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Narra last won the day on January 27

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About Narra

  • Birthday 09/02/1998

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    Gold Coast

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  1. Now that is something I would finally make the drive to go on
  2. "AV" as in Audio Visual, as in, not the people doing maintenance on the rides
  3. https://www.parkz.com.au/photo/7713-The_Claw_repainting/gallery/sort/newest/location/the-claw/offset/13 Looks to me like they have cut the existing weld visible behind the sign, you can see the rust marks where the supports used to wrap around the poles on the two farthest poles
  4. Number 4 peaks my interest, I wonder if we will see some sort of treetop walkway built on the island, could even connect over to the animal area.
  5. I think they would, Green Lantern's ride model wasn't as tried and tested as the Screamin' Swing is. They have been building them for 20 years now and a majority are still in operation with more being built pretty consistently
  6. I could see them going for a Sky Jump, its a different enough experience to Batwing and Giant Drop
  7. Because one of the biggest marketing points about Jungle Rush is that you can have different ride experiences every time you ride, shutting one side ruins that
  8. Anyone actually able to claim their ticket? getting a server error when I try
  9. Best I can do is 5 minute dispatches and a small section of shade for guests to get into fights over when queuing up. Take it or leave it.
  10. Welp, I dont think its coming back: https://www.instagram.com/jaggsjourneysau/reel/DE9LvBBSmlD/ From Jaggs Instagram
  11. So in May 2024 we were told they were "exploring their options and would share more in the future". Let's see if that holds true. Announcing ahead of time that its being removed wont really change much, since its not like we can go in for a final ride anyway
  12. Its either something for Gold Coaster or maybe some late arriving theming for RiverTown. Since they've taken down the fenced off section in the carpark they might have decided to just quickly place it there until it could be installed? Surely you wouldn't have part deliveries for King Claw this early, and if you did they probably wouldn't be sitting out in the weather.
  13. I cried so much in the queue for The Claw until I finally rode it and it became my favourite in the park, can definitely see that happening with Jungle Rush
  14. I do remember seeing one kid burst into tears in the gem room because of how loud the audio blasts in there
  15. Per the Daily Mail she was working at a friends stall and decided to ride during their break, so probably not actually employed nor aware of the shows policies
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