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Everything posted by rappa

  1. It It does if you hate yellow and prefer white
  2. So does that count as an enhancement now?
  3. There is a huge amount of tech that can be upgraded on this thing. Everything from the media servers, through the gaming system to the projectors is ancient by computer standards. The ride doesn’t run on DMX triggers, its all PLC based with a basic background state and individual scene triggers. You can easily change out scene by scene components to upgrade whilst leaving the underlying PLC control system untouched (PLC technology doesn’t really change ‘that’ much over time). So there is a hell of a lot of new life that could be breathed into the attraction just with system upgrades to the current equivalents of what is already there. Some new lights would be nice too.
  4. 6 weeks is a long time for a ride that needs basically none so I would imagine there must be some decent work going on to the rides effects/theming/av given that's all the ride is comprised of. I would much sooner see JL returned to good condition and money spent on other additions than them spend millions on replacing it with something likely similar.
  5. Isnt it having a big downtime soon?
  6. Honestly who cares? No but I’m the one paying so I’ll be the one reading. If others want to they are welcome to pay also
  7. Sure just send me the $24 to cover my subscription fee
  8. I actually bothered to read the article and it fails to mention a date or comment from the park stating a delay. They probably been doing Parkz forum research again for their amazing journalism. From what I gather the park is rushing towards the Sep 3 date and aiming to open as close as possible to that date. Both theming and ride elements alike are in the full swing of commissioning right now.
  9. They are testing at night for obvious reasons so… ???
  10. Yeah didnt Luna Park just make the biggest investment in forever 5 minutes ago? Yes its not perfect but its not nothing.
  11. I have zero issue with them getting money others didn’t fwiw. I also don’t ‘hate’ DW either just to be clear
  12. Did you read what I wrote at all? Or are you too busy frantically searching Parkz for years old posts from people to try and dig up as some kind of 'gotcha'? <- which is just damn friken sad by the way, get a life! I said it's irrelevant what we think, the reaction from the public was bad, which is not what the park needs. I know how this played out, because I watched it yesterday.
  13. Dom is correct that everyone has different opinions and everyone is entitled to them. My position has/is always also (as much as many don't like it) that enthusiast opinions (including my own) really do matter little when it comes to the grand scheme of things in terms of the business side of a theme park. I will say though that I read maybe 8 versions of this story posted on News socials yesterday. In each case the overwhelming public majority was a down vote to Dreamworld and angry comments about it. So right or wrong, my opinion or yours is largely irrelevant here, what is important is the optics are bad, for a park who already had bad optics as a legacy. The government is the government, so their shit actions will be largely forgotten amongst the next shit thing they do, unfortunately Dreamworld's rep is somewhat less resilient.
  14. Yeah and they don't turn around and build a roller coaster with them! Honest the Dreamworld sap bias is so ridiculous in this matter. How on EARTH does Dreamworld spending wildlife money on a bloody roller coaster (*cough* apparently it's just delayed and they'll do it later. BS! And if you can build a coaster in covid, you can build a small building for Koala research) somehow turn into Sea World are evil and their management is horrible and they hate everyone? What? Because the CEO drives a nice car? Give me a friken break! And yes the government is just as culpable in this as Dreamworld. It's disgraceful the government said yes to this, and it's equally so that Dreamworld even asked. Yes it is straight forward, straight forward that they care more about getting a shiny coaster open to drive gate (how's that empty carpark working out for them by the way?) than their animal commitments. No I wouldn't agree at all if it was Village, I would be equally as horrified. And don't keep bringing up Polar Bears, that's just being ridiculous for being ridiculous. Guess what, Tigers don't live at Coomera in the wild either!
  15. Come on, I give you a lot more credit for being this silly and obtuse. We all know (you included) the insane amount of money Village spend on animal care and rescue. This is issue is black and white. They said they’d build a Koala centre, they didn’t and they spent the money on a ride they couldn’t afford. Doesn’t matter how much of a nice and relatable guy enthusiasts think the park manager is, or how much they pander to those enthusiasts, it doesn’t change any of the above. This whole thing stinks.
  16. Hardly clickbait. It shows appalling miss use of public money by both Government and Dreamworld. After gifting them and loaning them ride money the gov should never have let them take money intended for wildlife research and use it for a ride. And the fact that the park 1, asked and 2, didn’t build the promised the facility is just another indication of how morally bankrupt current park management are towards the animals. It’s no wonder their dedicated and talented key animal people have all left. Management have no interest in ‘difficult’ expensive animals which are just a product to them they want more simple and profitable. The whole thing stinks and is pretty damn poor form by all involved.
  17. So they say it will be open and you decide it won’t ‘just cause’?
  18. Absolutely not, no way, nup, never! Not only is it a park institution, but actually has a connection to an A-List Hollywood legendary super star from opening day, and when was the last time one of those visited the park? Don't touch Dirty Harry Bar!
  19. It's a running trend on here to write something that's wrong, get called out for it, then double down with a new reality to prove the original wrong point. Everyone just needs to chill out and be a little let precious. And the "I was in a hurry so wrote nonsense" excuse is the oldest one ever. Hot tip: If you're in a hurry, then just resist the urge to post
  20. It's amazing how I manage to get into my car each and every time without an announcement reminding not to bash my head into it! Crazily I even manage whilst talking to people and looking where I am going instead of up 😛
  21. Geeze you lot love a winge about anything you can find. Who cares what 'spin' marketing use? Clearly it's not for any enthusiast (or any of your friends) because you already know about the ride. It's for people who literally see theme parks as a maybe activity in their 'normal' lives. I totally appreciate this is a theme park enthusiast forum so people here will base their opinions around the own person perspective, which is fine. But time and time again these posts come up along the lines of "they are stupid, NO ONE would want this, bla bla bla" and that's just not the case at all. Part of having an interest in the business side of theme parks is understanding the perspectives that are out there that differ from our own. And that does't just mean the perspective of 'people you know' because just by association they are going to be skewed towards your own opinion. I couldn't give a toss if they advertise "World's first coaster with 28 wheels instead of 26", if it sells a couple tickets, great! I'm concerned with what the final product looks and feels like. But mostly just happy a company is continuing to invest big dollars in theme parks in our own backyard.
  22. Why do people keep thinking Roadrunner will be made redundant by the new rides? All 3 new coasters will be WAY more intimidating than Roadrunner for young/scared visitors. Plus having something to do whilst younger siblings ride the kiddie rides will always be a thing. One does not replace the other.
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