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Everything posted by rappa

  1. Omg that’s funny. Do we then assume accesso have only sold two of these?
  2. Are we forgetting the previous ride which was over a year late?
  3. No discount but it means you don’t have to wait the usual 3 off years for a production slot. Dreamworld definitely jumped on someone else’s misfortune with this one. You can’t get a coaster in 12 months normally. Great move by them.
  4. Let’s be honest here. NO ONE is Goggling “Village Themeparks” anything 😜
  5. Nor have they posted or advertised telling everyone to go and get the app and use it. Just because a couple eager enthusiasts went and grabbed a copy of the app doesn’t mean they’ve botched anything.
  6. Do you mean the last little drop which has the large projection screen? I agree a better effect to mask the drop should be put back here. The old lush tree theming was good in here and maybe something could be done along those lines.
  7. Yeah I read that chart about like 3 more times to see where I’ve missed it. It definitely says 5pm in every box.
  8. I’ll never understand the open early rather than close later thing.
  9. Well there is no law against having a vivid fantasy imagination
  10. Wow 🤦‍♂️ it’s a smoke machine powered by a mixture of glycol and water. Fire restrictions don’t affect it.
  11. Yes, they will. And this is the point option B is not actually an option. They won’t replace it. They will simply shutter it.
  12. There’s no need for hissy fits and ‘fine I’ll share nothing’. Dangling ‘I know something you done know’ carrots is an extremely arrogant way to get people off side. If you’re a ride op that shouldn’t be saying anything better to do that than try and tow some half line where naturally people will want vagueness clarified.
  13. And exactly why is that? Can you tell me why 100s of parks around the world manage to operate (and build new) flume rides (and rapids for that matter) safely every single day yet Dreamworld can only say “nup it must close”. How about the park actually spend the money to fix up whatever seems to be unsatisfactory and keep the ride running? The lifts are new, the tunnels are gone. It’s a very basic control system and some water pumps. If the boats are past their use-by date then buy new ones. the continuous bullshit cop out Dreamworld keep making that’s it’s ok to close rides for safety is exactly that. In reality it’s just their unwillingness to spend money to make them safe and instead continue to water down their product offering. The park is in a hot climate and has ZERO water attractions to offer their guests. That’s pathetic I’m sorry.
  14. May as well just close it then. Not possible to have that exhibit and raise the lighting.
  15. You’re not getting it. I don’t doubt people are crashing into others. My point is that it’s because they are morons, not because we need more lighting in there.
  16. The dim things are the ones walking around crashing into each other
  17. That’s just ridiculous about Sea Jellies. How about people just watch where they are going and have some spatial awareness about themselves. The lighting there is more than enough to see where you’re going if you’re not being a self absorbed jerk. Just have some consideration for those around you. people suck
  18. Unfortunately don’t know the answer to that I’m sorry.
  19. All steam boilers were removed from all properties due to safety reasons so steam effects vanished from Superman and Bermuda at the same time
  20. Fast track at Sea World?? What is that like over $50 per ride? Our parks are just too small to warrant things like virtual queuing and online food ordering.
  21. Probably most significant is when the steam effects were decommissioned but other than that the park has done a pretty good job of up-keeping this attraction which is unique and actually does fit the classification of being world class.
  22. Maybe read the thread. It’s been pretty well stated on here the lighting on the ride was completely changed on the 20th. It’s the whole reason the thread exists 🤦‍♂️
  23. There were only ever lights on one of the two forwards drops in the ‘disco room’ and they are still there and working. As for the rest of the room the music is loud and there are a heap of lights in there. Perhaps go for a ride before talking the ride down.
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