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Everything posted by Skipper

  1. http://www.apple.com/trailers/newline/finaldestination3/ Probably a **** film but the coaster bits look cool!
  2. Jesus Christ, that kind of language belongs at Centrelink, not at Movie World!!
  3. There are massive posters up around near my work in Darlinghurst in Sydney as well....unfortunatly they have the same terrible qualities of the deplorable website. I dont care though, I still can't wait to ride it when it opens.
  4. I have to agree, where is the relevance to Superman?? I saw one small logo on the main page drowing in all that try hard graffitti and the lame shout out's, so very pedestrian. Bad Bad website.... At least we know now the ride will be great anyway.
  5. I second Kenny Koala's suggestions... Check out Coke and Pepsi can's....Last time I went they had buy one get one free deals on them for coke and Six Flags and Pepsi and Knotts which proved to be great savers
  6. Did you happen to catch what type of restraints were on the trains??
  7. With now only just under a year left till the Tower of Terror Opens at Tokyo Disneysea some new information has just been released... To be honest I'm a bit dissapointed that it will be following in the footsteps of the DCA version but as an overall package and the new pre show effects this is still going to me one hell of a ride with the Oriental Land company throwing 21 Billion Yen into this ride!! Welcome to the Glorious "Hightower Hotel" and the "Hightower Trust". Mr. Hightower welcomes you to his humble, but peculiar establishment filled with antiques and artifacts from his travels around the world. The Hotel is located on 1st Park Avenue in New York City across the street from Waterfront Park. Inside the Hightower Hotel, guests will enter the hotel establishment which has been abandoned since the mysterious disappearance of Mr. Hightower. The hotel lobby is filled with various artifacts and murals depicting Hightower's various travels around the world. In one of the murals, it depicts a visit to the Lost River Delta to a mysterious ruins, ala Raging Spirits. As guests venture deeper into the hotel's dilapidating innards, they arrive at Hightower's private office. Inside, guests are greeted by a mysterious Cast Member dressed as a bellhop inviting them to come inside. When guests enter the room, they will notice various books, maps, objects and paperwork scattered around through the room. The real focal point within Hightower`s office is several stain-glassed windows. As the guests are finally situated in the office, the mysterious bellhop exclaims to the them that Mr. Hightower has left them all an important and most urgent message. The bellhop cranks up an old time phonograph and mysteriously the room darkens leaving the only illumination in the room through the stained glass windows. As the record plays, Mr. Hightower explains what happened to his glorious empire and establishment and the doom to come if his warnings are not abided. He discusses a certain ancient idol which he collected (read: stole) from a certain far-off expedition. This particular idol is, of course, cursed! A little further into the recording, something appears out of thin air on an adjacent bookshelf. It's the idol itself! The idol's eyes turn ablaze! A frightening laugh can almost be made, as the darken room transforms into a star-field leaving still the stained-glass windows in view. Lightning can be heard and eventually it hits the windows. They are shattered to pieces as the room goes completely dark. Seconds later, the light comes back on, but the idol has not disappeared, and only one window is gone (replaced with an entryway into Hightowers private trust or so-called vault. As guests walk through the vault, they will notice different individual areas dedicated to certain locations around the world. They are filled with corresponding artifacts and booty along with opened and closed boxes filled with Mr. Hightower's personal collection. Guests come to a merging point to where they are escorted in groups to these individual areas. Unbeknownst to the guests, no mention of an elevator or even elevator doors are present upon entering the loading areas. They virtually are looking at a wall in front of them. Hightower's voice is once again heard, ala safety spiel, and the wall in front of them slides away revealing a cargo elevator. Once in the elevators, your friendly bellhop gives you a warning or two before your journey. The elevator doors close. Virtually, the ride at this point is almost identical to DCA's version. The elevator pulls back, it travels up to scene one. Scene one consists of the mirror effect, but directly in front of the mirror stands the idol, which zaps your elevator making the guests disappear. The lift then travels up to the corridor scene. Hightower's ghost appears and next to him on a table is the cursed idol. He reaches over to pick it up and he get's zapped by the idol! He's thrown into an empty elevator across the hallway which then drops! The idol then turns to the elevator with the guests and they get zapped. What comes next is.....AHHHHHHH! When the ride ends, you hear Hightower's deep voice explain how lucky you were surviving this time, but perhaps not the next time. The bellhop, not necessarily knowing what has just taken place, opens the door and greets the thrilled guests not necessarily knowing what has just taken place. There are some great construction pics over at http://www.jtcent.com/disneysea/american/amwtot.html
  8. I absolutley agree...... Disgusting. That would really put me off.....and anyone who has been to Hong Kong and china know they SPIT everywhere all the time there as well.
