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Narra last won the day on August 28

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About Narra

  • Birthday 09/02/1998

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    Gold Coast

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  1. Based on Ogre's Video, it looks like the train travels over the same section of track twice, so it ends up facing the opposite way each time it returns to the station. I wonder then, if when they run two trains you might only do that first section once and return to the station facing the way you started? That would probably be smart during peak seasons to ramp up your throughput, at the expense of a shorter ride experience. Could mean we get a different ride experience depending on when you go?
  2. Ogre has video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36qklnFnfWs
  3. My bad, thought it was more related to the discontinuation of contact than the stage 1 changes
  4. Probably could have made a new thread for this, but looks like a bunch of "journalists" are reporting that Dreamworld is going non-contact due to the incident: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-12-17/dreamworld-ends-human-interaction-with-tigers-gold-coast/104734418 https://7news.com.au/sunrise/major-change-for-beloved-dreamworld-attraction-after-handler-was-mauled-by-tiger-c-17109531 https://www.skynews.com.au/lifestyle/trending/dreamworld-announces-major-change-to-wildlife-interactions-after-handler-hospitalised-from-being-mauled/news-story/dc737ed0dfc3c3c836fd9bf123119078 at least some of them mention that this was announced years ago, not before they got in their click bait about the recent incident though
  5. Has village said anything lately? It's been over two weeks since they posted footage of FOTWW testing and the only other thing they posted was the coin... They started months before Dreamworld surely they have to be close by now
  6. For anyone who didn't see it, from Jaggs recent sneak peak
  7. I mean these days you'd be hard pressed to find a provider that offers lock-in contracts for SIM cards. But I have had plans I have cancelled before at a flat rate cancellation fee which was lower than remaining months of the plan would have cost me. If you have a mobile phone you are paying off then yeah you would be expected to pay the remaining amount owed
  8. Jungle Rush seems to be fenced off with a wooden fence that looks pretty well themed, if they put the same fencing around Murrisippi Motors I wouldn't be happy though as it completely blocks any sight lines. Frankly I think black chain link is one of the better options for blending in and trying to be invisible. Photographers at motorsports events will often spray paint small sections of the usually silver chain fence black as it obscures it better for taking photos through.
  9. Right, but I don't have the option to pay the entire plan at once right? Mobile Phone plans are a monthly service, you are paying for usage of the network over a month period. You can end your contract early and in some cases not have to pay out the full cost of the plan. AfterPay is an external provider that offers BNPL, this is not the same as a monthly plan like you get with your phone. I can't just decide I want to end my annual pass after 6 months like I can with a phone plan This is all I am saying that Dreamworld should do, put the full price on top in a slightly bigger font. End of the day? It's not going to stop be visiting Dreamworld or renewing my pass so whatever
  10. I feel there is a difference between something that is inherently a monthly service. You pay for data and usage of the network per month. Like I said, I have no issue with AfterPay being an option nor do I have an issue with them advertising the AfterPay price, but you cant deny its a tactic to make people feel like they aren't paying as much. Studies have shown people are far more likely to make purchases they normally wouldn't where a BNPL option is presented, so advertising that as the main way to pay feels slightly scummy IN MY OPINION Source: https://libertystreeteconomics.newyorkfed.org/2024/02/how-and-why-do-consumers-use-buy-now-pay-later/#:~:text=For individuals near their credit,a balance and accruing interest.
  11. Having the option isn't scummy, but when you put the full price in much less visible text below it's a bit scummy imo. Feels like they are trying to hide it in a way to make people feel like they are getting a deal
  12. Maybe I am wrong here, but I would assume the rooves they added to the log ride were a safety addition, not theming like we are seeing on Murrisippi Motors. Worst case scenario they just take the rooves off. We also don't know if the car on track is even the final product, maybe that roof structure is just to test clearances around the track before they bring down the properly themed cars?
  13. Maybe the original electric cars they planned had rooves and so they designed their concept around it. In the QLD sun I'm sure families would appreciate a roof
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