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Stevie last won the day on May 24 2023

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  1. Even with the price of scrap steel, they'd still fetch a few bucks from dropping it off at SIMS
  2. Honestly, about 80% of the precinct was poorly planned
  3. TLDR: Movieworld is too lazy to take all their shit and put it somewhere else
  4. Holy crap, we've been waiting years for this. I'm sure there's a few people here who can help out with information to get those digitised and uploaded to youtube
  5. This way we can keep the rumour alive that it's moving to Seaworld, one day.
  6. They are building a second tophat at the opposite end and turning it into a giant shuttle coaster /s
  7. If Dreamworld add another water ride, it WILL be on a rail(s) with all motions fully controlled
  8. From memory, parts of the Thunder River troughs got buried too.
  9. Correct, but Lorem Ipsum still isn't a language
  10. As a taller person, the OTSR sit very tight against the top of my shoulders, which is made even more uncomfortable when it's pushing me down into the not well padded seat. It's not the most comfortable but the ride is over so quickly that It doesn't become a big problem. If I could ride with a cushion under my boney ass, the ride would likely be much less uncomfortable.
  11. If they weren't already uncomfortable enough, now you get to sit on the unpadded metal base of the seat! /s
  12. Clearly not living in Kenny and Belindas Dreamland
  13. On my last visit to Dreamworld I was lucky enough to have a conversation with the CEO, Greg. He seems like a very lovely and open guy. In regards to the Giant Drop, a tilting gondola had been discussed very heavily and wouldn't be too expensive to implement into the current tower. Their main reason for not going ahead with it is purely due to it being too extreme. As others have mentioned, the ride is already quite ominous and it's the minority who enjoy it, adding a tilting gondola would only further scare guests away from riding that gimick.
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