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Everything posted by lisalila

  1. Just to let you guys kow..you CAN save youtube videos.. You just have to go to www.keepvid.com, you copy/paste the youtube link of the video you're interested in, then you select the link that will be given to you by keepvid.com and you either choose to watch it or save it on your computer. The only thing that you have to do is to call it blablabla.flv and download a codec that will allow you to read flv files.
  2. dreamworld: I know why it's capped; that's not what I asked My friend visits MW alot and she lives in brisbane and has a unit on the coast. I think you'll find that residents visit the parks more than once a year. I'm getting a www pass..12 months or not I don't like wnw much and it's quite cheap for the www pass. Overall value shall be seen when it opens but I know I'll save more money on food/merch with the www pass since I dont have a wnw pass.
  3. I agree with you on this Richard. I'm not making any comments on the Woodie topic because the only woodie coaster I've ridden was at LPM but I would imagine that in this day and age; with all this fabulous technology they could make a woodie that exceeds anything in the world..it's just a matter of which ever park (DW or MW) putting the money in there. I think if it was done right they could have a great woodie to go into Gold Rush Country...maybe where the skylink use to be. I wouldn't mind going on a woodie but I just dont see either park getting one any time soon.
  4. Does anyone know why they have no school/pub hols rule? Personally the holiday thing won't effect me but why are they advertising it as a "12 month pass" if it's not? can't they get in trouble for mis-advertising or whatever?
  5. I think Dream had the problem that Gazza said WVTP only has 3 parks, even though Dreamworld_rulz already said that.. You can leave Dream and come back, can't you?
  6. You know I tried getting into wnw with my MW pass and they told me "you can only come in with a wnw pass" so has anyone gone to any of the other parks using that discount?? The school thing is a bloody joke but the pricing doesn't worry me because I'll just put money away each week for it and have enough in time and I know alot of people who save up for thing's like that. IT makes perfect sense.
  7. Does anyone know how much WNW charged when they first opened? have thier prices really changed over time?? You should remember, WWW is brand new; they are going to try and get as much money from the public as they can and personally I dont think the prices are THAT bad and if you dont like it simply dont visit www!
  8. Scooby is definately the most themed ride at any of the parks, SE's themeing imo is kind of slack..there's little themeing in the que area..in fact the only REAL themeing is in the subway. Yes but I wasn't referring to the TOT was I? but if you want to talk about the TOT than fine, we'll talk about the TOT. I hate how long it takes to get on the TOT for the short ride, in fact if the line is around the second corner I'll come back later and if it doesnt improve I don't ride it at all. I like the Drop but it's lines are insanely long 99.9% of the time I am there but it's not a ride I love riding like SE so I don't wait. Double standards? mmm maybe but that's my opinion and choice Gazza.
  9. Well if you dont have kids than it wouldn't bug you but it is unfair to those that have kids and most visitors to these parks are parents. I wonder what ever possessed them to make that choice since as you said, gazza, its like a peak period for the parks. Well if you dont have kids than it wouldn't bug you but it is unfair to those that have kids and most visitors to these parks are parents. I wonder what ever possessed them to make that choice since as you said, gazza, its like a peak period for the parks. Edit: Not sure if anyone has read the FAQ but this is interesting.. Most shaded? hehe guess they are still fixing those up..and the wind structures are good..can get pretty windy on those towers.
  10. I know that, I meant the link they have is http://www.whitewaterworld.com.au/content/...pdf/ParkMap.pdf which is incorrect and gives a 404 page error. Hmm it looks like it..the octo racer has transparent peices so maybe they decided to do that with the bowl too?
  11. Is that on the pictures or video? Also I love how they have the park map there but it leads to a 404 page lol..someone forgot to upload it or put in the correct url path.
  12. Under water camera's? no peeing now! Well wnw got the first so they went after the biggest
  13. I loove how he said that the tunnel for The Rip (the bowl) is "pitch black" but in the video they have lights in there lol.
  14. Oh I see the videos now haha! I didnt notice the little tab at the top saying rides. They should've sent mikey on the rides for the video's though (if they are complete of course)
  15. Wait, you were right about what? I clicked the link but what were you talking about? I wouldn't mind working there but not up to moving states lol.
  16. Well..the capping makes sense since they are small but the school/public hols thing is crap. I bet they will use that to their advantage "no sorry you have to pay [insert entry price] because it's school holidays" and what about the discounts? will they still work during the school hols or is it no pass whats so ever? ALOT of thier visitors will be parents who have kids/teens in school and can only go during school holidays..
  17. I think building another waterpark was a great decision but having all of these (well 2) australian firsts and a world first was an even better decision and I don't think they (macquarie leisure ) will regret it. They've definately set the pace for wnw. Also wanted to say thanks to those of you that have explained how some of those slides work, very interesting for newbie like myself
  18. When I said the ride is too short I meant the actual ride time you spent from the tap hat onwards. I dont count the pre-ride/subway thing because you aren't continually moving (if you went straight from the subway to the tophat than sure but you don't; you stop for 10 or whatever seconds. Of course there are alot of coasters out there that have much worse lines (cyclone for one) and SE is a great ride but yeah just too short for my liking.
  19. My friends and I did reef diver, wipeout and claw all right after each other..we spent the rest of the day feeling really sick and didn't want to ride any more spinning rides or even drink or eat. We ended up laying down on the chairs near the wipeout for 20 minutes trying to recoup.
  20. The only problem I have with SE is it's too short, you wait 15 minutes and are only on it for like 30 seconds. If it's inappropiate grammer than why do they teach it at school?
  21. Well can't comment on the WL woodies since when I went there (which was only once) it was pouring rain and they just closed bush beast as we got there, the only other woodie I've been on is at LPM and we all know how awesome that is. No, it was a question, not a remark. What woodies have you been on Dreamworld? since you seem to think they stink, you must have gone on quite a few to have an opinion like that..
  22. Sara Pax, Dreamworld Loooove Dracs! they def need more room though..saw bloodlust, good show. Thatghost train is better than the one at melb..its all funky colours and you get like glasses to 'enhance' the colours. My cousins wife almost wet herself near the end with the chain saw haha.
  23. Why are people so in love with Woodies? isn't Steel more efficient/better?
  24. It looks fun but so did LW when I first rode it and all I got was a headache lol. Oh was that Lego Land? cool that was quite easy. It's a bit like those virtual rollercoasters (use to be one at galatic circus at crown), you'd pick the track or create your own, it'll come up on your card, you put the card in the machine and than the ride op does the rest. I remember that episode of Beyond Tomorrow...it was at Lego Land.
  25. I looked it up "The amazing Robocoaster, a unique ride that uses roller-coaster-style seats attached to robotic arms. It can move riders with remarkable fluidity through a series of programmable maneuvers." there's a video here, couldn't get it to work in firefox but works ok in IE and is very short (and I'm sorry if I'm not allowed to post this) It looks good..doesn't Lego Land or somewhere have a few of these?
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