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Everything posted by rappa

  1. Are you kidding? The animations in that small clip look very high quality. But also are you actually posting to piss an moan based on a couple seconds of Instagram?
  2. Isn’t that the best kind of inside joke? One that looks harmless to most but a few people who get it get the “oh no they didn’t” lol from it?
  3. Could you teach them how not to type the same thing 3 times in a post?
  4. Yeah I mean half the thrill is pins flying bloody everywhere on a massive strike. That just doesn’t happen with these systems. Pay the techs what they are worth to run the proper machines, it’s not like they charge $5 a game anymore.
  5. People disagree with you because ALL of your ideas and thoughts are not grounded in reality.
  6. Why on earth would another park who has spent all these costs just let someone else copy and paste it. That’s just not how these things work.
  7. Mate if you think you could fire them in something like the Wild West lift hill I’m glad you’re not working in the park.
  8. See previous statement. Isopar is actual flame. You can’t be using it inside a themed tunnel in proximity to riders.
  9. They sounds exactly like burning electronics so great to see the park taking guests health concerns seriously.
  10. Those spark machines are awful! They cover everything in the crap they produce and are completely impractical for a theme park environment and duty cycle. Anything with DJ Power on it has no place in a theme park, it is low end stuff. CO2 likewise, way impractical due to volume (ie cost) of product used, plus the handling, air monitoring, etc. This is often a problem in Australia, we don’t have the market volume to create enough of a professional niche that just does theme parks. So you end up with general production people selling products and ideas that just won’t go the distance, and parks paying for the capital purchase without the long term maintenance also factored in. This is slowly getting better though than it used to be.
  11. To be completely pedantic one of the ‘ghosts’ actually pulled the big lever which moved to send you backwards. The whole thing was quite a convincing peppers ghost effect which got less and leas so as the years rolled on.
  12. Cold sparks are gross and cover everything in crap
  13. The ride needs millions invested in it to bring it back up to the gem it could be. Doesn’t seem like that’s on the cards at present.
  14. Maybe they’ll go with Velocity Magnets… worked so well for Dollywood 😂😂
  15. So its almost 100% for evac in a blackout then. Scooby has the same.
  16. Are you sure its not a compressor? To the lay person they look very similar and it’s more likely there is a problem with the ride’s air compressor so they have a temporary one in place…
  17. Thing is, we call if surfrider, but all they need to do is replace the board and it could be themed to a whole bunch of other things... so maybe it will go to another park here... Hoverboard ride anyone? 😛
  18. Also worth mentioning there is not a restaurant reservation availably any time on any day I’m there in over a months time. its crazy right now
  19. The parks do not mess around with that stuff, its very serious and a foolish thing to do for a few likes.
  20. To give an idea, I just bought a 2 day ticket to Disneyland and it cost me over $600 Australian. No one in Australia is going to pay that much to visit a park and costs would be even higher with Australian wages. *ok not no one, but not enough people to make the park viable
  21. What exactly is your point here? Or is it just to come and post needless negativity about something that hasn't even happened yet and likely won't? You'd complain if it was a white colourbond fence, you complain if they make a themed rock wall, like just why even bother, these posts just needlessly bring the conversation down.
  22. The good thing to come from Australia’s insane fire rules is all that rock work has to be, well rock. So you won’t see the problems typical with fibreglass and hardcoat theming getting broken away and this should stay nice for a long time.
  23. Is that the ride’s lighting we can see of have they added temporary lighting for spooky nights?
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