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Everything posted by i2145

  1. Don't forget about six flags magic mountain
  2. With theme parks safety is first and good dispatch times and operations are and added bonus. Their main focus is safety.
  3. One thing which is really odd is that MW gave barely any notice before closing Scooby. Does anyone have any idea why?
  4. Do you guys think it'll be open by the end of September 2023? It says it ends in April 2023 but if there are delays do you think it would be that long?
  5. If green Lantern were ever to be removed what coaster/ride would you put in its place? Please be realistic with what could fit in the plot of land green Lantern uses
  6. Yeah, what's the story behind the derailment? Could it have been bad manufacturing, bad maintenance or bad luck? It's not normal for a coaster car to derail like that
  7. Why is green Lantern so unreliable? I know lots about ride mechanical stuff but does anyone know the specific reason of green lanterns unreliability. Also why is doomsday so unreliable?
  8. Sounds good, you'll have lots of attractions for everyone while your starting out and then when you earn profit you could add more stuff. This is actually a really good idea
  9. Imagine you woke up with $100 million and you had to spend the money to change an Aussie theme park of your choice. Which park would it be and what would you do? Please try and be somewhat realistic
  10. The news tend to exaggerate on a lot of things, especially theme park rides because a lot of people are already scared of them
  11. The fact that rides at movie world are always closed proves that they care about safety
  12. The opening of leviathan and trident has been a disaster so far. I have a feeling that operations and rides at movieworld and SeaWorld have been very unreliable in the past year or so
  13. Im no expert on partnerships with brands and stuff like that but I think the first thing would be switching the name to "Movie World" and getting rid of the name "Warner Brothers Movie World". Also, all the rides, shops and names would need to be changed. They could potentially team up with marvel. Superman escape could become spiderman escape
  14. Has superman escape ever had a rollback? Also, who thinks some lighting effects on DC rivals trains would be nice?
  15. In the eyes of the general public anything happening with a roller coaster stirs up fear because they don't have as much insight as coaster enthusiasts. No offence general public
  16. Why did emergency services have to be called to evacuate riders when some people were messing around on Scooby Doo? It has catwalks on the brakes
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