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Michelangelo last won the day on December 28 2024

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    Silver Bullet (Knott’s Berry)

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  1. I feel like MW’s only chance of selling it is if the buyer has never ridden it before
  2. Ok seeing as you’ve changed your comment… Where is the video publicly available due to being used as evidence? What was shared is a dodgy copy from a TikTok that someone had removed. It’s not the evidence that was submitted in court. Regardless, based on your opinion, so long as a video is publicly available, and it’s of a mistake someone has made, then it’s fair game to be reshared across any internet forum… right? Yeah maybe it was too extreme of an example, but the point still stands… He said free speech is amazing. He wanted to share it, so he did. So… That’s saying because “free speech” anyone is free to share whatever they want, so long as they want to share it. If you don’t like it, don’t click it. But back to my question in that comment which has gone unanswered… where do you draw the line?
  3. Pretty simple if you actually read what I wrote. The internet is increasingly becoming a shitty place full of bullying and hate because of people who easily and thoughtlessly reshare content without a care in the world. It is these actions and blasé attitude to these actions which leads to people (typically younger people) becoming significantly depressed and hurt, and ultimately (and increasingly) ending their own life. It’s one of many examples I could put forth about how it’s not okay to just reshare anything on the internet because “free speech is amazing”. The point I’m trying to make is, it doesn’t matter if the person is at fault or not, you can’t just share anything you want on the internet because “free speech is amazing” and “he wanted to share something” so “he did”.
  4. maybe learn what free speech is mate. It’s not freedom to do whatever you want. It’s freedom to express your own opinion, values or beliefs. Regardless… So what you’re saying if that was a video of a young girl being r*ped, there’s no need to worry about anyone resharing that… because “free speech is amazing”? or maybe, a baby being brutally attacked by a dog? plenty of examples… but where do you draw the line? Or, is it a free for all because you know… “free speech” and all 🙄
  5. The story of the incident and aftermath should serve as a warning. If you can so easily and thoughtlessly share content like this… or be so blasé about people who reshare content like this… then it’s no wonder the internet is such a growing cesspool of hate and bullying. Actions like this is why the internet can be such a shitty place… and why you hear so much of kids necking themselves these days.
  6. Not trying to be an internet police. I just don’t think it’s appropriate to share. Serves no value to anyone. What if that were you in the video? Or, what if it were your mum, daughter, sister, aunty, cousin?
  7. Ok… So you’re fine with anything being shared online provided whoever doesn’t want to see it doesn’t click it?
  8. And did all those sources get their info from Kirby? Given they’re no longer publicly listed, we’ll never know for sure… But, if it cost $100M, they got ripped. If it is an exaggeration, well that just sums up how the place is being run ATM.
  9. Oh god… let’s hope either it looks better in person or they’re not finishing installing something else to it… Yikes!
  10. Gavin from Pico Play was on the latest Dane’s Theme Park Life Pod and shared there are quite a number of easter eggs scattered across Rivertown that nobody has noticed yet… Have you spotted them or any others not mentioned? On my list to see next time I’m back… The cards on the desk and the turbine joke somewhere
  11. Bring Trident across from Sea World… they might just be able to run it on a daily basis and get their monies worth from it
  12. I didn’t stick around for the final one, maybe they save them all up for the end. regardless there was some fireworks in all the shows, so yeah not sure what VRTP were on about… maybe set expectations lower so people are amazed?
  13. Wasn’t it only the one pop-off at the very start of the show? I don’t recall seeing many more fireworks during the show
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