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Everything posted by rappa

  1. So guessing it’s like Disney when you create a ‘party’ when you enter the park and then can select who in that party is queuing?
  2. I would say WWW next step is getting that lazy river to really round out the park. Whilst the two parks may be ‘neck and neck’ on paper overall WWW is smashing WnW in every way because it’s fresh where as WnW is sadly very tired.
  3. Front projection doesn’t work for fog screens, it has to be rear projection only (ie coming from behind the screen at you)
  4. Just curious how an effect that wasn’t working being fixed and now operation equates to an expectation more effects will be left to rot fwiw fog screens are a piece of shit to keep working
  5. Just wanted to add that it’s important to share these sorts of positive experiences from the parks as well as the bad. Very often us enthusiasts are quick to get on here and complain about every sore point, but less so on the good things. Giving positive feedback only serves to encourage the parks to do more good things
  6. The not waiting at the fountain is tip of the iceberg but yes by the time the lash float has past you the first is already returning. But because if the good pacing and fillers between floats it’s not like the parade rushes to be over or anything. Also I don’t recall any smoke machines going off throughout which was good, no idea how smoke ever equaled Christmas.
  7. Not sure how many have ventured out this year. I’ll admit I haven’t visited the event for a few years as it was kinda repetitive and just fairly unpleasant to be at/navigate. As luck would have it I was at the park for a few White Christmas nights this year and WOW what a difference. Firstly on a fundamental level crowd control has been radically altered and improved. All the sidewalks are now clear of bins, benches, silly theming, etc and provide easy clear passage behind the crowd that assemble. But even the crowds are now less because at long last the parade ‘route’ has been extended down into western town and actually starts proper at Dodgems. You get a full show and this has been advertised so crowds are spread much better rather than being forced to jam in to see a plaza centric show. As for the parade itself HORAY AT LAST ITS A PARADE. It’s not an awkwardly paced collection of mini shows that about 5% get to see. From start to finish the parade is an evenly paced constant stream of kinetic energy. Not once did I find myself with a blank street in front of me to look at. Even the sound track reflects this and whilst it has different moods throughout it comes across as one cohesive track that suits all floats and is extremely Disney like. The whole thing was just such a joy to watch. Little touches like improved exit routes post parade and an absence of that god ugly flying fairy rig just add to the experience. A job very well done by the park. I was both well surprised and impressed.
  8. If you have a random comment to make about something that ISNT in our major parks then post it in Off Topic. If it’s likely to get even one reply, start a new thread please.
  9. Locked this thread in the interest of stopping epics. If you have a random comment to make about something that ISNT in our major parks then post it in Off Topic. If it’s likely to get even one reply, start a new thread please.
  10. Anyone who has ever seen a mud driven avalanche would know more water definitely equals a more speed once you have enough of it.
  11. Does it really matter? It’s a Tassie devil with a present. I think you reading into being some deep sly attempt to throw shade at PC for some unknown reason and an indication of some pro DW anti VRTP swing that’s occurred at Parkz is a bit of an overactive imagination. Parkz is never really ‘for’ or ‘against’ anyone. It always simply reports what’s out there and makes commentary whether pro or negative based on what’s being discussed.
  12. The Facebook share was an odd move I will say. But I think taking a swipe back at them lumping our park in with all the dodgy ones is fair game. Even the idiot on the story suggested the billboards were fine because the photo was from our park. Yet the message was totally suggestive and false. As for calling a guy a clown ‘just cause’, well that’s foolish.
  13. Well this is clearly just a reprinted press release the park sent out to everyone. So not too sure how crowded that wagon is.
  14. So I’m going to answer the question with a product I’d actually like to see in the park and that is proper dining... Australia has some of the best food in the world and yet our parks are terrible. All our major parks should have real dining options where you can sit at a table and eat a meal. Not the slap dash efforts that are currently on offer. People visit parks in the US just to at and for no other reason. Sea World used to have an a la carte restaurant with broadwater views. They half ran it and eventually turned it into ultimately jellyfish. A restaurant like that should be able to stand on its own, open for lunch every day and dinner in the evenings with a spectacular menu. So yeah for me a big lift in food would be top of the list. It’s also a revenue stream. Id also say another product I’d like is entertainment that’s actually good but that’s too long of a post than I have the energy for.
  15. Well better than it being nothing. Mans seems most of society today is more concerned with where they can get a coffee than where they can see entertainment anyway.
  16. Probably yet another thing deemed too much of a hazard by our now overactive government. Pretty sure it will be rough to ever see a good theme park experience built again with the way they want to be post Dreamworld.
  17. You wouldn’t replace the neon sign because in case everyone doesn’t realize Rick’s Cafe is actually a reconstruction of something from Casablanca and that’s why it’s never been changed. So the small sign makes sense.
  18. So I don’t work for VTP so not sure what their lineup of shows has to do with audio on a ride at dreamworld. But thanks for your juvenile attempt of trying to call someone out on a theme park forum thinking they know something personally about them that you actually don’t. But you didn’t say the sound was above it’s weight and could be better you said “brilliant” “amazing” and “Disney quality” You affirmed those comments by prefacing the by saying you are a self proclaimed expert on the mater. Is the sound adequate? Maybe. But that’s far from what you described.
  19. It’s time to get a new hobby entirely or stop calling yourself a buff because the rides audio system is anything but Brilliant. It’s harsh, lacks punch or fidelity. There is a huge absense or bottom end also. As for the soundtrack, I found it weak, detached, and definitely lacking of any emotion whatsoever. Frankly I’m shocked at your comments about the same attraction I rode. I think the whole system has SOO much potential to be amazing but the audio is 100% one or its weakest links. To say score is Disney quality would be like saying a Micro droves like a Ferrari... incredibly off bass.
  20. If AALARA are going to make that kind of call, they should immediately be posting what they say ARE the facts
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