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Everything posted by rappa

  1. HAHAHA Nice one on the bouncer scheme!
  2. Lets see how long it takes for Richard to shift us over to chit chat Yeah thats the exact thing I was talking about! I was on Coronas last night and it was getting me fired up enough just because they didnt know the price of drinks or how to work out IDs as to if your 18 yet. Come on like 1983 aint that hard HEHEHE The one that was anoying me was my mate who was driving was on Lemon Lime and Bitters and she just had no clue how to make one, was justy shotting the bitters into the glass... Maybe for your local RSL but not at a high profile Sydney bar! We should be in bed :-)
  3. 6am is mainly to make the most of the time, I am only squeezing 4 days between gigs here so want to have us much time as I can. Hehe gotta love Industry night, only bad thing you get is all the no clue bar chicks because the good ones are out on the town :-) Was at a bar in Sydney last night (industry night here) and the girls working were SOOO useless LOL Yeah Suncity is a bloody nice place. We've got a huge 2 bedroom apartment...yeah not cheap but if you've got money you've got to spend it once in a while!
  4. Yeah figured as much, I just started to wonder when I discovered in the last few days a good dozen people that I know are heading up there next week... Monday sounds cool, doing movie world in the day and starting off with a 6am flight but still plan to be making it a late night :-) I'm staying at the Outrigger Sun City resort so I'm right in town, I'm sure you would know the best place to head out to :-)
  5. Yeah you have to love DW staffing don't you! Still 15mins is about the best I've managed for those sorts of rides at DW. Even when the park is walkon I've still had 40mins for Cyclone, 10min dispatches just rock! Guess we could perhaps even go so far as to say its the X of Dreamworld :-p Thanks for the info. though Richard, they are the sorts of times I go for, don't think I could ever bring myself to que for an hour at one of our parks! It was bad enough for the few attractions I did it for in SoCal. All that being said perhaps the staff at DreamWorld are super efficient with a very high throughput...however that's probably about as likely as the park actualy meant to be spelt DreamWorld HEHEHE
  6. Well if anyone does want to catch up I'll be in town from Mon-Fri. Drop me a line at clint[at]puremagicproductions.com or on 0412 055 276. This one more directed at Rabid and Joz... What are the parks like at the moment? Are they more or less dead as I imagine/hope they would be this time of year?
  7. I know quite a few of you also fequent this site so tell what you think... I have notice recently a lot of 'Admins' getting very lock happy with threads. Most of the time I just really don't see the need to be locking threads just because 'you feel like it' or don't feel like reading it anymore...there are probably others out there that WOULD like to continue the topic. I'm just very glad that its only on the very rare occasion that I see this sort of thing on these boards. I have to praise Richard for that one, I've only ever see a thread locked when it gets very out of control! YAY TT, BOO to WC
  8. Nice Richard, very well done indeed! Did very much make me giggle HEHEHE
  9. Ah, see I was only thinking of current rides :-p I agree on the substance thing, I also love Ghostie, Goliath and Riddlers, DJV is in that list too. I find it hard to pick a fav. because I really do enjoy such a variety of coasters. Was hard to find one I actualy disliked when in the US... However extreme speed and height is really what gets me going, Xcel topped the list for me in a big way because of just how smooth the feeling was. This is why I think TTD is going to be the ride for me...ooo 2005 here we come
  10. Well it can't be too far off the mark because I am TTD and that is probably my ideal coaster. I'm a sucker for smoothness, speed, great launches and huge drops so thats definately the one for me. I also love Intamin Hyper trains. By the way what is BD? Or did you mean BB??
  11. Please tell me this isn't how popular I am on these boards!!
  12. Just out of interest Richard (and I totaly agree about people abusing the system at DLR) don't know if you've been following westcoaster, but Disney has just started the first of radical changes to the special access passes. What they are doing is great and should really improve the situation. Aim is to cut the daily passes from thousands to only a few hundred a day! For those of you who don't know the old system was anyone with a pass could take another 6 people (able bodied) and simply board the ride with no wait from the exit que. My solution would be to have someone else take a pass through the standard line and have the special person 'virtualy que' for the ride. The pass is supposed to bring them on equal terms with the GP, not give them an unfair advantage, and this is what Disney is now doing.
