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Everything posted by rappa

  1. At this stage I plan on going to the show next Friday which is the first day of the show :-)
  2. Yes I totaly agree Richard. And it is a damn shame about colossus, theres nothing I hate to see more than sagging wood and peeling paint It still is a damn cool ride though, and I was so glad when I finaly got to ride it after seeing the Vincent Price doco. and Griswalds all those years ago :-) I think a woodie would be great for MW, followed by an indoor matrix themed flying dutchman (loading on Vekoma suits matrix theme better). Dreamworld should get the giant stand up from B&M and an Intamin Perilious Plunge style ride. As for Seaworld I think the perfect addition should be this new coaster being discussed at the moment on Westcoaster. Tiny footprint and would pack a punch. Its a B&M floorless with a smaller footprint than a Boomerang! http://rcdb.com/installationdetail2504.htm
  3. You just need to ride Ghostrider is all Dan...I think that pretty much sums up the argument. My god that thing is amazing. I really think MW should be the ones to go down the woodie path. Put it over near WWF and it could easily be themed to the old west. MW would give it the capacity and the attention it needed. And we all know that if it was built at MW it would be nothing short of fantastic :-)
  4. But without the wheel where would have the got the idea for the pizza?? :-)
  5. Yes I'd agree with you Richard things have certainly changed a lot since the days when I was a lad...and I still have one of those captain hats :-) I do remember the place as being very different when I would visit with my parents all those years ago. This is the time like pre-wipout and wildlife park and all that stuff. I suppose its nice that we have some of that stuff now but I will always miss some of the 'character' the place had. Most of this down in the rivertown areas, the Model T's really haven't been the same since TOT went flying over the top. I for one though am happy to see the loops stay. If you all recall I was the one that actually sugested this many months ago...would be funny if the park got the idea from there :-p I don't see it so much as tacky but rather just leaving a landmark in place which is really what they are. I will give you the point though that if they are to leave them there they really need to increase their presence from the highway. I think its a better way of doing things than simply removing any trace that the ride ever existed which is what you see when most other parks remove rides...
  6. Well seen though you asked them two completely seperate questions and her answer was only "YES" as you say, exactly what does that mean???
  7. No I'm not saying you were wrong bout the model/manufacturer coming to Dreamworld. Wow that would be a big harsh to expect you to get the right one out of two almost identical rides. Besides I couldn't care less whether its a huss or intamin in terms of flats... What I am talking about is that the ride you are talking about IS NOT a Huss Delirium, it is a Giant Frisbee. Delirium is a completely different ride and not the one found at the us park with the Ride named Delirium. That is what I was getting at. Why I got annoyed is that I have explained this already and still people continue to use the wrong names...
  8. Well if you insist on being so pedantic then at least get it right. The right is not a Huss Delerium!!! It is a Giant Frisbee, Delirium is a completely different model. Just because one park calls it's ride that doesn't make it suddenly the name of the model. We don't call it a Vekoma Demon do we? Or how about an Intamin Space Probe???
  9. Well yeah I was there late Feb too and yes the damage was incredible. Fortunately for your average GP member that would have no clue, a true credit to the MW crew for getting it back so quickly. There is still much work to do and as it has been sugested I imagine it will go down for quite some time once the weather cools off a bit, possibly post holidays Rabid? You wouldn't want to have a major water ride closed in this weather!
  10. WOW yeah 800*600 is way out of date these days. I agree 1024*768 is the norm but having said that I run all my displays at 1280*1042. Most sites you'll find will be designed around 1024*768 and up.
  11. Not that I doubt you or anything Daniel but I find it really weird that WL now have to close those two rides early in night time trading. I can maybe understand why Snowy can't run in the dark now when it once could, you would have used to have several staff in the spotters towers and on the dock where as with staff cutbacks that is no longer the case. Therefore like you said you can't see the whole course and it could be unsafe... However BB doesn't make any sense...its not like its suddenly darker at night now than for the past how ever many years, or that you used to be able to see the track... Both rides always used to be open at night and were great fun, why do things suddenly change now???
  12. And I'm first dibs for Freak Number 2...I'll be the weirdo on the Bush Beast station making sure no one gets in the back row on that last run but me! :-)
  13. Well please share your wisdom of how you'd like it to be spelt and I shall change it...however this way has been working for me for the last 20 years and my dictionary is pretty happy with it also :-p
  14. Perhaps they could run a big competition. Maybe like a big spelling contest where the winner gets the last ride ever at Wonderland??? Pity Shifty would never win :-p
  15. Actoaly from what I heer the real reeson for teh sale of the park is oa thay can undertak a major internation investment. It looks like the sic flags has decided to capitolise the whole in the market that will soon be created when Wodnerland Sydniy closes next month. The chain plans to open a new park in the Sidney area within the next 18 to 24 months with a host of brrand new atracctions. We will be getin 3 new B&Ms as well as a big Woodie and someting from Intamin. I cant wait its like my dreams have come true!! Yours Trueley shifty mc shift.
  16. OMG Joz I just pissed myself with your milkshake comments...very well put there! Tell you what guys, Richard sure aint exadurating when he said scary, I've never seen two guys freak out as much as those two did in the front seat of that baby :-) Not just on the cables thing, I know Joz will share my views... To say this place has some sort of fetish for pulleys and cables is somewhat of an understatement. I swear the entire mountain is held together with cables in one way or another, the things run every which way around the place and we're certain that everything down to the small gate on the Scenic Railway runs on one! All I can say for the gold ole folks at Scenic World...if you ever hear the words "Work Cover Inspection" RUN...RUN Really fast!
  17. Well I got an email from the Guest services manager letting me know that at this stage they are still planning/expect to be open until the 26th... I know they have the staff issues but its great that management are still trying to do their best to keep things running till the end.
  18. Sounds interesting Ian. Not too sure exactly what the plans are as yet and what dates I'm looking at but will certainly have a think about it. Be in touch...
  19. Can I ask how you guys are scoring this stuff? I wouldn't mind getting my hands on a piece of that little bit of history myself
  20. Sounds like a really cool trip you have planned! Look forward to hearing all about it, I hope to get over and do the big East Coast thing next year. Will also have to try and get up to San Fran one of these days I guess Richard.
  21. Yeah well what can I say, still have no idea why everyone went all weird when I sugested that we introduce ourselves... Strange how we'll all happily come on here and let fly at each other yet go all strange when at last we meet. LOL
  22. Hey Screammachine I was me of course! LOL No I was Mr. Shortarse with the white shirt that was with Liam when you rocked up... And how good were the dodgems! Just watching those several cycles before us was damn funny stuff... I actualy really still can't believe just how good a day I had at WL! I just have to say once again how good the entire weekend was, will definately have to be done again sometime soon. Gyro Swing opening day anyone??
  23. Well Flea I'm pretty sure he jumped on Probe with DJKostya and I on that first ride of the day...pissed I only got to ride on the car with the dodgy view all day :-( That guy is indeed weird :-p Neil! Why on earth didn't you come find us? It wasn't like we were hard to spot and you should have rung Richard. Bummer eh. Hope you had a good day, post your pics...
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