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Everything posted by rappa

  1. But the GD is missing leftover track that theyre too cheap to remove. Not accurate 😛
  2. Yeah that was my point. Some parts of the interface are a little clunky, but really it's pretty good and a huge way from when first launched... But overall my experience of using it has been reasonably pleasant.
  3. Platform definitely temp scaffold addition it seems. And year no dark ride section on Scooby or turntable lights. Rest of disco room is all fully functional though.
  4. I visited the park this week and used the app. Some bits are clunky but the UX doesnt SUCK. I touch the park, I select rides or shows and I instantly see the info I desire... What is awful is the Covid checkin which you still need to do at any dining facility. It doesnt remember you, isnt setup to autofill from your contact details and is just slow and clunky as.
  5. His friend Superman is now down for a few days.
  6. Its also worth noting interestingly that whilst the big GC parks have reported downturns the GC as a whole has seen HUGE visitation in the SEP-JAN period. Somewhat higher than even normal. Many smaller attractions are reporting record numbers this year. An anomaly that has not really been seen in other destinations or states.
  7. I don’t feel a general thread like this offers much to the community. In all likelihood it will lead to grandstanding about individual views on COVID and also likely the political response to it. If there is a specific issue at a specific park to be discussed by all means create a topic (this is not an invitation to go and create 6 topics right now). If one needs say daily updates on what interval they wiped the seats on scooby today, there are other places for that.
  8. The parks are all open therefore this mega thread now is not. If they close again and re-open we can start another
  9. That always looked beyond terrible! No, definitely not
  10. So awesome that they spent the time and money to get that effect back up. The water dumb was always one of the best effects on the ride.
  11. Thing is back before apps and the like a 1 day or half day closure of a ride was standard and would just get a small sign out the front of the parks. Now the tech exists to show this more realtime on digital platforms its going to be regular that unscheduled maintenance appears. Really it would be more appropriately called ‘repairs’ but that implies something is broken so you’re not going to put that on your app.
  12. So its benches to watch cars in a dirt paddock? With no shade? In the summer?
  13. Well this is a special number from Vegas... Guess it's not only S&S who have perfected the art of having the front wheels fall off. Photo Credit - Some other theme park sites, who stole them from another theme park site.
  14. Do we get to pull the government funding for providing indigenous cultural experiences now? Maybe they can knock down the cave and rename the area Rio Tinto Land
  15. The legless people are at Dreamworld being kicked off rides
  16. Perhaps if the company hadn’t treated the workers involved like crap and ensured they continued to have the care and help they needed once the cameras stopped rolling he wouldn’t need to sue. Also the comment of ‘choosing to still work at a theme park’ fails to consider what if thats the industry he knows and has worked his whole career to be good at? The only people Ardent treated worse than the workers who were involved in the rapids tragedy were the guests who they left without heads.
  17. Guess thats what happens when ya outsource ay 😛
  18. Yeah, um - a couple issues with that....   Guy kinda has a point here
  19. There is a different between willingly carelessly negligent and technically negligent. And also responsible. It’s also the right thing to do, guest gets injured on your property, you give them compensation. I’m honestly surprised that this whole situation is such a hard concept for many to get their head around. This exact situation has been playing out in our parks for the past 30+ years.
  20. 1) This discussion is kinda creepy given we are talking about an 8 year older girl. 2) People get hurt at parks, and they get paid out. It’s a take as old as time and it’s totally fair. These sorts of injuries used to happen A LOT at Wet N Wild and the old water parks and it’s why most of the speed slide type things got removed. The park can’t make these things beyond safe so nothing can occur. But also it’s not reasonable to expect you might get hurt, especially severely. It’s like it a rule was to hold on at all times on a coaster. But if you put your hands up you actually hit the ride structure and broke your arms. You didn’t follow the instructions, but it’s not a reasonable expectation that would result in injury. If this kid was standing up trying to ride and got a head injury then I’d be like tough shit. But in this case Dreamworld isn’t negligent, but neither is the child. And as Dreamworld is the business and the kid is the customer, they need to pay. This is why they have insurance, they will settle out of court, happens waaay more often than you’d think.
  21. Lots of inaccuracies in this thread. JUST NO!!! The last thing I want to see is Wild West lit up like a car park. If it’s going to be done it should be fine right, to a high theatrical standard, it’s the most immersive themed attraction this country has. I’m definitely not in the ‘anything is better than nothing camp’. Also noise is not an issue, lighting is. Running the ride is definitely worth the extra expense to raise the park capacity overall. But lighting the ride properly would be a huge job and probably a bit of a stretch this year. I think the extended operating time is a great trial run which might see the money invested for future events for full night ops.
  22. Incorrect. That’s why it’s closing at 6:45
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