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Everything posted by dreamworld_rulz

  1. I like DW coz it has more rides. It also takes longer to do the rides. Although i'm a huge BB fan DW has always been my preference.
  2. I went to Wnw a few weeks ago and wore aqua shoes. They were bloody awesome. I didn't burn my feet however the inner sole did become loose so i'll have to get the sole glued. But apart from that aqua shoes is the go. They cost me $9 from Big W @ Highpoint in Maribyrnong.
  3. exactly. I put an extra $10 away coz i knew it would go up but i wasn't 100% sure by how much.
  4. I live in Melbourne so i visit the GC every 3-4 months. I stay 4 nites. I buy the DW pass coz it saves me money on food & drinks. I get a MW pass coz i can't be bothered paying cash all the time. It also allowes me to go park hopping. I usually go to DW in the morn then MW in the arvo b4 getting the bus back to Surfers.
  5. I think the prices are fair. I don't find them a problem.
  6. Wasn't the Polar Bears suppose to be @ SW for like 12 months? So you never know about the Ferris Wheel.
  7. Everyone is entitled to an opinion so here's mine. I don't think it's a waste of space. I love that ride. I really hope they don't change it coz i hate that movie
  8. There was talk a few months back that the Loony tunes River Ride was going to be transformed into that ride. I havn't heard anything since.
  9. I heard that WWW will be open @ nite. Can someone confirm or deny this without being rude please?
  10. And what makes the woosh noise when it slows down.
  11. Melbourne doesn't have the climate for a 7 day 52 week park. You only have to look at LPM. It's only open Fri-Sun except during the hols. I know it's smaller but could you imagine MW or DW in Melbourne on a weekday during winter? It would be a walk on on all rides. Now that's not a bad thing but the park wouldn't survive.
  12. They sort of already have one. It's called Shrek 4-D.
  13. You know the old saying "Better late than never" EDIT : Although it's a large city i wouldn't exactly call Geelong, Melbourne. Where i live i suppose you could call it Melbourne as i'm only a 45 min train trip. But for others it's on the other side of Melbourne
  14. Why do some parks have 12 month passes when their only open for a few months?
  15. That is so cool. Living in Footscray means i'm only a 45 min train ride. Will have to visit in Summer. Good find.
  16. Someone said (i think Richard) that DW will offer a combined annual pass for DW and WWW. Prices are not known @ this stage.
  17. I think WWW will kick but until @least September next year when WnW will announce another ride coming these Sept hols.
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