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  1. Kaboom is closed, but went on Super Ripper on Monday. Its a very gentle ride. I was expecting it to be faster, but I pretty much stopped at one point and had to push myself off again. I thought it was just me (I'm on the larger side), but same thing happened to my husband.
  2. About 160cm tall and about 130kg. Weight mostly on the legs/thighs. Also went about 5 years ago at a similar size. Movie world - superman was fine, green lantern was fine, wwf was fine (though a little tight going over my leg), didn't try destroyer or spaceshot (tried them last time and didn't fit), didn't try rivals (but failed the test seat), road runner was fine, scooby was fine (sat at the back). I think they must have changed the harness on scooby as last time I didn't fit. It's my favourite ride so I was so glad I gave it another go! Dream world - gold coaster was fine, motorcoaster was not (test seats were not working too), shockwave was fine, didn't try the claw. Surprisingly steel taipan was fine, even though I failed the test seat. I'm tempted to try rivals again. I've heard it's roomier on steel taipan but as it's the only big one I haven't been on I would love to go.
  3. We went on Friday as well. I'm glad the rain held out. I don't know if they were letting people in at 4.30 like they suggested, we got there just after 5 and walked straight in. It was lots of fun. Kids enjoyed the hunt, but were disappointed that they got chocolate bullets at the lifesavers one. But us adults will eat those! The spooky castle maze, I agree, the smoke machine was too much. Hard to breathe and everyone was coughing. The queues were great, we didn't buy the extra passes and most rides you could just walk on with no waiting. We didn't do the vintage cars though as that one did have a queue. We did most of the rides, but skipped the little kids rides (my kids are 8 and 12). We walked around anticlockwise, most of the crowd seemed to go the other way. I though it was very well run. We didn't see any of the shows though as it was a fair walk around the park to do the hunt. We also grabbed McDonald’s after rather than eating there.
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