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About sammypanda

  • Birthday 15/09/2002

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  1. Meanwhile that 'Epic Universe' thing is happening in Orlando, U.S. It's funny to think that Movie World used to be to the same standard as some of the better parks in the world.
  2. Even without much information about it, if it does turn out to not be a major overhaul with animatronics back n such and really going hard as a last hurrah to put together something that feels like walking into the ride from the movie. Then it's as good as gone; it's kinda their last chance to hold onto the glory/reputation the ride and scooby had so long ago in the public consciousness (especially as people who grew up on Scooby and this ride are now becoming parents). I don't have any reason to think they'll meet this standard though, probably too busy thinking about the next hotel to build /sar 🙄
  3. i think they're doing it now because the maintenance schedule thingy is coming around, like they have to replace certain parts anyway (probably a lot of parts)
  4. I'm generally not so keen on them using screens again, even if they do it well. I think practical things are just cooler for this ride (but the $4mil suggests either very light practical theming or screens, or both at same time which is most likely) I also think the lighting is a thing that they overlook a little, the queue and station has such excellent lighting. But still, no screens in the source material and I don't think anyone would be disappointed if it ended up being a 1:1 of the ride in the movie >:3 excited! (⁠「⁠`⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠「
  5. does sea world not have the like 20 test run thing before opening like movie world does?
  6. those floats are really good, some things I noticed also: - the soundtrack to the show is no longer as closely related to the floats as they go by, the additions seem to be existing WB properties and reused ones from the old show - instead of the floats stopping by the roundabout and going back down one by one the mid and smaller size ones go down the sides at the same time - the employees who walk in front of the floats now have cool little glow sticks to guide the float they're responsible for - they dropped the dance sections for the parade (fun fact, when I did it they gave us a ticket per night for it) there only seemed to be three or four small groups of outsourced performers, probably from the same studio
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