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Everything posted by rappa

  1. I get the joke but can we try not to derail every thread with zinger Atlantis burns. It just makes the forums a total gross mess and then we have to moderate and that’s very dull. The reviews thread is already a shambles, much like the opening week so let’s just let that be the place for it please.
  2. Taking a bight of the dolphins is generally frowned upon… Actually is Dolphin Sushi considered Seafood?
  3. But you only soft open until you believe the ride to be ready. So all of this it should have been soft open talk is moot (not in hindsight but that’s not reality) because even if it did, it would only have been to the same point as before last Friday so you’d have the same issue. Again, unfortunate yes, incompetent no. But if anyone on here wants to believe they know better than the people who do that for a job you’re entitled to your opinion. I mean it hot big media coverage, a lot of haply guests and will drive Christmas visitation… doesn’t sound so botched to me.
  4. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. Pretty stabdard to have reps at opening. Are you suggesting they didn’t think it was ready but opened it anyway?
  5. The ride builder believed it to be ready. The train manufacturer believed it to be ready. The controls manufacturer believed it to be ready. The park projects team believed it to be ready. The park maintenance team believed it to be ready. The park operations team believed it to be ready. If all these experts didn’t foresee any problems with opening, the idea that some theme park forum members know better is laughable. It’s unfortunate there appear to be unforeseeable issues but thats what they are. VRTP doesn’t hate its customers as much as many here would like to suggest otherwise.
  6. How does that affect things? Once it’s dispatched it doesn’t car who’s in the seat right?
  7. So it’s problems with trains? The trains have been finished and running for months and I heard have had over 1000 cycles each… how would a soft opening solve those issues exactly? How could the park anticipate something working for over 1000 laps is going to suddenly have issues? And before you mention guests, the trains restraints have to cycle (open, close, lock and be checked) every time it runs. So they didn’t just have 1 day with a few riders. If the issues are with the train, a lot of the anger doesn’t make sense as it’s not a forceable problem is it?
  8. No I didn’t. I said a soft opening wouldn’t work because it would still create the complaints, I stand by that opinion. I said world made decisions and unfortunately some didn’t go perfect but also they didn’t have lot of other options given the timeline and how the real world works. That’s true. I said the complaints are a false level of outrage from people who think they understand things but don’t. I also stand by that opinion. I also wager the benefit in publicity and surprise/shock value the park got from keeping it all under wraps till opening day has far outweighed the small negativity from a vocal few that have been disappointed. (Side note most if those people will go back again and spend more money at the park). So as much as it might anger your precious self, it’s probably still worked well for the park.
  9. Sounds like you have some ACTUAL expertise in the area and know what you are talking about. This thread is no place for that!
  10. Its getting pretty funny now with all these assumptions. Who said they didn’t run the ride under normal conditions with staff? Who said the exit is temporary? You have all just decided these things to fit the narrative you’ve invented. @Rivals the more times you say Fully Commissioned the more ridiculous your definition get’s and make’s no sense when coupled with your ‘it’s not ready yet’ opinion.
  11. I enjoy that at no point has anyone carrying on been able to answer what ‘fully commissioned’ is despite continuing to throw the term around. Either it’s fully commissioned and doesn’t need a soft opening, or it’s not and shouldn’t be classes as open. I can’t keep up this thread is hoping around so much. What is very clear is few people if any seem to have any actual idea/experience on how ride commissioning actually works, how marketing campaigns work, or how projects are actually managed in the real world. And as soon as examples are given on why things are the way they are it’s all AH NO ITS NOT LIKE THAT THIS IS DIFFERENT SEA WORLD BAD BOOOO I seem to recall a heap of complaining about ST previews at the time, not to mention all the mud slinging over Sky Voyager. But apparently I remember wrong and in fact Dreamworld handled their ride perfectly and Sea World have no clue. **side not, where did this rubbish that the theming isn’t finished come from? Give me a break, the solid line since opening is the absolute praise for how good a job they did on the theming.
  12. Yes it does. Because there is a greater expectation that a ‘fully commissioned’ ride thats been open for years wouldn’t have as many problems as a brand new one. Let me ask this. What is ‘fully commissioned’? Like at what point are they allowed to set an opening date, book advertising, arrange billboards, book the media? All of which has decent lead times? And then what if the day before a $50 component in the motor drive or the lift motor fails, blows up the drive and its 6 weeks to get a new one and make repairs? How angry are we allowed/not allowed to be then? Actual legitimate questions. I was just in Las Vegas, a new show has opened there that was years in the making. It had months of dress rehearsals and previews (ie soft opening). A week after official opening colleagues of mine spent several thousand dollars on tickets to the show. That night the main ending of the show failed, it ground to a halt and ruined the whole thing. Are they allowed to be angry? Should the show have never opened knowing there was a chance something could fail? Just want to know where the line is here? No, but you are saying Sea World don’t realize a soft opening is needed and Movie World do. Its the same people so how does that make sense?
