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Everything posted by rappa

  1. Why make a big deal about it by the park? Us talking about it is exactly the reason. When was the last post about TTD on Parkz? By making a thing about it the park is generating talk and buzz. I could argue Jurassic World at Islands of Adventure is the exact same ride system as Jurassic Park, but by making a big song and dance that JP was closing forever the park fueled talk about the ride. Its pure marketing.
  2. Given TTD is widely said to have a less forceful launch than eXcelerator anyway, does that mean TTD is more about the total top speed and height anyway so the launch system matters less? Given the above I’d be sad to see xcel closed/changed because that launch is proper mental.
  3. I can say with fact (from the manufacturer) its rated above 50km/hr before it has to be stopped. So 45 IS within limits.
  4. Perhaps they need a big damn crane to move rivals and they just aren’t any available? It seems feasible given the current state of all things construction industry and so forth. I can’t imagine they have any desire to leave it sitting out there
  5. Why did you let your child climb over something that isn’t meant to be climbed on?
  6. Dunno why we’ve never seen a really good spinner like the one at Chessington. I could see that as a good fit at DW.
  7. Id say they need an elevated position for mounting that equipment so will leave the existing column in place even if the track ultimately goes. It’s effectively back of house now so prob fair enough.
  8. Did they? That would be interesting to know if true. Of it did, was it mechanical failure or electrical? Also worth noting that RMC don’t do control systems (like with most manufacturers). Six Flags do all their own in house. Other rides are by various companies.
  9. To be clear I have no issue with someone posting “Ive heard this” or “all evidence we have points to that”. I take issue when someone tries to argue their point by saying something is FACT when they don’t actually know that, and more so when I do actually know it to be factually correct. Likewise if I post something which I can’t give evidence/source for I don’t expect everyone to believe it. But I don’t expect anyone to say “no you are 100% factually wrong.” Just trying to give people as much information as I possibly can about things without crossing a line. Take it or leave it, that’s up to you.
  10. The talk over there is that RMC did have a few Clangers which affected their reputation. But as mentioned they have had a bit of a restructure and are slowly restoring the street cred after learning from some of the earlier mistakes. The El Toro incident is an interesting one. As indicators seem to point towards poor track maintenance more than anything else.
  11. To the contrary, it’s incredibly inconvenient, because it would be much easier to just post the info. And yes, I do know something you don’t know, and no I can’t say what it is. However that doesn’t mean it isn’t true and that your statement of an alternate scenario being fact isn’t incorrect. You’ll just have to accept (or don’t, really doesn’t bother me) that in some cases no matter of ‘research’ is going to result in you being the authority on the topic.
  12. Sorry you are incorrect, it is NOT a fact. You may think so because all the information publicly available information makes it look this way. However that doesn’t mean there isn’t more to the story that people can’t disclose publicly. DW is good at bullshit and media spin whilst what is going on/went on behind close doors is much less rosey.
  13. Standing by to see how the episode ages once Atlantis opens
  14. IF I was Dreamworld and IF I wanted another thrill coaster I would for sure build an RMC woodie. They will need something to combat Leviathan
  15. Because the last thing the park needs right now is another big tall coaster. It needs to round out its roster first.
  16. Yes the whole year. Also way to move the goalposts after your original comment.
  17. You’re talking to the wrong people then. Most good operators are smashing it at the moment.
  18. If he does get you one, don’t post it. They could get fired or banned from site, has already been one case of this. Just enjoy the video, it will be worth the wait.
  19. We’ve nearly all been on here for years saying the parks are undervalued and should be increasing prices. So good to see them finally taking the plunge and doing so. Also the UTT has progressively gotten worse and worse even since it started. First two years were great, exclusive, edgy and premium. Then it got more and more revenue generating, watered down and oversold. So not surprised it’s been canned.
  20. Totally agree. Take some bloody personal responsibility, you watched him climb it!
  21. Millennium Force only has stairs beside the top arc of the lift
  22. My reason is because they all look tacky as hell. From the kebab shop style lighting package through to the fact I could see Bloody wheels underneath the thing, that sky flyer at Seaworld looked awful. As does nearly every other traveling ride no matter what you do. Yes I would say the exception was the Seaworld Eye, and if you could do that with something sure. But I highly doubt that’s what you would get. Id hate to be a park operator. One day its “they suck because they didnt build a fully themed immersive attraction”, and the next “oh just wack some carni rides in there.” I dont envy their position
  23. Just 100% no, no way, never to the idea of bringing any portable rides into the parks. gross
  24. I don't think anyone is suggesting that at all. The shutdown was scheduled for a long time. It's likely the closure is a new thing but the work would still happen at the planned time in the next few months.
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