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Everything posted by latterature

  1. Fair point. I would argue that, while the Spooky Coaster is (and, according to the latest from Village, will continue to be) themed to one specific live-action movie from 2002, the characters are still recognisable as part of wider franchise; kids can probably work out that the animatronic dog from the ride is the same character from the whichever recent Scooby Doo film/ series they watch at home. Would kids recongise Dorothy, Scarecrow, etc? More importantly, would kids care, or would they just be happy to see strange characters in bright, funny outfits?
  2. Personally, I'm stoked about the new Wizard of Oz precinct at Movie World. I'm excited to see the park embrace a brand new area themed to an iconic Hollywood classic. However, I cannot understand the business rationale behind such a expensive investment. As iconic as the film is, I cannot image it carries the same cultural resonance it had even thirty years ago when the park first opened. While lots of people are understandably sick of DC-themed attractions at MW, superheroes are undeniably big money at the moment. Are kids born post-2000 even familiar with the Wizard of Oz? I can't image, with the endless streaming options on ever single device, kids are sitting down to watch a fantasy film from 1939 (though perhaps I'm wrong). So my question is: who is this new precinct for? I'm sure it can't just be for the park enthusiasts like me who happen to love old movies. Any speculation welcome.
  3. I'm wondering if anybody has any insight: My understanding is the park is operated by Village Roadshow, who have the exclusive Australian rights to utilise Warner Bros properties and characters within the park. How much say does WB have in regard to the use of these properties? For example, if there's a new Warner Bros movie the studio is hoping to advertise, could they instruct Village to install a new attraction based on this property, or are these decisions left entirely up to Village? Are Village operating at the behest of WB, or can they pick and choose which properties to use and when? Any explanations would be helpful, thanks.
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