  13. You realise Movie World and Sea World are the same right? Its the one company and management… How about maybe there just wasn’t time for soft openings? If they had announced dec 02, and then ran into problems and pushed it back then people would complain about that. What if people booked a trip and then a week before they said no, not opening? Those people would then be upset. Like there is no perfect way to do this and at the end of the day 100s of happy guests have ridden it already. Its a bloody theme park ride. The hyperbole over what a catastrophe it is because it hasn’t been smooth sailing is just ridiculous. Do you know how many people a week queue for an hour or more for Rise of the Resistance at Disneyland only to have it break down before their ride and they be offered no expectation on when it might open again? And that ride has been OPEN for years.
  14. You are 100% correct. Based on the hour by hour operational status of the ride they should put up or disassemble billboards interstate. They also should wait until the ride is cycling trains full of guests before allowing any guests queue for it. They really don’t know what they are doing and should refer to your years of experience in theme park operations instead. I’m sure an automated turnstile could solve half these issues just as a start.
  15. Yeah and I’m saying no one would get it. The ride would brake down and everyone would be on here bitching that screens weren’t working and they came all way there and didn’t get to ride, etc etc. As usual your posts are living in a fantasy land. Does it suck the ride is going down? Yes of course it does, but it happens. Steel Taipan was an off the shelf ride with a car port for a station from a manufacturer that already built one 5 mins down the road. Leviathan is a one off custom built coaster and the first one for the manufacturer in a country that has INSANELY different safety standards to the rest of the world. You really can’t compare the two. Like I said, it sucks. But throwing around things like “they’ve handled the entire ride building poorly” is a bit if a stretch. Reality is, it’s annoying, people get annoyed and then have a vent. Which is fine, but let’s have some perspective at the same time. Be mad at things to be justifiably mad at. The ride going down in its first few days of opening isn’t one of them. As for communication, no park ever including Disney has told guests how long a ride will be down for or what is wrong with it when it is.
  16. Its got nothing to do with Sea World. This is the care at nearly every ride opening anywhere. I once flew to the other side of the world to hopefully ride Lightning Rod. When I got there it died and didn’t run again for months… and STILL has issues years later. Shit happens, and as I said it’s just the risk we all take trying to get on something early. What good does pissing and moaning on the internet do?
  17. Firstly, the train doesn’t ‘stall’ on the lift, it will stop there if the 2nd train isn’t brought into the station. Second, maintenance staff ride the ride as part if the daily safety checks, so it’s silly to be annoyed they are doing so. And finally, I know its been a while since a big major ride like this opened, but this is pretty normal anywhere in the world, new rides often have issues and as an enthusiast you should know that the price you pay for wanting to be ‘first’ is the thing might break down. There is no such thing as a soft opening, its open or its not. When parks like Disney do ‘technical rehearsals’ they bring in select groups at select times to ride. Sea World already did this with staff and contractors. And the reason? Because if you had public there they would be all buthurt just like the above when they didn’t get to ride. Until you open open a ride for normal ops you can never properly test it for how it will run under normal conditions. So unfortunately inevitably small issues will come up. Just keep in mind, its an amusement ride in a theme park, it’s not the fight against world hunger, so if you have to wait a little longer to have a go, it’s not the end of the world.
  18. I actually thing the various park departments (remember different people are responsible for all these things) deserve some props for co-ordinating to get all the various projects completed the same day and open with Leviathan. To have the Nick refurb work, dockside and Leviathan all open on the same day was a very nice touch. Could easily still had rides closed and the tavern being worked on which would have made for a much less polished day. Good on them I say
  19. Be curious to know if it IS actually running slower with 1 train given the stacking on the brake run with 2.
  20. Lift hill is a block. In Leviathan for instance train can dispatch whilst other is in the course or brake run, but will stop on the lift until 2nd train clears the brake run.
  21. Wow, feel bad for that gig. Still living decades ago There was no mistake, the ? Gobos come from Intellabeams. The patterns on the floor are obviously backlit panels built into what was the false ‘show deck’ over the top of the concrete Sound Stage floor.
  22. Correct IBeams did not have rotating gobos. They were one of the first ‘big things’ from Highend. The big step up was the Cyberlight which is still used in some Disney attractions today and in fact a nee LED version has just been released to replace those originals for Disney specifically.
  23. The ??s were gobos projected from High End Systems Intellabeams and were then kicking around the park for several years in various stages if disrepair. Prob still on the scrap heap somewhere.
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