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  1. Went yesterday afternoon and with jungle rush down my family and I were able to go on Mississippi motors 4 times in a row which the kids love. Also no queues for the wiggles roller coaster and the other kid rides. Always love the afternoons at dreamworld over movie world since even at the 4pm you can still get big waits for driving school, wild Wild West etc while dream world is usually nice and quiet.
  2. Looks like this is a hit on social media. Seeing so many people booking flights to visit the area. It’s a timeless IP which is going to bring in a lot of interstate and international guests.
  3. The somewhere over the rainbow performance was at the land today. They also did a few new little shows not listed on the app at the land. When they do a character appearance they sometimes perform so it’s not listed on the app yet but Glinda sang a song when she appeared, the Oz gang did a song and dance and obviously Dorothy’s somewhere over the rainbow. Felt like there were performances all day.
  4. I definitely prefer this to river town. The queues are amazing. I haven’t been on jungle rush but from the videos I would have more fun on the rides over the Oz ride I went on but the theming for Oz is just superb. Such a monumental film that so many people love. Have seen quite a few people dress up and a lot of buzz Online in the wicked circles of people wanting to fly over to visit.
  5. I thought those characters that squirt water would have been the mascots for Rivertown.
  6. Last year they added more dates later on so maybe they’ll do that again as it sells out fast.
  7. I agree that sea worlds event is much better than dreamworlds event but what did sea world actually do different this year than last?
  8. Why? More for kids. Look how great the HB stuff looks at the Abu Dabuai park. With WoO adding two new family coasters, give something for the kids. More than enough adult rides as is. Add a stage there to have similar shows like sea worlds paw patrol and turtles show. With excellent theming it would be a great draw.
  9. Would love if the doomsday section and part of wild Wild West was used as a new Hanna Barbera area.
  10. Tickets on sale now! Kids are very excited, we’ve watched jags video for last year so many times
  11. I think the costumes have taken a step up this year with bugs and Lola having superman and Wonder Woman costumes.
  12. Ch9 is here today and bugs is wearing the horray for Hollywood costume. I think 9 is doing an update for what movie world posted yesterday.
  13. While the update is nice it seems more an announcement that news will come. “hey guys I know you want to know more about Scooby doo and doomsday” well we’ll tell you later. I think the dc section around doomsday is nice for photo ops for the kids and nice theming for now. Would love to know if they’re going to replace doomsday with (assuming it gets replaced.) another thing I wonder how many rides will be open when the dc heroes and villains event comes around
  14. The character schedule is something I put on every review when I go to movie world. I always go to guest services to see the schedule on arrival now but for quite some time my wife and I had no idea what times the characters were out. The locations on the sheet tend to be wrong anyway. As it says upper toons for some characters and they’re barely ever there. I hope for the Dorothy meet and greets in the future they’ll have it at the wizard of oz land. Most of the time when you have a photo with a character there’s not much theming besides Batman and Robin at the Batmobile. Sure you can see the justice league outside daily planet but that’s not too exciting. sea world has great character meet and greet opportunities on the stage with half decent theming.
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