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Everything posted by jcgoldcoast

  1. This is my first attempt at a coater in NL2 - Slide - a coaster with a twist - will it be wild or will it be mild? You'll just have to ride to find out! Will it be wild or will it be mild? Mild Wild Even more wild! Download
  2. Long time no post for me! To take this thread in a slightly different direction, the old theatre from Lethal is not being used for the Arkham Asylum. Does anyone else think there could be room for a flat in there? Could be why the old ramps have been left and the entrance not returned to this area? In my mind, this would round out the area quite well.
  3. Just because it is another option, doesn't mean it is a good option. I would much rather see a chain fast food place like Subway where you can get something at least a little bit healthy over Eagle Boys where they don't have one main menu item that is one bit healthy. I dont think we should be thankful for this menu option at all....
  4. I like both parks for different reasons. I think overall SFMM has a better selection of unique ride experiences but CP has a really great atmosphere. I dont think I would rate one over the other as overall they both offer is a very good experience, but both of the experiences are unique to each of the parks.
  5. I count 2 in that list with inversions, Maverick and X, or am I just insane?
  6. What about Colour? One of the most amazing pieces of software released in recent times IMO!
  7. That ride is such low capacity that it would not be worth the moving costs to get it down there. The ride would be much more suited to a smaller park that doesn't get the volume of visitors that the Gold Coast parks do.
  8. I wouldn't exactly call Sesame Place new, it has been in operation since 1981. One thing you do have to remember is that Sesame Street Beach is just a 'land' in Sea World and Sesame Place is a whole theme park dedicated to the Sesame Street show.
  9. The show building could be expanded out behind superman in a 'dog leg' L shape kind of building. I have attached an example of where this extension could go. This could more than double the size of the current area where the simulator motion bases are. Would it also be possible for some of this ride to take place on more than one level? It could be quite interesting to see something happening below you, similar to the bridge area on Indiana Jones.... EDIT: typo
  10. Gazza, I really think this sounds like a good idea. My thought for the ride would to be to replace the (extremely) dated Batman The Ride. This would allow the attraction to be bought in line with the new Batman movies and at the same time save some costs by not having to build a whole new ride building. From my measurements, I don't think there would be enough room in the current simulator building, but there should be plenty of room to expand the show building out behind SE to LW. Has anyone got any ideas on what a story line could be for this attraction?
  11. Does anyone else think they would be able to fit two dark attractions in the old show building? It does have quite a high clearance, so maybe something like a Sally dark ride could be built on a new 'upper' level (with load/unload on ground level of course) and some other form of ride underneath that...maybe a disk-o or something similar?
  12. Why do we NEED inversions? Yea they can be fun, but I MUCH prefer crazy insane airtime hills and helixes of death to inversions. In my opinion inversions are more of a gimmick on most coasters than anything else. (This opinion does not apply to B&M doggy style or Vekoma flying dutchman type coasters)
  13. Hey Richard, Site it looking awesome, however I seem to have a bit of an issue with the footer for the site, it thinks its allowed to come up twice! I have attached a screen shot for you. I am running OSX 10.5.1, with Safari V 3.0.4 and I have also tried viewing the website in Firefox version and I still get the same issue! This only appears to be happening on the index page Edit: Removed one copy of image. Added extra comment
  14. Riding the Sunwheel in the moving cars is damn scary...I have done it once and I dont think I would ever do it again, scariest non airplane ride of my life!
  15. No, the "Soarin'" attractions were manufactured in house by Disney
  16. It is my belief that anyone could ride any of the major thrill rides as long as it is possible to maintain youself seated in an upright position, facing forwards at all times. My suggestion would to be to contact guest relations prior to going to any of the parks to clear up what rides you can and cant go on. Personally, I would have thought Movieworld would have been the most wheelchair firendly park as the only ride that actually has any steps for you to go up or down is Batman, and that is only about 4 steps when exiting the ride.
  17. But even if a coaster is designed to bring no pain at all, ride operators can cause pain, I hate those ops that staple you down so that you no longer know if you have legs or not!
  18. Cricket? Oh count me OUT if there is cricket! I want coasters baby EDIT - double post removed
  19. Is it at all possible that this new show may be going in the old show arena? This area certainly has enough space to support a stunt show involving vehicles, I would say the space is even larger than the police academy area (but dont quote me on that )
  20. Is it at all possible that WWF could be turned into something special for the event (eg a maze in the trough or main revisor)?
  21. Funny, because I have been up around the load station area for quite a number of resets and have never seen the train be backed into the load station, I have always just seen it come back through unload.....
  22. Just a question about transferring trains on superman, does anyone know if the train completes the track after being transfered on, or if its reversed into the station? Really just curious about this and its been bugging me for a while!
  23. I personally would love to see a modern wooden coaster in Australia. I was recently on TPR's MidWest trip, where a very large number of the coasters were wooden. Some of the older woodies may have been comparable to a train ride (eg The Beast) however anything that has been built in the last 5-15 years are immensely entertaining and I would even go so far as to say they are much more enjoyable than Superman and Lethal Weapon. When you see rides like Voyage and El Toro, and see the budget they were built on (US$6.5 mil for Voyage, and I would hazard a guess at about US$12 mil for El Toro (no official price is on the internet)) they are defiantly within the budget of our parks here. Both these rides have much longer ride times than any coaster currently in Australia and therefor may provide a more exciting ride for all riders. I would defiantly be very impressed with any of the parks if they built a woodie on the scale of Voyage or El Toro, although I don't believe any of the parks have the space for a ride of this size.
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