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Everything posted by rappa

  1. Hey I’m just taking the method used by the two biggest and most successful theme park operators in the world 🤷‍♂️ Problem Aussie parks want to throw around buzz words from the big boy counterparts without any clue what they involve.
  2. Seem to have misunderstood what a soft opening is. If the ride (and seemingly staff training) isn’t 100% bedded in then you don’t advertise it at all. A soft opening is/should just be that you’re at the park and it happens to open up for a while. Zero expectations. It seems to be this clash of priorities between operational needs and trying to do some kind of fan suck up effort.
  3. How is plonking the old train with a plaque that basically says “we had this thing that was good, and now we have nothing. Oh and we tried it for a minute in 2016 but then couldn’t be assed” a good thing? VERY strangely executed project this. But you know, gotta keep the steam train nufties fawning somehow I guess.
  4. I want to read about complaining from all the additional noise from the new Big Dipper coaster. That's how you know they are really full of shit
  5. There's a lot of people wanting to demand the parks give them refunds over this, which the parks probably will for good will, but no reason they should. A lot of them are the same idiots saying "I am not vaxed and I will boycott any business that only allowed the Vaccinated to enter"... so super clever logic at work there
  6. Thats interesting because certainly in the theatrical (commercial) and technical production side of entertainment I’d say 99% of people have had both jabs.
  7. Because the corporate soulless administration side of an entertainment business should never be public facing. Its not a thing, its just egotistical desire to be more than what you are. Just be an amazing theme park in it’s own right. Hell even “Disney Parks” failed as brand and Disney IS a thing. It’s like you buy a ticket to Moulin Rouge the musical and purchase a T Shirt or program from the show. You don’t go to get your hands on some Global Creatures Pty Ltd merch.
  8. Ironically Victoria has the exact same laws and people are just happy there to be able to go do these things again.
  9. Its a bit chicken and the egg. Price need to go up to increase the guest experience. Naturally there is a small lag between one and the other. But really you have to look at it like this “we pay $500 and we can go to one park, or we pay double and we can go to four”. People don’t really think about Dreamworld having several things because it’s marketed as one park. And as soon as the kids want to go see the Dolphins it’s a moot point anyway. And that’s before we factor in that people have actively demonstrated they just have cash to burn right now. My current take is that DW need to drop their price to bring people back. But Village need to up theirs to bring it back in line with the value of the product and start to increase their ability to improve that product. I think both are making the right decision.
  10. Im interested in the light show. The videos I’ve seen make it look pretty huge. Why lacklustre?
  11. The bit I don’t get is why didnt the supports just extend to the ground?
  12. Good stuff. All seems very sensible.
  13. Because pedantic is the favourite theme around here I will correct myself to say "**I** NEVER SAID USE UNTRAINED PEOPLE".
  14. Nobody said to get untrained staff to go out and get traffic. But you could hire traffic control for about 20 years of events the park would need them for for less money and effort than redesigning the whole car park. But this is just my shallow small world view, I don't have intimate extensive experience in traffic control or know countless professionals who actively work in the highly qualified role.
  15. See I have to say that this simply isn't true. Every single event at Boondall is parked in this exact way and works perfectly. Sometimes Police attend the end of the event to ensure the roundabout at the exit flows smoothly but that isn't what we are talking about here.
  16. No well it doesn't. But getting vast amounts of people through turnstiles is kind of a known how to do thing. Even 9000 isn't many. I'm guessing that solution is just having more access lanes open for people with fast scanning?
  17. I think DW has a pretty well designed car park, big fan of angled parking. Where this breaks down is as always, the user, the human factor. It would be like if they just opened the gates at Brisbane Entertainment centre and said "have at it peeps." As has been suggested, simple solution is to have attendants (only needs a small number) directing cars in, and filling each row, one at at a time all the way. When you leave it up to people they will naturally try to go to the next row to get a closer spot to the gate. Don't let them do that. Yes they will grumble and be pissed for a whole 5 mins when then are forced to go all the way up the back of the first row. But they'll soon forget this after a good experience follows and save a lot of the frustrations that seem to have been felt on the previous night.
  18. Isnt a visit to Helensvale train station scary enough?
  19. The point is that’s the fence. I don’t want to see some vinyl wrap that will fade/tear, etc on an awkwardly placed crappy fence. A simple timber fence would be much for fitting. Same for the bridge, why is it in raw gal? Looks temporary. It all looks crap, cheap and temporary, they can do better, and for little expense. Now if they rip all this out before opening and give it nice traditional seaside pier dressing then I’ll be the first one to say “great, nice simple touches and glad that stuff before was temporary”. But THIS, right now, looks crap. And I’m a little tired of the line the gist of which is “this area/ride/station always looked crap so it’s fitting for it to be that now.” Come on, do better. I’m not asking for Disneyland, but why must Australia constantly have the half assed version of everything when the entire rest of the world constantly shows it can be done better.
  20. Let’s be fair, amusement park, theme park, school playground, westfield shopping centre, or whatever you want to class the place as… Unless its a temp construction site and this is backstage only then this looks SHIT! Some cream painted picket fence, burgundy trim and festoon lighting is all that was needed here. A crappy chain link fence and this horrid bridge doesn’t cut it on a heritage site.
  21. I'm not really sure what you're getting at? The project was halted during the middle of Covid as we well know, like everything else. So of course people would have to have come here after the border was shut in March 2020. Are you implying that this isn't true and the article is making up reasons why the project is late?
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