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Everything posted by rappa

  1. Exactly what is the agenda and the narrative? Go to the start of this thread, you’ll see that it’s about overly critical reviews being unreasonable at this time. So how is anything being changed? The fact that operations are not as efficient as they could be/we’d like them has already been covered pretty well. Would you like to start your own thread discussing how the leaders are the laziest in the company or that they only work there for notoriety? Which goal posts, agenda or narrative would be to your liking today? As apparently I know everything I’m happy to discuss any you’d like.
  2. When I go to America and order a large Big Mac Meal I get 100kg of food. When I order one in Australia I get a modest sized meal. Both things say Large Big Mac and both restaurants are the same size. The sooner you realise Australia is not other countries and keep expecting it to be the same as your experiences elsewhere you’ll have a much better time. 25 years ago Wild West had 1 1/2 waits in Christmas School Holidays. This time of year being horrible to visit Australian theme parks is nothing new.
  3. Well there is also the issue that you can bet your life that the first person they tell they have to work faster will be straight over to HR claiming they are being 'bullied' by the manager.
  4. No I wouldn’t, because a gold coast holiday is so far removed from staying jn melbourne that they aren’t comparable choices. The ‘gold coast holiday’ is a bit of an Australian institution and a lot of people want to do it. So whilst I agreed above that Reviews are important in many cases, Gold Coast Theme Parks just aren’t majorly one of them as I pretty decently explained. Do you use bad guest feedback as an opportunity to try and improve your business? 100% where reasonable you should. Are they driving or discouraging gate at the moment? Doubtful …say pitchfork again
  5. All largely irrelevant though in the unique case of the Gold Coast. The two single most determining factors for GC theme park visits are 1- Are we going to the Gold Coast? 2- Do we want to go to a theme park? Australia does not have the luxury of the large number of options in say the USA. We can’t research reviews and choose a destination based on them. In most cases people are choosing a GC holiday and then there is one option. A choice between Village and Dreamworld will be largely price/offering driven, if in fact a choice at all, many visit both. As someone who reads reviews myself I will 100% agree they matter when people are making a choice, but as I said above, there isn’t really a choice to be made in the case of GC. Adding to that, I’m sure I’m not the only one who completely discounts all 1 star reviews of anything as nonsense and tend to look for the ‘truth in the middle’ in the 2-4 star range. In no way am I suggesting (nor have I once) that our parks are perfect and should get a free pass at any negatives. I’m just saying angry typing visitors on google posting a review whilst on their way home probably shouldn’t be the measure. Just the same as when someone says “we only got 2 rides all day” we shouldn’t be taking that to mean literally 2 rides.
  6. I will never understand why people who so consistently share their seeming hatred about parks and the people who run them spend so much time visiting them 🤷‍♂️
  7. You’re telling some great stories but that doesn’t make any of them reality.
  8. Trees get old and need to be replaced. New trees grow #nature
  9. What a stupid thing to say. If it’s one thing Aussies are better at than being slackers it’s tall poppy syndrome. That’s kind if the point of a general statement. The fact it’s possible to generalise is because something is common. Yes they have been smashed. They have been insanely busy, which is a good thing. More people = more people to make up 3 ride google reviews and general have a piss and moan online because they are annoyed 7999 other people also wanted to theme park that day. The repeat visitation is the metric, not google. One of the biggest complaints about Movie World is that it is so much busier than it’s competitor…
  10. In sorry but Bullshit! There is a multitude of evidence (also known as take a walk outside into the world any day) to show that there is an insane amount of entitlement in the workforce where people want an incentive to do more than just above the bare minimum rather than do the best job possible in order to create opportunity. Or hell, just to feel good about doing a great job. If you can load 500 an hour but only work at a pace that does 250 simply because “why bother, makes no difference” then you are part of the problem. Nobody in our parks is working under “poor working conditions”. Give me a break!
  11. It does if you make it a water themed serpent type creature like the marine park down the road. #original
  12. They definitely rotate staff. I think WPHS in Australia even mandate it
  13. WTF you can’t take Serpent Slayer ripping it off from the awesome show of the same name from Sea World legend. I dunno if it’s just me but seeing the same area at DW with merely the IP names removed just makes me think how much of a waste of time IP is. The area and rides still look great as they are.
  14. I’m just here to say this, and it’s absolutely true so to hell with anyone that wants to criticize my comment. But sadly, by and large, Australian workers at the age and level of your average ride attendant are lazy and unmotivated. Does that mean the parks get a free pass? Of course not, but as pointed out, when it’s home time they will work harder to get out of there. As long as that is the pool for staffing them our parks will suck at operations compared to overseas. You can see this easily in hospitality, as it’s genuinely the same pool. With the absence of European and north American working holiday tourists over Covid staff in hospitality here sucked!! It’s slowly getting better. But theme parks don’t employ working tourists, so you will always have these feet dragging staff. That really is a big part of the problem, it’s largely generational and somewhat uniquely australian in nature.
  15. Could we please just pick one thread to discuss this in.
  16. They have an extensive archive and are presently going through a process of digitizing and remastering all their historical Qld footage
  17. I think its a stretch to imply their review is biased because of a couple passes, which to be fair, any guest can buy. I think the fact that they mention at the very end “love to see the operations improved even more” shows they were prepared to be critical where they found it warranted (eg stunt show) but overall had a very positive experience at the park. Sometimes fresh eyes are nice to look through, especially ones that are well traveled.
  18. Well to be fair you could fit the madhouse AND an indoor coaster portion and not have to build stuff all. I’d do outdoor station for the coaster straight opposite WWF station.
  19. 100% Mad house in Showstage. And then a powered mine train that has a very small indoor themed portion but mostly just winds all through WWF existing layout/theming including over the water. Positives of this: -Mad Houses are actually awesome a big people eaters -Main show building exists -New show building is low cost as is only small -Excuse to ass extra capex to enhance WWF as part of project -Result is a massive, themed non IP area -Opportunity to get a 2 ride package deal from Vekoma Cons: -Loss of show stage for showcase - use the old intensity building instead -Possible loss of fright nights pad - its a concrete slab, a cheap shed and some power, not hard to replicate elsewhere back of house
  20. Yeah it was close and they didn’t want it there. Mostly because it was shit and ugly. That doesn’t mean there is some rule that rides can’t be close together 🤦‍♂️ Also we do realise half the stuff DW say is total BS marketing spin right?
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