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Morphix last won the day on November 23 2022

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  1. the movie is from 1939. Thought its an attraction for a 100 year anniversary
  2. I observed up to one in ten runs would get a 3rd backwards freefall, usually it catches on the 2nd run and slowly sends the train back to base. Not sure if its really a issue, seems weight related and how far the train falls back up the track after the first pass through the loading area. Thought it was awesome ride can't imagine why dreamworld booted it maybe.
  3. Are you serious, is one of the coasters a copy of TNT at GBW. Its like the 90s with the portable metropolis coasters that can travel around to show grounds. I will say I rode TNT last month, and not sure If I'm not used to the feeling of coaster recently but the first 5 seconds is really good the rest is a sunday drive. I loved the EX dreamworld coaster, pretty thrilling, got a extra drop due to break not catching
  4. The smart thing to do is wait till all the wizard of oz section is done, then close it then
  5. But we have a few problems. The whole area seems fit for maybe 5000 patrons in a day. Fairly average two lane highway feeds into the area with a small drive way and currently... that car park.. Potential dangerous intersections back onto the highway.... If it was ever going to be a real park the whole area needs 100mil in road upgrades. Not sure where they would expand for another 5 rides. On the back they could do this https://www.skylineluge.com/en/sentosa/?utm_source=gmb_listing&utm_medium=organic I would get. Flume ride drop tower/ vertical launch ...
  6. I'm really impressed about this, and I had no idea about it till I logged in a few weeks ago. I visited the park last in 2016 which may have well still been the same as 1997. Another 2-3 big rides and I'd consider for Victoria to finally have a real Themepark. They could add a Singapore luge Sentosa Island style thing out the back where the toboggan used to be.... Wasn't it some bosses from carsales.com.au who got the place going
  7. Ahhh That moment when I remember about this place and log in again after 5 years... I learned so much, had no idea lethal weapon was gone and dreamworld has a big new coaster. Anyhow thought I'd share some of my old photos since many of the things don't exist anymore and its becoming a bit interesting... I should go again after 15 years....
  8. Are you serious, is that the location of the ride judging from the near map photo. It's so close to the highway, for sure in its initial 6months of opening as it towers less than 100m from the highway. It will cause accidents as people slow to look at it. the land located near (lethal weapon) and Wild west doesn't look super important, maybe those buildings can go and they can fit some things in there. PLease note I am a casual enthusiast
  9. So in this format there would be a color bar such as Red For superman escape covering most of April, and another ride such as wild west Blue. The two different color bars are easily identifiable and visually it can be worked out easily what days all attractions run, otherwise try visit the maintenance page now and work out the best time to visit....many schedules overlap.
  10. It's really cute watching you guys get excited at these early stages... ...now show me more pictures
  11. It's been nearly 10 years since I last visited the strip of Australian parks. Sometimes I remember about this forum and log in for my yearly lurk to find out the gossip of up coming attractions. I noticed Movie world Web page has the whole year of scheduled maintenance listed, but just in text form. I was wondering If there is/ I should make/You should make a color coded calendar info graphic that would have each month listed in a grid of maintenance for each theme park, so guests can work out a time to visit where all attractions are running. This calendar Could be sticky pasted on the top of the forums or main page. Something like this
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