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Everything posted by rappa

  1. Who trod on your lunch and made you so damn grump Alex? Don't think there was any need for such an outburst. Thanks for the contribution jackf, welcome.
  2. I think the Sturt would improve its popularity greatly if it offered more than just a lap of the island... IE bring back the entertainment and some other attraction is this currently dead section of the park.
  3. I don't know how you could even think about comparing a ride from Intamin and one from huss. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say in my opinion Intamin are un paralleled in terms of quality, engineering and smoothness by any other manufacturer. That's before you even bring into the equation the extent to which they push the boundaries of what can be achieved with their designs and concepts. After all who produced B&M :-p
  4. Yes beware Richard the evil admin LMAO I think this thread lost all credibility within the first half dozen posts so why stop now
  5. Yes much of that to be done this weekend mate :-)
  6. HAHAHA 35 - 40 hours a week LMAO Yes mate, real hectic that school certificate...be careful not to colour the circles outside the line :-p Dude get over it, I just did a 90 hour week last week and got home 20 mins ago and have to be back at work in 5 hours, what's your complaint?? For those who see the news you would have seen my handywork in the form of the David Jones fashion launch held tonight in sydney... Gotta hate all those models LOL
  7. I'll join you on those thoughts Kostya! I haven't had a business hour minute off in a few weeks now and am working 7 days a week of usualy at least 12 hours. I don't come in here crappin on about how busy I am...poor little sod, must have got a bit too much homework this week ay ;-p
  8. Umm and I would say how about you just don't ride it if you don't like the idea of it? Why on earth would they do something as stupid as removing one of the signature elements of what IMO is a great coaster??
  9. Sorry to break the topic Rich...go on yell at me if you must, I can handle it :-) So maybe all this time later Bus can tell us what actualy happend on Snowy that day we had the TT meet??
  10. Just thought I'd point out that unless any of us actualy work for a theme park we are merely members of the General Public ourselves... I just find that amusing sometimes
  11. Oh yeah that helix rocks! Its the only time I've ever come close to blacking out on a ride, well anywhere actually. And I tell you I was pretty damn close, the world got very dark! The park itself wasn't dirty, it was more depressing than anything else. Had no life force. I mean it was dead so I won't hold the emptiness against it because that was great but many things were closed or not working. Also the staff weren't anything to write home about. Nothing like the staff at Knott's, however I see over on WC they are getting a bit of a beating now... I also have been reading on WC that the park has been getting a lot better of late. When I was there Superman was running though and most rides had a least 2 trains...
  12. Sorry I think he should have said good coaster designs are one off :-p
  13. Hey Bus Where abouts were you operating a Gyro Swing? Not doubting you, just curious :-p
  14. Okay I started to agree with you there Obstructure but then you lost me towards the end. Yes as I have said the ride is fine, will be great and the public will love it...hell I'm sure I'll take a shining to it myself once I get to ride it (I haven't ridden anything of this style as yet). What I don't agree with is where you sugest that just because this is Australia we shouldn't expect rides to operate at a decent capacity or have top quality theming. That is just selling both us and the GP short.
  15. Am I the only one feeling a bit of Dejavu coming on?
  16. No see I agree with you completely (and have from the start) Richard about making out it's something that it's not. However, in my opinion (yes for all you youngins I actualy used the words and not IMO) the GP will see it as a thrill attraction. I believe that to them it will live up to the PR hype, it's just that we know better. We (and by we I mean those who have been fortunate enough to go abroad and sample their rides) are probably spoilt like that.
  17. I have to agree with Bus on this point... We all sat around here winging for a very long time about the lack of additions to Wonderland all those years. Now Dreamworld is adding rides (and for no particular need or anything) and we are doing our best to complain about it not being good enough. I agree it's not E-ticket and it's not quite in the same league as Wipeout but the GP with think it's fantastic and that's really all that is needed. I'm sure we won't be dissapointed when the park does get it's next 'E Ticket.'
  18. Okay either I am living in a hole, am really stupid or I just missed it... Seen though you've said as much as you did, would you mind to actualy explain what specifically did hapen with Reptar?? Good update though!
  19. I wouldn't be too worried Rich...if you want a great site with heaps of content and very active boards go to R-C.com If you want some great commic releif, well go over and check out Schwarz's site :-D
  20. WOW I don't know how because it's not like I was reading out loud but I seriously had to take a few deep breaths after reading that report... DUDE full stops are your friend man...reminded me of 'this one time, at band camp' LMAO Oh also good to see your spelling (or lack of) aint limited to this site...you've taken it on board at your own as well. ...I love school holie days and it's always great when a banner gose here :-)
  21. Thanks for that Schwarz... Good to know we've got you here keeping up the representation for the low end of the gene pool!
  22. Biggest problem with that is it's not actualy Catilever seating as you aren't supporting it from the other side. This puts all the stress on the connection of the car to the tower and as we know from X the result of this can be less than desirable... Actualy on that topic just how are the cars connected to the track...I mean they run on those rails but how is what would usualy be 'under wheels' achieved?
  23. Well I'm sure many will have read what's been posted at AAF and if not soon will. It would appear all has been revealed with what we're getting for MW. However let me point out one fatal flaw with the RUMOUR...that particular ride is designed and built by Disney in house. Any use of it would require either Disney being the manufacturer or WBMW simply 'pirating' the design... A)Disney won't come and build a ride in a Warner park and if they did there is no way we could afford it... B)Should they decide to STEAL the ride they will get hit with such a lawsuit they might as well close the doors tomorrow... So either the park is a thief or we can all keep on guesing :-)
  24. No wasn't saying anything personal against you Rabid... I know you wouldn't be able to say anything whether it be true or not I'm just saying I'm not going to buy into anything until it's official...
  25. Without knowing what the other control functions are I would say Park would lock the car down in the 'stopped in station' position either for; a)loading/unloading - car would return to station and then be 'parked' so that restraints could be released and it be safe for persons to dissembark and board the vehicle. There would also be interlocks tied to the braking and launch systems preventing both the breaks from releasing and the launch from being powered up until the car was 'unparked' or b)end of day lock down where the car would be parked and secured so that the ride could be shutdown at the end of the day or for maintanance operations... Am I pretty close?
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