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Everything posted by rappa

  1. That’s actually a very interesting take on things I hadn’t heard before! Also it’s kind of laughable at this point right someone is asking for a source as to where the idea the ride was being removed came from. Like sure they aren’t going to come out and confirm it, but that almost accusations email is a big cringe.
  2. Bla bla... it’s so good unlike others they got all their rides opened on time for their reopening rather than rio people off for constant delays and lack of rides running... something something
  3. Well I did worry that we might never see this day so very pleased to see construction actually happening.
  4. OMFG would you ride this crazy coaster at xyz happy land?
  5. I feel like several years ago that the idea of cheaply moving surfrider to SW would have definitely be something signed off on by VRTP executive. Then a month into the project would turn out something “unexpected” was discovered and the project would blow out by 3 million dollars. Thank god that sort of dumb stuff seems to have gone away with the old management.
  6. I’d say most likely it’s already been planned and ordered and we’ll see work at least start next year. Possibly 2022 opening because Covid.
  7. Yeah a video with sound would have been much more useful than annoying music IMO
  8. — Previous Post was removed — We don’t need to start posting a million videos of projection mapping. If you’d like to make a projection mapping thread please create one in chit chat.
  9. The 3D visualisations of the rides lighting will never be made public as they are confidential between the park and it's contractors. To satisfy curiosities though there are 6 sequences for the Disco Room Lighting: 'Laser Retro' Red and Magenta Blue and Beamy Warm Firey Pride Dark and Moody There may or may not be a 7th 'secret' demonstration show which may as well be called "Have a nice Weekend"
  10. Ok guys it’s not a measuring contest if who is a superior park enthusiast. Let’s just share knowledge ok.
  11. Definitely a thing. Or in Universals case “can you just knock us up another Hulk coaster so we can replace all the track”
  12. Yes reality is with any moving light in that sort of duty cycle the mechanical components will die much faster than LED source. The good thing is in a project like that the lights are cheap, the infrastructure is expensive. So replacing something when it does fail is pretty simple/low cost. It also helps as you say if the programming takes into account the environment and deliberately gives some fixtures a ‘rest’ throughout the course of the ‘show’. This is why (apart from greater guest experience) you will see that the Disco Room in Scooby actually has several different light shows that rotate so you get something different on multiple rides.
  13. Yeah I’m specifically talking about the sections of track at Dreamworld that hadn’t been painted. There’s no major foundation issues at Jet Rescue. It was clarified here that what was seen was just some mortar removal to access the hold down bolts and release a piece of track. Plausible scenario (I know nothing from the park, this is pure speculation on my part): Section it track was found to have an issue. Requires replacement - pretty common around the world. Fabrication facility in Europe is shut because of Covid. Park is waiting for new track but doesn’t have ETA so has removed reopening date.
  14. Didn’t someone suggest Sidewinder was done for because of some paint/track evidence the other day and many were quick to say “doesn’t mean anything”. But now Jet Rescue has the same and we’re convinced that’s the end for the ride?
  15. I didn’t say they passed them off as anything other than traveling rides. I just said I personally don’t like it. Wild mouse gets a pass because most wouldn’t think that even travelled and it’s so unique I’d have it anyway.
  16. Very little in the smaller end of moving lights still using lamps now if any. You really have to be looking at things 1200w (or equivalent output) and above to still have new fittings using lamps, and even those are rare. Everything in Scooby is LED
  17. Apologies for my early typo, I was on the move and clearly failed to proof. But yes my critique would and is of any park with temporary rides masquerading as park models. I know the history of the park, but I still don’t like it. I absolutely hate it when permanent parks have clearly obvious traveling rides. I thought it looked equally awful when Sea World had Trident 1.0 sitting there.
  18. Perhaps they won’t be replaced with tired traveling rides sitting on chocks for 20 years!
  19. Depends... there was what they had initially when next gen opened. Then last year there was a subsequent major upgrade to the Disco room because the first was so awful. Mainly driven by a change in park management that saw the need to improve the experience. That wasn’t included in the first lot of course but did cost significantly less than the first awful effort.
  20. Yes But if you still recon they got value for money then that’s insane.
  21. Didn’t they say back at that time they spent about 3 million on a thing. That’s a fair wack of cashola
  22. Well we know how much they spent. We saw the $5 job result they got. It’s hard to draw any other conclusion but that they got swindled.
  23. Or the company that promised the world were actually just some hopped up tweakers who were all fluff and no delivery. Two concerned with their next burning man adventure to finish and took village’s money and ran. It’s no excuse for the end product, just an example of be careful what snake oil salesmen you hire.
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