  9. I think putting one of these at the opposite end of the park to the old thunderbolt site would be an awesome idea!!.... Mmmmmm B&M Dive machine!!! http://www.rcdb.com/ig2662.htm
  10. How about you just head on over to Island's of adventure and hear it for your yourself!! The Hulk would have to create one of the best examples around the the B&M roar - especially when it lauches out of the tunnel you can hear it from anywhere in the park.
  11. A 16-year-old British tourist suffered cardiac arrest on Tuesday after riding the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror at Disney World in Florida, a month after a four-year-old boy died after riding another Disney World attraction. Leeanne Deacon of Kibworth, England, was rushed to a hospital and into surgery after getting off the ride and telling her mother she did not feel well, the Orange County Sheriff's Office said. She was listed in a critical condition at Florida Hospital Celebration Health, near Disney World, said hospital spokeswoman Melanie Trivento, who would not divulge the nature of the ailment due to patient confidentiality rules. Sheriff's spokesman Jim Solomons said Leeanne went into cardiac arrest and was resuscitated by rescue workers. He said he did not know the nature of the ailment, which required the attention of a neurosurgeon. "The ride has been closed awaiting more information," Disney World, a unit of the Walt Disney Company said in a statement. "The Orange County Sheriff's Office concluded an initial investigation and found no indication of a ride malfunction." AdvertisementOn the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror at Disney-MGM Studios, riders rise 13 storeys in an elevator and then take a plunge. The ride's website warns that users should be free of high blood pressure, heart, back and neck problems and says expectant mothers should not ride. Homicide investigators looked into the incident and determined the ride appeared to be working correctly, Mr Solomons said. "We're satisfied that at this initial stage ... maybe there was some sort of medical issue," he said. "We're satisfied that they [Disney] did everything right. People come off thrill rides all the time in various states of queasiness." On June 13, Daudi Bamuwamye, 4, of Sellersville, Pennsylvania, died after riding Disney World's Mission:SPACE at Epcot Centre. The $US100 million ($133 million) ride uses centrifugal force to create the sensation of a rocket launch. Reuters
  12. I heard that construction was halted until the site is dry again due to the flooding which could be why the opening date could be getting pushed back btw....Thanks for posting the new logo images for Superman Returns -on that site Adam...obviously this site cant be relied upon for new developments on the ride..
  13. Psycho, Just curious if you have ridden a stand up before? I rode Riddler's Revenge at SFMM earlier this month and was expecting something really amazing as I had never actually ridden one before but it was probably one of the most boring coasters at the park and VERY uncomfortable - I think this would be a big step backwards for Dreamworld. or maybe RR is just a bad example of a stand up??
  14. So my second choice after a B&M Dive coaster -to the likes of Sheikra would be just a really good circuit coaster with a few huge drops like Goliath at Six Flags MM - they are so much fun and no inversions would make it appeal to a broader audience.
  15. That much is true but They are still alot of fun to play with and design different track layouts for. as for a station it wouldnt be that hard to just build your own and they have alot of new accessories coming out shortly so maybe one will come out soon.
  16. www.coasterdynamix.com do awesome working coaster sets!
  17. I am kinda bewildered as why parents would want to take a 4 yr old onto it - I doubt a kid of that age could grasp the nature and the concept of it whether they meet the height requirements or not its not at all aimed at children. Went on this for the first time just a few days ago and loved it!!!!
