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Everything posted by rappa

  1. Nah Dan, althought that would have been very nice this was much more involved and humourous than a simple Bounty Blow Out...and nope this we will keep for quite some time, if you ask me the $40 admisson was worth it just for this! Yeah, not talking about actualy trying to open the door...this guy was trying to climb over and around the closed door! Weirdo, then when he got out he headed straight to all the other cabins and opened the doors. Guess he wanted to play ride op??? I think the guys in the water were staff, if what I am led to believe happend, someone actualy fell or jumped from their raft mid-course...but again I don't want to speculate.
  2. Just to clarify the Incident was on Snowy River, not Bounty's...the Bounty's was a much different, funny and more apealing to the eye one :-) Yeah well that looks to confirm what we thought and that is that someone fell out of the ride mid course and failed to return to the station...again this is not fact people, only a best guess! I am attempting to have this clarified as we speak. What the hell was the go with the chick? Whish we'd been there to see that! Should have just asked her "How is Malaysia these days" LOL Door Boy was this guy who felt the urge to try and get out of the Zodiac car on the ground without the door being opened...like WTF
  3. Yes you know I bought a shirt. I could have done so earlier but was more fun to let you bug me about it all day :-) Oh yes I forgot about lunch. Lunch was really cool, easily worth the small sum of $12.50! I'm pretty sure Richard got a few pics. I can't believe we didn't do a group pic though, that was a bit slack of us all...
  4. WOW, Richard, Joz and I were sure Liam would be the first on here with a post Now I'm not really one to do full blown trip report...so I won't! I will give you all a few highlights from the day however. We ended up with about a dozen all up, not a bad show but to all of you that were no shows, unfortunately you became the but of many jokes all day :-p Those in attendance were myself, Richard, Joz, Flea, Andy q69, Screammachine (+3), DJKostya, Muke and STDragon (+1). So yes where were all of you that said you were coming??? We kicked off the day at about 10:20am due to a late taxi (or was it contents of the taxi Richard?) which had in it some very important folks. We hit pretty much everything like Probe, Demon and BB many times during the day. A few including Joz and Richard got stuck on the BB lift at one time. DJ Kostya managed to clean up a bird on Demon’s boomerang :-) We all got drenched on Snowy, I'm sure that didn't used to happen! And of course we all got abused by Bounty's Revenge. There were also a few characters along the way like Dodgem Boy and Zodiac Door guy that made the day all that more amusing. But the one highlight of the day had to be without a doubt Bounty's Girl...however I think we'll have to take that one to the grave...that'll teach you not to come HAHAHA We also got to somewhat witness what we're pretty sure was a major incident on Snowy River in the afternoon which resulted on the ride being drained and shutdown for the rest of the day. Staff quickly cleared us out and were very hush hush about it so I won't speculate on here what it was all about. Still, added excitement none the less. All in all I think a pretty good day was had by all in attendance. Thanks to management for the deals and Liam and Richard for organising them. There are plenty of shirts still available and I think everyone should buy one. Last ride of the day was on Bush Beast As Richard said "Let's do it all again when Lunar Park closes." :-)
  5. Hey Screamer, interesting to hear for studying Event management...perhaps our paths shall cross some day. I just got home from the Horden and RHI where I've been for the last few hours checking out the lighting and other technical aspects for Mardi Gras this year. Certainly looks like it should be quite impressive and I don't think you'll be dissapointed :-)
  6. Does anyone have the ability to/can they poste this footage from the news? I missed it down here :-(
  7. AH, yeah funny stuff... To my knowledge it don't close...I mean should you guys just want to go do your own thing that's fine but if you want to hook up that's about the best I can offer :-(
  8. Hey Joz what was that photo supposed to be? Just looks like any other Deamon shot to me????? What has suddenly made everyone so sure the Coaster is going into DW? Not that I don't believe you, I'm sure if it was cheap enough they'd buy it...even if they were planning another coaster if you can pick up a bargain and an extra main attraction why not... Panthers is all good...just remember I'm looking towards midnight for getting out there though :-)
  9. LOL Don't know why but I just senced a tone in your voice when you said Homosexuals and it made me giggle :-) No I have no problem with them or Mardi Gras at all but don't want to be in the city when its that heaving with people. Also to a lesser extent whilst I don't have any problem with it, it's not really my scene so don't particularly want to be completely surrounded by it. Its their night, let them enjoy it I say!
  10. Wow Ian sounds pretty drastic! What are they actualy doing when you say they are destroying it? Can't wait for photos...
  11. Well after reading Thunder's latest post over at Westcoaster that The Bolt is now being removed I thought I'd bring it over to TT :-) I can imagine plenty of folks will be documenting its removal for all of us to see?? Well I hope so anyway :-)
  12. Yeah City will definately be a no go zone on Saturday night! I actualy got a phone call this afternoon to light one of the venues and gave it a very wide berth :-)
  13. Thats great news. Just wondering does everyone want to post their Travel plans for the weekend so we know who is in town when?? I was thinking perhaps we could organise to all have dinner post WL on the Sunday at somewhere near by?? Also for anyone in town...do you have any thoughts on a late night drink probably at Panthers Saturday Night? I am working probably till 11 or 12ish but am certainly up for anything after that... Only a few days now :-)
  14. Yes Yes I know where Rooty Hill is... My comment was more refering to what hotel are you staying at that happens to be in Rooty Hill...
