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Everything posted by rappa

  1. OOO look Chippy is talking out of his arse for a change... S&S DID NOT "take over" Arrow, they bought them out. Arrow went into serious financial trouble after X and was basically bankrupt. S&S came in and bought up the company, the alternative would have been Arrow (and its staff) just disappeared into nothing. I also believe S&S did have the fastest coaster for a while at the time it opened. Have you ever actually ridden a S&S ride Chippy? If not, (which I suspect is the case) then I stand by my opinion that you have no right to pass judgement on them. How can you possibly have an opinion of something you’ve never been on???
  2. I weep for the future... ...enough said!
  3. I think we all know thunder that what we really need to help the park is a few people that call wonderland home to get on their way to take up positions as far away as possible. Pinning their problems on this poor guy is IMO disgusting and just reinforces my opinions on WL mgmt. ...didn't say anything sooner as I felt it was your info. to tell Daniel.
  4. Ah right you meant they are demolished coasters. I knew about them. The first looper was wooden but it was an exact loop and used to break necks if I recall! I think SOB is in a new category.
  5. Well there aint much point if they are all not operating is there! Just out of interest could you name them and their location so I could take a look?
  6. To answer your question Bus Man SOB is actualy the World's only looping wooden coaster. It has one inversion which is the one you see in the pic. The loop structure itself is suported by steal but the track itself is still wood. Its a pretty awsome looking coaster I must say!
  7. What is that coaster? I know I've seen those pics before...
  8. Hey Chippy we can see you've done that just by looking at the post. No need to waste time posting that youv'e been here...especially twice!
  9. I wouldn't be too worried if I was them if it meant it stopped you from being able to get a job there :-) But in all seriousness they would have that sort of thing sorted, perhaps if you really wanted a job there you could take the initiative and phone them...and practice your grammar for that application.
  10. Last time I checked The Bolt aint exactly open for business dude!
  11. From today's telegraph: "The head of Wonderland Sydney's Wildlife Park has quit over the lion cub debacle." Just shows how wonderful the park is doing, not only does it attempt to illegally house and profit from exotic animals its now managed to piss off its gamekeeper over the whole thing. Perhaps they could try a bit less focus on 'award winning advertising' and bit more on running a decent theme park, keeping guests happy, not breaking the law, keeping staff even remotely happy. Hey they don't have to go for all of them, just try one! :-)
  12. Hey Guys Just wanted to let you know I'll be heading up to the Gold Coast next month. Will be in town for a few nights from 16/02 till the 20/2 staying at Sun City. Plan to hit DW, MW and W&W. Hopefully can maybe catch up with some of you and put face to the names :-) Rabid do you know at all if its planned for WWF to be down during this period? Sorry Joz, fraid I don't think I'll be getting over to SW. Time constraints and unfortunately there is the least new stuff here for me to see...next time!
  13. Couldn't have summed up my thoughts better myself! Extremely well put, don't think anyone could disagree with you there.
  14. Hey Jack I have been talking to Daniel and I honestly don't care if I don't know. I know we will find out eventualy and that's fine. Point is WL has done thier thing again and thats all that matters, don't care why. What gets me going is how a heap of people come on a have big winge for you to tell them, can't they just get over it and find something more constructive to do??
  15. Okay for those of you who know, have 2 gold stars :-p As for the rest of you, does it honestly mean that much to you to desperately know why they are gone? They are gone, simple as that, so who gives a sh1t?? Don't we all have better things to do with out lives than sit and worry about some stupid bloody lions? I know I do... If you've been on these (or any really) forums for a while you will know there are those that delight in coming on and telling everyone they know the latest secret, however "due to their sources" can't devalue the info. Do we honestly by that crap? If it is fine for them to know, trust me its fine for everyone to know, but I think you'll find most of the time they don't have a clue either. So I suggest you just ignore these folk, let them come and have their song and dance alone, and maybe they'll go away :-D Because I for one am sick of listening to it, and all those that then waste time begging them to tell their secret.