  18. Sorry should have re - phrased that - rode all the coasters there except for X - that was the last one we rode before leaving for the day. Scream was fun - it wasnt a stand out coaster for me though, I made a point to sit in the front seat to get the full effect of a floorless coaster and its cool but there was something about the lay out - or maybe the fact that its sitting on a carpark that just gave me the feeling it lacked something. Maybe it was just the fact that we did all the coasters down that end of the park so quickly there really was no time to appreciate each one on a individual basis. Disneyland and DCA - got to Anaheim about midday just as the overcast weather burned off and the sun came out - my friend who I went to the park with is friends with a cast member who plays prince charming so he met us at the gate and signed us in for free to both parks which was a great surprise we went into california adventure first - stopped by California Screamin to get a fast pass then headed over to line up for TOT, for what its worth DCA is not as bad as I thought it would be it has some nice concepts and themeing going for it but when its placed alongside disneyland it really cant compare. the DCA version of TOT really doesn't cut it I am afraid - no surprises there though - without the extra dimension and an inferior looking building compared to that of the original at MGM I was happy to ride it anyway knowing that I would be on the original in Orlando later that week. It still has some great lighting in the boiler room line area and the drop sequence is ok but its obvious that its a ride done on the cheap and it shows!
  19. Hi there, Just got back from a very quick but fun trip to the states... First Park was Six Flags Magic Mountain - it was a dream come true to finally go and thanks to Kenny Koala's advice of going to the far side of the park first upon opening we rode all of the coasters there within the first hour and a half. Stand out Coasters were - Goliath, rode this one 7 times - LOVE the first drop and the numerous head/arm choppers along the way as well as the insane positive G's you get during the circuit. - Deja Vu Looking at it while lining up I was really just expecting an experience similar to that of the Demon but this coaster really packs a punch and the lift hills are amazing - really gets the blood rushing when you are looking straight down at the ground while getting pulled up with your full body weight pressing against your restraint before getting rushed over to the other lift tower. - X This one was worth the wait and in my opinion totally lives up to the Hype - unfortunatly they only had one train running and with it taking about 10 minutes to load and unload it was about a 2 hour wait - not helped by the fact that there was no shortage of thugs pushing in the line way ahead in the boarding area - I and a few other people alerted a security guard to this and when we pointed out the guys who were que jumping he just wandered over - looked them up and down then wandered off in another direction obviously intimidated by them. It was total bull**** that not even security would stand up to these guys and let them get away with that kind of behavior- so much for the park map stating that people skipping lines will be "ejected" from the park!! that was soon all forgotten though when it was finally our turn to get on..The engineering of this ride is mind boggling and I normally laugh more than anything during a coaster ride but this one scared the crap out of me!!! - it was the last coaster of the day so it had a lot to live up to and it passed with flying colours - definitley my favourite coaster of all time!! gotta mention that it seemed to prove a bit too much for one rider who was unconcious when the train we were on returned to the station - saw them leave in an abulance a short time later - but concious then so at least they weren't dead!! one surprising dissapointment about MM was Ridler's Revenge - their stand up coaster - this one looks really impressive in pictures and real life and I was really excited about riding a stand up coaster for the first time but to be honest it was BORING - I dont know what it was but I didn't feel remotley scared or excited during this one -good thing we walked onto it with no lines. will continue on with Disneyland asap....
  20. Yeah I'm with you there. The PR machine spun all this information up about all of them being Hotties and they are all dogs! No decent person in their right mind would audition for that show in the first place anyway.
  21. No, I was referring to myself as the nitpicker, I had not even taken your "photos" comment on board to be honest, it was not relevant coming from a non-subscriber. And yes I am more than happy to correct others. It is the only way people will learn. So about this Superman coaster...... The word around suggest's that this ride could become one of the top ten coasters in the world, This is a really REALLY ambitious comment to make for a ride with a budget of only 12 million AUD - considering it will have show scenes as well but knowing how great Australian's are at outshining and overcoming a small budget I'm going to keep my hopes held high for this one.
  22. see what happens when nobody makes any ****ing posts for a few days, all there is to do is nitpick. Have no idea why - its not like people aren't visiting the site.
  23. Thanks for the Photo's Rabid, I am very excited about seeing this ride construction progress. Just a reminder though that as a moderator on a forum with such rules you really should be aware that "intrested" is actually spelt interested.
  24. No problem. Was just watching the late night news on Ten and they covered the Disney celebrations and spoke to someone Franklin from disney (didnt mention his title) and he said managers were considering a park in Australia - he was obviously very vague but at least it wasnt a downright no!
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