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Everything posted by rappa
No the Supermarket is no acceptable and the Bank CERTAINLY isn't. No I don't think the balance is right, especially on Cyclone and why should someone pay the same admission in non peak times as they do in february is this is what you are saying? Are you saying their money is worth less than people coming in peak periods? If you are going to say that wait times are made up for by great customer service, you have to make sure that there is great customer service...I'm afraid there isn't. I'm not condeming all staff but there are a lot... Clearly this is not something that can't be achieved...look at Movie World. I still find those stuff some of the most friendly and fun you'll ever find and they achieve good capacity. And I'm not just comparing to Aussie parks here either.
No Richard is right... Its not ALL about 'pushing cattle through' but it is much about getting people on rides...not the same thing. And we all know that people are not going to wait forever in line and get pissed off but get to the end and go "oh but hey the guy at the front was very nice." They are going to remember the wait, there has to be a balance. IMO DW's customer service does not make up for poor capacity. IMO also this is mainly only a problem on Cyclone... Richard is just saying, he doesn't know all the facts so he can't say how to improve the situation. That doesn't mean it doesn't need to be improved!
I wasn't sugesting you were trying to cover anything up, you just seemed to me to be very quickly making sure no one would think the park would operate a broken/unsafe attraction. ...which is fair enough
Well I'm not buying into any of this crap until it IS announced as I've heard rumours from far too many people on here that were absolute rubbish... I will say though that what they should be looking at is either a flyer (themed as I have said before) of a big kick arse Woodie...country really needs a good one of these, never have had one before :-)
Simple he made it up just like half the crap people come out with! And the restraints is not really the reason S:TE is closed, it has been down for many many months, just glad I got on it when I did last year!
Two things... First I think having the que along the track would be pretty darn cool. Getting it withstand the 'forces' would be no problem as they aren't all that huge lateraly and you can get tough enough material to make it from. Sure would be a pretty unique que style and I know I'd get a kick out of standing there watching! Second, enough of this bloody 'emergency evacuation' crap! Haven't we (and everyone else on earth) all had enough of this theming to make us sick? Every second ride out there tells us that we need to evacuate. It's all a bit old and sad I think. Especially given the fact that you actualy end up just where you started from...
Well I think that is what Big Mal was pretty much saying...broken (ie something wrong with it) but not broken causing it not to be operated (ie unsafe)... No need to fly off protecting your park
That's great to see some DW ops on the boards. More than just on the boards I'd say its great to see a couple who seem very enthusiastic about their job, that comment on customer service really hit home with me. I don't want to bad mouth your co-workers but that sort of attitude is not something I've seen from some of the employees in the past. I think that is what is needed, staff who care how thier park looks and what guests thing. Only thing I would say is yes its not just about hearding cattle but it is about getting riders through your attractions. IMO TOT does this just fine, as does GD...which only gets bad if its just one car but I still think the throughput is great. Cyclone certainly is the exception, there is NEVER a case when a single op operation is acceptable, you always need at least 2 and in busy times jack it up to 3. As for shift a funnier load of crap I've never read :-p No you do not make it free entry, that reduces it to a crappy pay per go park, I'm afraid that's just the luck of the draw with parks. If you don't ride the idea is the park should still have enough for you to do...perhaps that's what DW needs to improve. And yes great idea to add rides which the park pretty much already has!
Okay I won't go on a huge thing about what I'd do for the park now as I'm pretty tired... Just wanted to say a couple things. What I think the park needs more than anything is some prettying up, get the fountains beautiful, the gardens and all that top notch. Really get Main Street back perfect, bit of a Disney thing... You guys seem to want to rip out any of the old stuff and get new thrill rides in... It was a damn shame they ruined Model T with TOT and I'd hate to see more ruined. Keep Imax how it is, maybe just a new film. Keep Model T. Get Rivertown booming again I say, something for the parents and I certainly have font memories as a kid. Get Cap Sturt back to its former glory with the show and all. Do something with the old theatre...just the same damn show would be great enough. Perhaps another attraction, I'm not sure what but in this style (not thrill) in the area would go a long way to 'round' off the park IMO. I really don't know why attraction to put in but am open to sugestion. I really don't like the enclosing of TOT idea... for me half the ride is wipping along past the park and with a tunnel you'd loose that. And I'd say no way to a clear tunnel because we all know DW would never keep it clean.
Yeah but funny that I don't really here of guets running amuck on live sets over at Universal... Perhaps they could get some less than cheap trams and just monitor them adequately and they'd solve the problem. No offence intended (my problem is with mgmt. not staff at WL) but those trains are pretty cheap and nasty and go so slow that its pretty easy to jump off. I wouldn't be stupid enough to jump off but then again I'm not many of the turds thats used to hang out at WL. I have not really seen many such undesirables at MW.
Well I totaly agree. I still remember my first visit to MW just after it opened. We went on the studio tour. Stopped off at some sets then onto the SPX stages. Was great at the time and with updating could be just fine. I think thats a load of crap about security issues. It can't be that hard to either keep people in the tram or just stop it if they manage to jump out. But I honestly don't thing too many people are going to go jumping from a moving vehicle.
