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  1. No idea, sorry. However there were a touch over 350 people, we all paid $40 for a ticket and I'm assuming Dreamworld kept all money that went across the bar, plus the food people bought. You might be able to guess a ballpark figure from that. wallacedom
  2. Hey Everyone, after looking at the Screamworld thread, I thought I'd tell you all about my most recent visit to Dreamworld! Basically, the Uni I go to here on the Gold Coast (Bond Uni for those wondering) hired out Dreamworld on the 18th of Feb from 7pm till 11pm for all students to head in there and have some fun. The night started off with buses from the Uni, with us all heading in to Dreamworld right on 7:00pm, eager to go nuts on all the rides and show the international students some fun. Then we hit problem number 1.... Basically the only area of the park open for us was Ocean Parade (Wipeout, Claw, etc), Tiger Island, Nick Central (Runaway Reptar), Cyclone and the TOT which, unfortunetely, meant no Giant Drop However, it was not at all suprising as there were only 350 people there... Anyway, so the first ride for me was the Wipeout, an old favourite. It seemed in great shape and didn't sound like it was shaking itself to pieces like usual. Word of caution though - do not eat one of the Dreamworld burger meals then go on Wipeout.... I have never felt sick after a ride in my life, but after that first ride I felt a bit queasy... Next up was Cyclone, which was fast and a lot of fun, but a bit rough. After Cyclone it was time for the TOT which was, as usual, awesome. The acceleration is unreal but riding it at night gives it an extra bit of excitment. When you reach the top of the tower and look out, all you can see are small specks of light from the highway and nothing else, which makes you feel like you are SO high up, it really is breathtaking. So after riding the TOT a few times, it was time for The Claw which I hadn't ever been on. In all honesty, I wasn't expecting much because all it looked like, from the ads, was a carnival like swing ride. Boy was I wrong. For a start, the whole weightless feeling at the top of each swing feels awesome and secondly, it feels so damn fast. If you end up facing the ground on the way down, the speed you reach feels enourmous and is a real rush. So, after being much better than anticipated, we rode it a few more times. At this point the night was getting on so it was time for a few drinks, then a few more goes on the TOT, Wipeout and Claw, along with a few goes on Runaway Reptar. This little coaster is good fun and because it wasn't the most popular, we kept getting repeat runs. Now problem number 2. As we were lining up for the Wipeout, we were told that due to Council noise restrictions, none of the rides can operate after 10pm, which was a bit of a bummer as we were all there to 11pm. It wasn't too bad though, as there was a DJ, plus a bar over near Nick Central, so we all got our boogie on and had a few drinks and a great time. So all in all, how was the night? Even though there were a couple of disappointments, it was awesome. Going on everything at night is a real rush and having the entire park to ourselves was awesome, we basically walked on to every ride the entire night. I only wish the Giant Drop was running, that would have been really awesome.....
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