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Everything posted by rappa

  1. Entirely different management and projects departments? 🤷‍♂️ *please can no one write a 6 paragraph post about how some management are the same because you know that’s not my point.
  2. Maybe they were hoping to reveal it as a surprise and didn’t expect some dumb subbie to go posting it for the gram
  3. How does one see Qsys equipment installed from out in the park?
  4. That’s pretty lame to post on 31st March
  5. Such poor project management..: 😝 sorry couldn’t resist… just a joke
  6. Saves power by slowing the chain but is still more efficient than stopping it completely.
  7. My views 1) If you can see the white building from outside the park who cares 2) If you can see the white building from a couple obscure places or on the monorail who cares. We’ve been looking at that Bermuda show building for decades and also plenty of back of house from the monorail 3) I doubt you will see the show building from anywhere on the cue and also likely not on the ride either so that’s good. 4) I’m hopeful the places you may see it from say over by Nick it will be dressed with landscaping or something else to hide it. But also this might take a few years to grow in which is common. 5) I can very much appreciate everyone ma skepticism on this topic as there have been some VRTP fails or this nature in recent times. However for me personally I’ll wait to see the finished product before I endlessly debate the colour of the green beam.
  8. All of the effects on the ride originally both inside and out were based on Steam. Because of regulations around boiler safety and upkeep the steam effects were decommissioned to remove the need to maintain a boiler. Because it was steam the first few shots of the outside effects usually resulting in some less than pleasant water spray before everything had come up to temperature.
  9. Ok I’ll double down and say FOREIGN TRADE AND MATERIAL SHORTAGE and Shipping Delays of the crap the above things make. Exactly what theming type equipment is made in Australia? Hint, the answer is zero and just because my zero will get pedantically contradicted… the answer is more like 0.05% of it.
  10. No of course it doesn’t. But it does call out the ‘only if it’s cheap and easy’ nature of their whole Nostalgia angle they are trying to run with. And that’s my point. Also FWIW in my opinion replacing one ugly fence with another ugly fence is no sort of improvement. I just wish mediocracy could stop being praised at every turn. Where then is the incentive to do better?
  11. Lol if you lost money real estate in the last two years your an idiot. Don’t go blaming Luna Park.
  12. I think stating 180 credits is just to establish a basis that he has an educated opinion to base their critique - fair Unfortunately parks in Australia are kinda dumb and don’t allow things that are fine all over the world (like sunglasses with straps- or without even!). And I just have to comment that someone has a ride has 4 ops that they saw with their own eyes and others of course have to say “no there weren’t” 😂
  13. What in gods name is that fence? Jesus, it’s hideous. Whats the end game for this? And FWIW the entire Dreamworld BS narrative of nostalgia can just bugger right off if there is no intention of restoring steam. Any idiot can dig out an old jingle, but actually backing that with in park guest experience is a whole other thing.
  14. Just not sure what the drawcard is without rides? What should motivate me to go here to eat food when I could visit say Eat Street or Miami Marketta?
  15. I dunno, if it was me I’d have my star 30million budget black hole attraction open for something like this to drive gate. Surely it’s draw hasn’t fallen off already. Or does some foot carts create more spend than their latest attraction? Seems off to me. One statement said they’d are about innovation. But the same food stall concept of your local market or shopping centre doesn’t speak that to me. Integrating it with a stellar attraction offering would be more innovative right?
  16. Soooo, pretty much what I said in regards to communication being less than stellar and the delays being BS are not the same thing. But also (and not saying this IS or ISNT the case here) you can only pass on what info you have. Both manufacturers and shipping companies have a habit of being less than forthcoming with delays on a premise of ‘not delivering bad news’.
  17. Let’s be clear. There is a mile long gap between Being bad at communication and Delays due to covid being bullshit and them being bad at project management. Yes 100% the messaging has left a lot to be desired. But again if you think everyone other than you is a bad project manager or liar just because you managed to ship one specific product, one time without issues then that’s silly. Another example. We just had a 40 foot container of product arrive today, 3 months from its already delayed arrival. Why? Because instead of going into Sydney shipping company just decided to send to Brisbane, then Victoria and then back to Sydney. Nice little holiday. And that was through ZERO fault of our own company.
  18. Don’t be trying to post accurate facts that we know from our actual jobs that we work in every day. It’s what casual hobbyists BELIEVE to be the case that is ‘their truth’ on this and that is that. 😉 I waited 10 months for delivery of my car but apparently that didn’t happen just because someone else got a totally different car in less time 🤦‍♂️
  19. A lot of things actually. When it comes to theming/entertainment technology it’s coming on many product lines to see manufacturing delays or up to 10months and shipping times of 4 months. Previously same products would have been on the shelf at manufacturers and shipped in a few days by air. This has all changed and is a problem we deal with daily. So the comments are genuine.
  20. Agree The ride would greatly benefit from a few million thrown at it for a refresh just to bring it back to life and update some show scenes with new technology. But quality and tasteful, not like a hat happened in Scooby.
  21. We all just gonna ignore the amazing graphic design quality of that video thumbnail then? Cool, no worries 😂
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