HAHA nice one Richo!
The thing I never understood about Bounty is just why the hell the OTSRs were so heavy, its not like they need weight to be effective, without the weight of those things it would have been a much more comfortable ride! Old design I guess :-(
It is indeed Intamin and I think it's more or less the same (minus the dressing) to their looping space ship models so maybe you can get your nitty gritty measurments from that??
**** Alex! Actualy no even worse, despite the swearing rules... **** ME! If half of the stuff you're saying is true that is serious stuff!!! Anyone else care to share some info on this train ripping through the station with the Catch Car attached incident?
Well personaly I wouldn't put a ride in that park, WnW is for slides, its a water park. If I did have to do a ride (and I dont know why anyone would *have* to) then I would go for one of those Flying Super Saturator things... Personally I would like to see a water coaster of the slide type. Like the thing Cedar Point is puting in. That would be an excelent major attraction for Wnw.
Nope adventure land was/is on Camden Valley Way. I went there once many many years ago and remember it exactly as you describe. We went out there once in the school hols and it was certainly up an running, just basically a bunch of carny rides dumped around the joint. I was much more interested in the things you decribe when I was there too. The boat ride, slide, waterslides, train and who knows what else used to be there. I know that it was called Walley World when these things were running but don't know anything more about it :-( Does anyone? To throw another one into this mix there was also another park just near Magic Kingdom called Dizzyland... all I ever saw of it was an old defunct sign outside what used to be the entrance many years after it closed and that was back when i was 12 or so. Maybe I need to go for a drive out that way... the only time I ever went to Magic Kindom was after going out to WL one day with dad in the first week of the xmas hols. Some of you may recall WL never used to be open the first week but that had not been publicised, many people rocked up to admin unhappy that day, us included. We were offed free return passes, dad took me to MK to cheer me up :-p
Perfectly summed up Bus. I would say a big part of that is the safety of our public transport system...even before we begin to bring up the sad state of the trains at the moment. I will never catch a train, I just don't feel safe. I can back that up with why if you really need me to but lets just leave it at that. Until we can get somewhere easily and safely via public transport we will continue to drive. Add to that it takes me 20-25mins on a good day to drive to WL, via public transport I'd estimate it at anything from 1-1.5 hours.
I wouldn't say sydney is 'used to it.' Anyone who really lives in Sydney and spends anytime in the city and CBDs would know just how much Sydney was ****ed up for anyone not going to and from the Olympics. Everyone talks about how wonderful we handled the Olympics but anyone who actualy knows how they achieved that sees a very different side of it. We only achieved such sucess by sacrificing all the public transport not around the Olympic site and by forcing businesses to close to free up the roads. Don't mean to go off on a rant but yeah I don't think we are just willing to accept sub standard transport solutions... sorry Zordy :-(
Its funny about Intamins track being 'sqaures' all 3 of their track types (flat, tri and sqaure box) are actualy all triangles...they all use triangular webbing for their structural strength. Personaly I prefer Intamins track and support designs over anyones...actualy same could be said for their rides in general :-)
Well like I said I wasn't comparing X I was just saying things changed with X and already stated why. As for Big 1 I only used it as an example as the photo illustrates what I was talking about. Oh and yes Tower of Terror all about squares...well except for the GIANT Circle being the tower :-p
Bloody Oath Bus! Could you imagine the impact a giant billboard over the entire turnaround would have had...much better revenue than a bloody logo atop probe. It really wouldn't even have had much of a bad effect from inside the park either as the sign would be facing the other way.
Heres one I've been wondering about for a while. I'm sure everyone has notice just how much support Arrow have for their coaster track, especially lift hills - http://www.rcdb.com/installationgallery775....htm?Picture=11 B&M however use very few supports in relation to the amount of track on their coasters - http://www.rcdb.com/installationgallery216....htm?Picture=21 Arrow sort of started to get it with X (http://www.rcdb.com/installationgallery750....htm?Picture=20) but this still has some beefy supports. X is a bit different however just due to the sheer wait of the track and the train it must support. Even though a lot of B&Ms are much younger in comparison to the Arrows out there I still find it odd that there is such a difference with just how much supporting steel Arrow use, especially as the 2 wide track with its narrower guage would likely weigh less than the 4 wide B&M track. Of course Intamin are a different story as they tend just not to bother supporting their track at all :-p
No Jos is actualy spot on. No standard sit down looper that only runs forwards really needs restraints at all. The centrifugal forces that are at work will hold you in your seat no matter whether your upside down or not. Of course in the advent of an emergency the restraints come into play. We all know OTSRs are never needed though, just look at the old Schwarzkopf coasters!
Howdy guys. I was looking through yesturdays paper which had an article on Blackpool. In it was a photo which you can find here: http://www.m.sheen.dial.pipex.com/coasterk...y_bigten_02.jpg After talking to Richard he dug up this little gem, an interested read...AND stunt. http://www.m.sheen.dial.pipex.com/coasterk...hday_bigten.htm