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jjuttup last won the day on July 23

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  1. If the bar is Battle for Metropolis, sure. Otherwise i'm fairly sure that an A frame with the rides name written in times new roman is too much themeing for them. Enough to keep the CEO up at night and give him nightmares.
  2. If its unpowered, i'd say 2 days tops if they take their time. Otherwise if it's powered, 5. Pull it in, line it up, mason drill, bolt, move on.
  3. HFH end a week earlier than i thought it would. Thought it would stay until NSW goes back/Aus Day weekend.
  4. Do you only sit up the back? Sitting around half way up, right down to the front row encapsulates your peripheral vision.
  5. I didn't, but it explains why they disappeared almost alltogether, yet were in park. I believe TZ have a 12 month expiry on both funds and tickets.
  6. I also noticed in the JJ video from last night that they're all prize and ticket games, no story games. Which probably doesnt make monetary sence that much unless you want to keep paying out, unless the cost was based off upfront pricing where they're a bit more. But that also means you're done alot quicker and feeling a bit more ripped off.
  7. Also, why are they using "prize points" instead of carrots?
  8. Considering Timezone has their prices at around 2.50 iirc for non VIPs, 10 games for 35 seems a bit steep. Also, 35x3 is 105, so its an extra $15 for 3 lots of tokens.
  9. Which one is that bad one? Cause both are useful
  10. I live 25 minutes down the road and have never seen ads. Even when much of my FB marketing is LPS and MW.
  11. The fact their last online was 15 minutes after account creation, i'm leaning into spam.
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