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Everything posted by rappa

  1. Least missed is definitely Pirates Unleashed. It was a biscuit of the highest order. And that Speedcoaster thing was the most liberal use of the word Speed OR Coaster I’ve ever seen.
  2. I’m a bit anti all this doom and talk of years till recovery and tourism will never be the same again and all that stuff. The reality is we don’t know. If a vaccine came out Jan 2021 (I said IF so let’s not debate that) vast majority of people would get it, borders would open, restrictions would lift and DROVES of people who are cashed up and been stuck at home would flood the Gold Coast. There is a lot of pessimism from a generations of people who never lived through world adversity so feel like this is a one off event that we will never recover from. It’s just not that. There is also the notion that no one will travel for years and everyone is broke. Also not true. A great number of industries are busier than ever. Freight is doing record trade, people have money, and they can’t wait to spend it.
  3. Problem is Disney parks usual have a good 5-10 years from first ideas to construction so they won’t pull something together real quick. Especially with their currently depressed resources. More than anything else I think the cost of labor in Australia will be the biggest hurdle for a Disney park. Their parks basically rely on an unbelievably high standard of service and presentation as their point of different. They achieve this with an insane number of staff in every department and roll. You can do that at $8 an hour. But you can’t at $25
  4. Yes indeed, I had a thought in my head that 100% didn’t translate out into what I wrote 😂😂😂 Thank goodness a couple people are paying attention and corrected me.
  5. Those Jet Streams were mental, terrifying and amazing all at once.
  6. You only have to look to Star Tours to see how modern graphics, the amazing dolby 3D technology and kick ass motion basses can still be a thrilling ride system in 2020. As we've kind of been discussing above... it's all about the content.
  7. It’s a funny one though. Replacing the animation with something else (what exactly?) will still just be a projection on a flat wall, hardly amazing. Likewise the first two projection elements didn’t replace anything, they were just plain walls previously (one was a mirror). The final scene for sure is sterile and bland I’ll 100% give you that. So whilst I’m certainly not going to argue the ride is great with the projection, because it’s not, I don’t know what an actual fix for it is that would suddenly make it much better.
  8. Serious question because that’s a valid point... To ‘fix’ the current issue what would be the solution? Replace the projections with basic scenery? Change the media? Realistic answers only, 3 million dollars worth of animatronics is not a fix, that’s blue sky...
  9. I would say- Burmuda - in its opening form Looney Tunes Wild Wild West - pre fire Wizards Fury Tasmanian Devil
  10. These parks have a draw of hundreds of millions of people in their market. And they STILL have to charge hundreds of Australian dollars for a single ticket. It’s not uncommon for a single attraction to cost 300 million Australian dollars. ——————————————————————— Let that sink it, that’s well well over a million dollars from EVERY SINGLE AUSTRALIAN that would be needed to pay for one attraction. ^just ignore that bit as I’m on crack clearly ——————————————————————— It’s so hilarious to keep seeing these sorts of things pop up. Meanwhile people complain when Gold Coast parks put up their price by $20 for a yearly pass 😂
  11. Every single person who signs that petition is an idiot.
  12. It is how it works though. You go to a ride manufacturer and say “we want a flume reusing this big of channel that meets your spec” And they say “ok” and certify the whole thing when done. It’s been done many times around the world before.
  13. For some reason you’re like a dog with a bone being right in this thread and playing semantics. Your original post said they had local guys working to a set of plans to build BB. I said SW would have specialists out here overseeing it. That doesn’t mean not a single local tradesman is allowed to work on it. FWIW other than an anecdotal mention here it’s not be stated that local tradesmen are doing the coaster track build. However it has been stated on record by the companies CEO that overseas workers from the coaster company are here on site... But if it means so much to you to still win some argument that you’re the only person invested in take the win. Im really not bothered. I’m just glad to see they got the people out here finally and we’re getting a coaster.
  14. It was discussed in the shareholders meeting that they are waiting on a new chain. With the state of international freight right now the delay is unsurprising.
  15. Because all the houses next to live music venues and airports were taken 😜
  16. Clearly no maintenance happening at Arkham so this topic has run its course.
  17. RCDB says about 100feet and they tend to be about as accurate as Richards articles so I’d say that’s likely what we’ll see.
  18. Apologies Slick. Sorry all, what I meant to say in the first place was “Silly media always beating up on Ardent. They are just trying to make the park ok again, we should give them a go and applaud their efforts. Awesome management team in place there.” Have a good weekend 👈LOL such a zinga
  19. Actually no they don’t. Ardent at any time could just bypass all of this and voluntarily give her a payout. No lawyer, no insurance company. Actual cash. Maybe instead of building a roller coaster if need be. By being cheap asses and all about the dollar they horrifically killed 4 people. We are meant to accept they’ve changed and are no longer all about the dollar but this case really just shows it’s business as usual.
  20. They’re a public company. It was a shareholders finance update. If they are going to spend capital to do it they have to tell the shareholders. It’s not a marketing press conference.
  21. I can’t even pretend to comprehend where you’ve pulled this prediction of doom from.
  22. Firstly, Social Network wouldn’t know its ass from its elbow unless it’s the topic of creepy guys taking way too many photos of attractive female dancers... Second, Village has at least 3 very prominent attractions that have been closed for a very long time. It’s obviously 2 of those being removed.
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