holidays begin late September - early October, could maybe be trying to aim for getting at least one ride open by then. Maybe even open for Spooky Nights? Pretty new to this community so have no clue how long is a realistic opening date at this point lol. Everything seems to be coming up pretty fast tho
  6. Absolutely baffled Sonic isn't utilised more worldwide in this industry. Multimedia super-giant that is know for going fast and the use of momentum. If Ardent has enough cash in their pockets, jumping on the phone to SEGA Sammy would be a very impactful move (even more so than Crash).
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