  13. Howdy to all you Qld guys! Only a week to go until my short trip :-) At this stage it looks a lot like, Mon-MW, Tues-beach stuff, Wed-WnW, Thur-DW... I'm staying in Surfers so if anyone wants to catch up for a drink or something that could be cool, drop me a line. Any word as to whether WWF should be up or not at this stage? See you all soon.
  14. LOL thats great Joz! Perhaps he could manage to drink it like an adult...you know like without a straw (OH MY GOD) hehehe
  15. Damn! Only coaster I haven't ridden yet on the GC is closed when I'll be there! Would have really liked to compare the suspended to the standard version of the Vekoma Junior :-(
  16. I'm actualy glad the park isn't going to have much of a ride emphasis... Although I did like the Big Dipper I don't think it was a major highlight. I enjoy Luna Park because it's something different. Things like Coney Island and the Rotor is what does it for me. I'd perhaps like to see something like the River Caves (but not a thrill ride version) added but that is about it. I think under this new design the park with have some great atmosphere that just further enhances its great position and historical value! If it was up to me all those carnival rides (like ranger, UFO, etc) would be on their way also!
  17. Interesting, I never knew that. B&M must have extemely strict quality control then over its outside manufacturing for its products to be so high a quality. That makes me even more curious as to Thunders remarks about high quality welding. If what your saying is true about them sourcing production locally, them seeking out an Aussie manufacturer for an installation could be quite possible.
  18. Hey Richard Very interesting info you've got there. Just curious where did you get all that from? I was a little confused with what you were saying about B&M? Where abouts are B&M actualy located? Are you saying that get Giovanola to manufacture their track for Europe installations and do it themselves for the US or use Giovanola for both? If so, where do they do their own? With all that in mind what are your thoughts on this rumour?
  19. Oh definately, whilst I don't think it would be a small coaster I don't think for a second that it would have to be going to Dreamworld.
  20. Well seen though we're talking rumours why not go all out here :-) Given the fact that the company is looking for manufacturing companies here, one would assume that they have probably not had something built in this country before... This could very well give us reason to speculate we could in fact be getting our first beamer! I don't suppose your contact knows which country these guys are from?
  21. Yes I don't think that this office is exactly an attractive thing to be putting behind the park. Look at the photo, its bloody ugly! I can see the residents have a point here, you can't just go wacking up a building in front of someones apartment. However I don't really give a toss about the residents, they have never been reasonable before so why should anyone be reasonable with them now!
  22. Oh I totally agree and would personally love to see an Intamin coaster period. Let alone a lunched ride. I was more looking at it from a parks and punter point of view though, your average jo isn't really going to go "well that is a LSM launch and this is Hydraulic and is a different style of ride." They are probably just going to say hey they both launch out of the station.
  23. I'll go with Richard here. As much as I'd like to see my two favourites (an Intamin Rocket, or a Vekoma GIB) I doubt that would happen. They've already got a launched ride, and the reliability of the GIBs would put people off at the moment... A hyper or giga would be a wicked addition as far as us types are concerned IMO but for the GP its probably not going to cut it being as how they already have a standard sit down coaster. A floorless would be a great way to go, unique to the country, relatively cheap, attractive ride and great sensation. My vote though would be for a B&M standup much in a similar vein to Riddlers. That is one awesome coaster. What I would like to see is this built with two large consecutive loops by the road (THINK BOLT) and much of the same layout and size of Riddlers. It could be themed in with Ocean Parade (I hear surfing the ultimate wave???) and would be a nice replacement physically for the bolt... Any thoughts?
  24. Hehe I don't know how much of a secret that one is :-) SHHHHHHHHHHHHHh
  25. No its just everyone sits around and complains that that they want a new 'ride' and then when a park decides to add something you say its not good enough... What is with that?? I wouldn't say I am one of the reasons why parks 'dont have to add' as you say. I can just see reason that a new major attraction doesn't have to come every single year. I don't visit WL because they have done **** all in years but 12 months off is no biggie IMO.
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