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Everything posted by rappa

  1. This latest stuff is truely terrifying and also just shameful. The fact that the most basic fundamentals of control system design and risk assessment weren't even present is just unbelievable. ANYONE with ANY knowledge of how rides should be could walk up to that thing and know it wasn't right. At least we know the price Dreamworld placed on a life is about 3grand
  2. To be fair, periodic maintenance (weekly, monthly, semi annual, etc) is really based on Cycles for the most part, not time (unless it's shelf life of things like Oils etc) so if the rides aren't running, maintenance intervals do push out.
  3. I maintain that the reason they say they can’t make money there is because they offer up glorified carni ride trash. If they made over the entire park to be an authentic heritage recreation of a classy boardwalk pier (a rose coloured glasses nostalgia image if you will) it would do a lot better as a must visit tourist attraction.
  4. And don't forget the Studios at Oxenford, anyone that sees a drone anywhere near that place is going to have some goons out to visit you real quick to find out what you're doing. The studios do not mess around when it comes to Drones.
  5. Complaining that you pay for foxtel and others now get it for free would be like me complaining I earns my Qantas status this year and now they’ve given it to others without. Adding a benefit for one doesn’t increase a burden for others.
  6. Serious question. If they go to lockdown, how do they get food?
  7. As I've learned only too well this past week, at this time an order for something guarantees nothing at this point. All bets are off!
  8. I think we possibly have a contender for most intelligent post of the year (the year 2020 that is!) above!
  9. All these ideas about just removing the poles and changing the roof at all are just ridiculous
  10. For the love of god pick an artwork and stick with it
  11. I’m sure the event would have done well if it wasn’t for the current virus situation. Them stating the two reasons I don’t think should be considered as two separate reasons but more as one the effect and the other the cause.
  12. Just because a contract states that stuff don’t HAVE to be paid doesn’t mean you can’t choose to pay them. If that’s a concern for closing it’s easy to remove and voluntarily pay staff.
  13. Looks like all our parks are staying open given it’s only an advisory... I’d imagine things get changed to a full on ban pretty soon though.
  14. Those are just the old speakers now stacked up on the ground instead of hung off the screen. Definitely totally wrong for that kind of space.
  15. Well the poles in the plaza kinda hold the roof up so won’t be going anywhere soon... Cost of putting up and pulling down lighting trusses for every event would be far too cost prohibitive so they’ll stay too. As for white fixtures, ‘they’ did this at one point. But a lot of black crap has been hung in the roof years since.
  16. Well all of the above is why I say it would be good if the middle screen was going. Because the side ones are in front of a bare concrete wall, so they don’t detract from jack squat. Main Street also has zero thematic cohesion to start with and hasn’t for a long time.
  17. Disagree. You only need the screen for the parade is just a terribly designed ‘parade’ that is mostly show at daily planet. We’ve seen at white Christmas how a properly designed parade has no ‘feature point’ and the screen wasn’t needed at all. Opening up the facade would make for a much more attractive street and I hope it is removed. As for comments about the other screen and old tech and difficulty about connecting to it. I think that’s saying more about the skills of the people working the recent and less about the screen. It takes a standard 1080p signal over DVI. You can patch any scaler into it to input whatever you like so whoever is saying it’s difficult is telling porkies
  18. Because it would seem no people can’t have nice things this thread now locked. As stated adnauseam please start new threads for new subjects. No more random threads now. Just so no one thinks I’m on the rag or something (a term I consider quite offensive to women PS) here’s why this thread is locked. As stated in the first post, this thread was for random comments or thoughts. Anything that might solicit even one reply should have its own thread. New Screens at Movie World? Yes that’s a topic Tailspin not working as it used to? Definitely a topic So as we don’t want random mega threads full of all sorts of multi post discussion we’re closing random discussion threads. Please start a topic for anything you wish to discuss.
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