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Everything posted by TBoy

  1. If the monorail is getting removed as well, I wonder if we could see anything new?
  2. Aw man. I have a feeling it is going to be removed, like what happened to TOT2 and Buzzsaw when they were sacrificed for Steel Taipan. I remember going on it in 2015, but it was closed when I went in August.
  3. https://7news.com.au/news/melbourne/dads-heartbreaking-update-as-its-revealed-rollercoaster-victim-shylah-rodden-was-recovering-from-second-tragedy-c-8365225 “The injuries are horrific. Horrific. She’s brain damaged. It’s pelvic, her arms, legs, back, neck - there’s hardly a thing that’s not broken. Worse than I thought. Feel for the father who could lose two children in three months.
  4. Good to see it back just as NSW holidays start. Happy to see all thrill rides working again!
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