  16. Knowing SL they probably worked out it would be more profitable not to feed them and then collect insurance when they all fall over and die... A little extreme but wouldn't surprise me.
  17. Thanks for another cool report Richard. In regards to Goliath (and titan) did you do the tunnel with your hand up? I just couldn't bring myself on Goliath, no matter how many rides I had to leave my arms up. Just messing with my brain too much that hill! On the roughness issue Flea. I seriously thing they are a bunch of girls. They winge about every bloody ride and its just crap. And hey Scream (a brand new BM) was not at all what I'd consider 'corkscrew smooth.' Same could go for Batman and Riddler IMO As far as I'm concerned I've found Intamin to have the smoothest coasters...
  18. No we're saying you should type properly, not that you're saying we have to type slang. I for one find it extremely difficult to read your posts (or anyone’s for that matter if they are like this) with all that **** in them because they don't use proper words and have any punctuation. Its one thing in a 2 line sentence in a chat window. Its another when your writing an extensive post on a forum. All I said was I don't have time now to comment on the sheer crap that you wrote, I will later...and don't you worry I'll be sure to let you know what I think of it then :-p Over to you Danny boy!
  19. Hey Rewinder Here's a tip. Go back, rewind and try again until you can make a post that legible for us to read. I'm short on time here so I won't even attempt to reply to all that crap you just posted. Your so out of wack its not funny on all that stuff.
  20. LOL good one joz! And hey, now its 7 posts in... However I would greatly appreciate the initial post answered if anyone does have any info.
  21. See what happens when you're in a hurry! Twice in as many minutes my friend! Good thing we have you here cleaning up the filth that some of us try to pass off as the english language! "YOUR fingers are TOO fat. To obtain a special dialling wand...mash the keypad now"
  22. Recently I've become somewhat intrigued with the Scenic Railway in Melbourne. I was just wondering if any of you have any links or whatever to some more detailed info. on it? I'm most interested in things like how the lift works on this ride and exactly what is the GO with the brakeman. IE what does he actually do and how all that works. ...I really love the technology on all these old rides :-)
  23. Sorry to hear the place being pretty much closed. Yeah CB isn't a bad arrow, but nothing more than that. The whole rest of the place I found pretty dodgy like you said and the casino itself just has an off smell about it :-) Hope the Grand Canyon is good, we didn't get teh chance to make it out there but wanted to. Being that way inclined myself I was pretty impressed with Fremont St, but I can see your point. If so do happen to get the chance, which doesnt look likely you should really try to get down and see the Belagio fountains at night. That was the most impresive thing I saw all trip!
  24. Hey Richard Glad to hear the trip is going well. Strat should be good, don't know if you want to waste your time with that coaster, however I did just for the credit :-) Don't forget to catch Speed while your there, thats one pretty full on little coaster. 12 times made me sick! As for the rest of the place, the Arrow in CC isn't too bad but nothing special, the rest of the place is pretty yuck. However make sure you grab a ride on the coaster at NYNY it is actualy pretty good. If you can grab a ride at night its great. Where abouts are you staying?
  25. What I don't understand is why they ever closed it! If they wanted to be half arsed about it (which we know they always do) they could have easily closed off the rest of the land bar maybe a game and a food outlet and left beastie open. The Skyrider station is right there too. To say people wouldn't want to trek up there for it is wrong too. You only have to look at Rocky Hollow or WWF to see that. They are both off on their own and people still go and ride them. Same goes for samurai (sp?) summit at SFMM. Oh and the other thing I left out of my previous post... The fact that WL have sold off their land to industrial use is completely inexcusable. MAYBE the very back car parks would have been okay with a separate entrance for them but the building going on up front is a joke. How can you call yourself a family fun park when you have a giant friken SHED as your centeepiece to welcome guests. Its clear their total priority is profit at the cost of everything else. I'd sooner jump on a virgin and fly to a GC park for a day than save the money and go to WL.
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