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Everything posted by rappa

  1. 100% a new gondola system with a mid-station at the castle and then continuing to the resort!
  2. Info about Fright Nights are good to post in this thread. A pissing contest over who knew things first and the definition of such is not Thank you for visiting
  3. Agreed! Stop going on about putting a hazer in there, the worst idea ever. Go back to you camera mate.
  4. @Dean Barnett you’re an idiot. To be exact the machines in use are a Look Solutions Cryo Fog. @Gazza is right, you can see one of the tanks down below the brake run. @DaptoFunlandGuy of course there could be a manual control but a) ride ops are there to focus on safe ride operation, not operate show elements b) the goal (and what happens) is to have the ride dispatch as soon as its ready so you don’t want them ‘waiting for fog’ any more than waiting for a video. Fun fact, the fog actually triggers from a station attendant dispatch button so there is a tiny bit of time before actual dispatch of the train from the main panel. Thus concludes my Dean schooling for today.
  5. The very nature of Low Fog/CO2 effects is that they are quick dispersing. The last thing you want is it ‘filling’ the station. The real issue you have at Leviathan is the small amount of time between the Dispatch command and the train rolling out. This doesn’t really give enough time for the effects to start flowing and be effective.
  6. Problem is their fan base gets smaller after ever ride.
  7. Wow! And this is what happens when you slowly water down the clout imagineering has in the parks, you end up with 'GC Style' in Disney parks 😛
  8. It's so easy I already 'designed' it for them. Just confused why construction hasn't started yet? 😛 https://www.parkz.com.au/forums/topic/9325-dreamworld-general-park-update-april-2021/?do=findComment&comment=189841
  9. I would think the best look would be some whimsical style artwork as a mural on that fence depicting what is to come for the area. Maybe that’s in the works?
  10. Leviathan’s lights do already follow the train. However as the train’s eyes light up the lights actually turn OFF on the structure as it passes by as the park wanted the effect of a ‘shadow’ of the creature and to emphasize the train lighting. No it doesn’t provide the same effect, it probably has more impact given the scale of the structure. However currently that’s not the program that’s in use as the park wanted what’s above. But I’ve seen it and it looked great. It could also easily be incorporated into any shows on the lake.
  11. Has a nicer ring to it than Memorial Factory in Coomera though
  12. Of all the insanely moronic ideas you've proposed this is by far the worst. Which pool of specialised ride mechanics will they pull from for this exactly? And yes, let's incentivise people with money to have rides open that shouldn't be (the only reason they are closed is because they require maintenance)!
  13. It’s got to be one of the best and most thrilling rides in the world, why change a thing? Good on them for investing to keep it running for years to come!
  14. I mean to be completely fair they 100% would have felt Covid roll on effects on this project. Firstly they are dealing with construction trades which have stupid high demand so even getting them is half the battle. But secondly, we kinda know they ran into unexpected issues/items that needed to be addressed on the tower/ride as they went through the process. These would have likely meant they had to start from scratch on whatever these were in a post Covid environment. So as much as someone might like it, for sure they would have had Covid related delays and we do just need to accept it.
  15. I feel like Lightning Rod was a victim of a marketing dept with too much say. In a rush to be the first/fastest/whatever it was wooden launch coaster they forgot to stop and think if a wooden launch was a smart idea. Ultimately the track design was also terrible, but had the launch problems not existed (remember it actually caught fire! - 1 day before I was going to ride) the track issue would have seemed much more minor. It was an amazing try, and for the lucky few that got to ride it an amazing coaster, but a lesson in the perils of trying to push the limits.
  16. I don't know any more than any other Joe Shmo on what maintenance the coaster needs and why. But I'm smart enough to work out that not one single other ride exists that fits all the categories of this thing once you consider what it is, what it's made of, the location and the fact it sits in a different regulatory framework than anything else out there comparable. So yeah I put it in a box of 1, because it is in a box of 1. I'm also smart enough to know it's not good business to keep your star player sitting on the bench, so if the ride has a certain amount of maintenance, it must need it. I fail to see why a comment like "I'm keen to know why", basically implying someone isn't prepared to accept that it's ok until they have been given what they feel is satisfactory information, is warranted. For me if the park says "This is how much maintenance it needs", which it has by scheduling it, then that's all the information I need. As someone who is no expect in the maintaining of a high speed wooden rollercoaster in Australia in 2023 who am I to question it? As for rusting... well wood doesn't rust, but it sure does bend, warp and rot, and there is also a hell of a lot of metal holding that whole thing together.
  17. But as I said… how many of these ‘several others’ or ‘everyone you can think of’ are located with ‘Ocean’ on two sides and in a sub tropical Australian climate? The answer is none, so not sure why it makes any sense to compare what is happening here with any other coaster. Its not like the park would WANT to have it’s drawcard attraction closed any more than is needed.
  18. But how many wooden coasters do we know that are located with ‘Ocean’ on two sides and in a sub tropical Australian climate?
  19. Let’s hope they aren’t colour changing and running heaps of tacky colour patterns. Single big bold colour is a statement and looks classy and impactful. Last thing we want is a 400’ high impression of a kebab shop.
  20. You don’t love being smashed in the face by the sweet sent of second hand passionfruit grape vape? … WEIRD
  21. This is surprising to hear. I was at the park in December and I didn’t see anything like you described so shame to hear that’s happening now.
  22. This entire thread is basically a bunch of people arguing one point and a single person making a different one.
  23. Calm down precious, nobody is insulting you just petty personal insults. You said something silly and people are calling you out. You can write 17 pages of largely verbose information but that doesn’t change the fact that all a guest cares about is how long they have to wait for a ride. It’s pretty clear to see that’s what everyone is saying. You’re merely listing all the factors that contribute to what determines the length of that wait. WTF does Rivals Seatbelts have to do with this? And your theories that they slow ops to save on maintenance are ridiculous.
  24. The turnstiles joke is getting on in years. Have a nice weekend.
  25. Hopefully with a better grasp on the reality of that field than you do with theme parks
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