  15. Cool stuff Former. I always enjoy meeting those anonymous folks from the forum worlds :-)
  16. So will we be seeing you on the 7th Former??
  17. Rooty Hill?? Where on earth are you guys staying?? I was thinking more that we all head into the city... Of course we could always commit crimes against nature and venture to Panthers but times would have to be desperate!
  18. So yes I'll definately be there and looks like my mate Richard shall be attending too. Now to the more imprtant matters...SOCIALISING! When is everyone actualy coming into town/where are you all staying? I am doing a show at the Zoo on the Saturday night but should be finished by 11...I was thinking perhaps we could all go for a drink in town (well those of us that can), Joz I'm looking in your direction here :-) Look forward to finally catching up with everyone! Are you coming down Ian?
  19. Yeah its just that sort of lack of attention to detail that gets to me. There is nothing major wrong there, it's just a heap of little things that they haven't been bothered to take care of. The thing that got me the most was the sheer abundance of Gaffer Tape holding the park together! Double screamer is 100% fine IMO, its just the Tabogan conveyer system that needs a little looking at, same goes for Mammoth Falls. But yeah it's just little touch ups that are just not on IMO and should be looked at imediately. But yeah, what is with wirlpool? I just don't get what the ride is trying to be???
  20. Okay just walked in the door from visiting WnW today... I was extremely disappointed at just how deteriorated most of the park is at present. What's the story? Is there like some sort of maintenance budget shortage or does WVP just not give a damn about the place? The only ride not looking shabby was probably Mammoth Falls but even that had issues with its tubes and tube transportation system. Things like Twister, Super 8 and Speed Coaster could all do with some touch ups and leaks being fixed. Double Screamer's conveyer system is more or less on its last leg now. The 'mountain' is in a disgusting state, holes and stuff all over the place. Basically the whole park just needs one big re-furb including much needed paint, including the wave pool. Its sort of like they build a new ride and just forget about the other ones already there. Hell even Whirlpool has got rubber flooring peeling off already. And as for Whirlpool, what's the go? Like its beyond crap, nothing really more than Calypso Beach if you ask me. If the water got some decent speed up it would be good but as is it's a totally nothing attraction. Is this it's design or did they just not get it quite right? I still had a very enjoyable day but was just very disappointed at how shabby the place is getting. Also I'd say 2 in 10 of the staff there aren't rude wankers that would quite obviously sooner be somewhere else... a pity.
  21. Okay guys let's all get some perspective here... Yes I'm upset its closing but I don't really care for myself, I haven't been to the park for years and if its close or stay the way it is it may as well close. I'm sad that something I remember from my childhood is going as I've seen a lot of attractions disappear over the last few years. I am more angry for all those hundreds that now are left with no jobs and also for the impact it will have on the local area and that council in particular, leaves a big hole out there. All this being said its certainly not like they are cutting off my leg or bombing orphans, its pretty dirty what they have done but in no way criminal. ING certainly have done nothing wrong, they were offered a good deal on land and they took it, its not their fault what it used to be used for. As for buying it, my guess is no one wanted it, it has already been said that the GC parks are not interested in the rides themselves otherwise they could have even bought the park and begun operating it. My guess is Six Flags is in no position to go buying parks at this stage and no other operator was interested. This may very well open up Sydney to a new major park/attraction in the future, only time will tell. As for re-locations its quite possible that one or 2 of the rides will stay local, after all its not like WL were saying they were closing last week, so there’s nothing to say secretly WVP or MLT are considering any of the attractions. You never know, Demon might be off to asia to join its old neighbor coasters...BTW where is Expo 88 tower?? Anyway that's pretty much my thoughts guys. Yes its sad, yes they kind of suck, but its not like its personal. You will certainly be able to go on living, I'm sure very soon a lot of you will come to see that a few lovely girls in Bikinis are a lot more pleasant that a ****ty theme park :-p See you all on the 7th I hope!
  22. Well at this stage I'm supposed to be working but Im thinking that I'll try and ditch it :-) My guess we'll probably meet something like 9:45 outside the main gate...wat do we all think?? ...unfortunately I don't think anywhere in Syd has $20 Corona buckets though Joz :-p Cheers Clint *had a good one at Jupiters tonight* Dulieu
  23. Yes its amazing how nice and wide you can make your roads/pathways without those anyoning ride things getting in the way all over the place :-p
  24. I'm in if I can make it. I ask that we please not make it until after last weekend in March because I have to work every weekend until then :-( I could however maybe do a March Sunday but it would depend. I would greatly apreciate it if you could fit in with my dates because I'd love to come. As much as I hate what the place has become I definately want to go one last time... Please Flea or Richard get in touch with me with any date your thinking of so we can try and work something out...
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