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Everything posted by rappa

  1. Hmmm if there is no interest it wouldn’t make sense to bring in a fresh ambition focussed theme park person as CEO. We may be pleasantly surprised.
  2. Is there a reason why they wouldn't be doing the splash pad in the 'Chill Out' area left by Wipeout's departure? I would think that would make a great spot for that to bring back Ocean into Ocean Parade, but maybe I'm missing something? I think once this multi year plan is done, some kind of big splashy water ride in the area would really round it out, and that's PROBABLY far enough since 'you know what' to do a water ride. Yes there would be mental cases that still cry foul, but hopefully they are too busy protesting about trams at the time to notice 😛 I think it's safe to say regardless of whatever anyone things about these announced plans, it would be hard to argue that they are not 1000% better than anything idiots in charge previously came up with this past decade.
  3. By linking their video you are giving them views and thus promotion…
  4. An old video If you go have a look at the park you can see thats now not white anymore
  5. Nothing says vintage Rivertown like lighting effects and fog!
  6. End of the day the ‘themed’ part is just some plastic bodies for the train. It wouldn’t be completely unfeasible to change them out. Paint the track, bit of simple theming (think vintage motobike race) in the station and it fits. Could be on the cards?
  7. I dunno there are a fair few comments on FB of people saying it looks boring so maybe mild is right 😂 people are weird
  8. POVs do usually tend to look kinda slow. You can see even off ride that this thing is hauling ass and keeps the pace on the whole way through.
  9. It’s pretty clear the direction management wants to take the park. And that’s more family thrills and less animal handler skills. There is nothing necessarily wrong with that, if they only have so much capability I’d sooner less things done better than a big range half assed. I do feel like we’ll see animals phased out over the next several years though, time will tell.
  10. I probably was misleading. The electric cars have futuristic jetsons style fake noises. RSR cars have the fake petrol engine feel/noises. ie it is possible to have an electric vintage car with artificial vintage sounds and feel.
  11. I don’t really care if they move or do new, as long as the cars are good. It’s not the silliest idea to say move, because if they say ‘all new’ people will just say “oh they just moved the other cars”. Remember idiots think Wipeout is at Sea World now
  12. Was just at Disneyland and it’s well and truly Christmas there.
  13. I dunno, I will go visit the park to check this ride out. Still haven’t even bothered for ST. If they get this right could be a real winner of a coaster/attraction I recon.
  14. There’s a lot of room if you close the entire wildlife section at the rear of the park…
  15. Every news article has said Indiana Jones style ride. Now we savy people can work out its the more obscure Indy coaster he is talking about. But the media and public instantly go to the Disneyland version, and DW aren’t stupid, they knew exactly that’s what would happen.
  16. I have a simple example for this debate actually. Autopia at Hong Kong disney is still fun and popular because you ‘drive the car’. The engine is now electric and it has simulated noises but fundamentally the guide rail/steering and speed control is the same as the DLR petrol counterparts. So if they do this style that’s totally fine. If its the Wonderland style where you basically could just sit there arms folded and it made no difference it would suck. Something like Radiator Springs Racers shows you can simulate a petrol engine sound and feel effectively. I know Disney level is a stretch, but hey the park is already allowing the implication they are building Indiana Jones and Temple of the Forbidden Eye
  17. So opinion question: Which is worse? Claiming Sea World’s coaster is the most iconic in the world, or putting the misconception out there that DW is building Indiana Jones from Disneyland California? 😛
  18. So I'm nearly 40 but at one tine I was 5, 6, 10 (shocking I know) and even at that tine I knew Dreamworld cars were awesome and Wonderlands modern electric cars were SHIT! So forget Model T parts or not, the attraction in the current DW cars is definitely because of what they are to both kids and adults alike. They are just kinda 'real'
  19. I wouldn't take the turntable wording too literally... this could easily mean 'flip track' as well. Think it's pretty obvious that this ride will feature a forwards and backwards component which utilises a track switch to achieve this. Think Firechaser Express at Dollywood for some inspo
  20. No you wouldn’t actually because operations would still be finalizing their procedures (remember we are yet to see a train full of people during testing) which then impact on the retail department before final info can be passed on to guest relations. The last think you want is half finished/wrong info being given out because bat shit crazy people then take it as gospel and complain when it changes.
  21. It’s not though is it. Because it’s juts a secondary access point. The path from Vortex is the main entry. But having this way makes it not a dead end. Plus you also have access on the other side of dockside.
  22. There really isn’t any guarantee of a soft opening. It may very well just open on the second
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