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Everything posted by koolkidsyd
lets just say i think i made alot of friends that night, especially from the F&B department
If you wanted to keep it private an legal you wouldnt have just posted this on the internet would you!. Stupid head!. And why would daniel be jelous its just that he has a brain in his head which you obviously don't!. I think the bail out of the police station will be worth more than your pictures!. So now if somebody starts asking who took the photos we can say it was you!.
Well if anybody gets any footage of the Staff after party, could you post it so i can try an find out who took me home, because it was a blur...lol
The stupid thing about when they held their functions off site the majority of the employees couldnt go because they were under the age or 18 especially alot of F&B an Retail/games that suked.
There were also kangarroos, i rememebr one night shift after Wonderland had closed, think it was about June 2004, we seen about six kangaroos hopping around the carpark!.
Umm. Don't you mean giant Rat, there wasn't to many bunny rabbits at Wonderland lol, just over grown rats.
Because Sydney is a more of a target now i guess, but you got to admit it has been definitaly removed from google earth, if you take a look at it, it looks like someone has drawn a almost perfect circle around the main city buildings an blocked them out.. As soon as the Buildings end, it becomes clear again? their has to be a reason, I dont think there just happeneds to be a cloud in the shape of the CBD hovering above, if it was cloudy when the image was taken, i would think it would cover more area than that.
Its because Wonderland is in the Western Suburbs, if you read on google earth's site, it says some parts arn't covered because they havnt taken high resolution pictures, or as you said cloud cover. I also read on the net that the main CBD of sydney was blurred to stop Terriost threats, im not really sure if this was true, but it is really wierd how it becomes blurry as soon as the CBD starts, and the area around it becomes clear.. But it would make sense if they did restrict the resolution for this reason.
Its all grass, same thing ill change the post though.
So it seems that Wonderland Sydney threads have finally fell quiet, hmmm i can see the tumbleweed bouncing around already....
I dont get what you mean, what kind of equipment would be concealed in walls?, The only fx lighting i can think the park had was at Galaxy theatre but, that was all stripped late january 2004 when Tony laffen left?. I dont think the Outback woolshed had fx lighting, think their lights were just basic floodlights you can buy from the shops, with gels over them. And if their was stuff in the walls, they wouldnt be their for much longer, as djsupersleuth said they are starting to demolish the park.
This stuff your talking about sounds expensive, im sure if it was worth something. wonderland probly would have just sold it off. Or possibly someone from entertainment may have the gear?. Dont think i can help you on that one.
Yep, if i didnt say it someone else on here would have.
info@lunaparksydney.com its on the website if you dig far into it
It isnt off limits if you can afford a breaking entering charge. Wonderland is still enclosed grounds, so if public were in the park you would be tresspassing. After all the construction has finished and the Business park is fully operational than it would be able to gain access to the area. (But it just wont look like wonderland).
Just for anybody that really cares, i think i have discovered that one of the tracks of the Wonderland soundtrack is actually a category of songs called "scat music" it was originally created by John Scatman, he is the singer who sang the world famous song "Im a Scatman", this kind of music sounds really different to other types of techno as the singer makes the sounds with his voice, eg, Skibab bop bib bab bop. Im not sure if John Scatman actually sang this song himself (his dead now anyway), but its definite that the song did originate from his own songs, i think its just a generic version of his this of music what he called "scat rap". I have included bits of the "Im a Scatman" song as an attachment it is low quality just to give you an example. (but note this isnt the wonderland version song, im not going to place that on here as people would want the full quality version of it).
Ummmmm. ok?.
I really doubt you would be that stupid. And imagine how dangerous that would be if you dropped your "reaching stick" it would be travelling at 120km/hr it would do some damage if it hit someone or even injure yourself doing it. And how would you retrieve these items when you got them. The phone would most likely brake on impact on hitting the camera cases at the base of the tower, or take out a guest walking out the exit gate.
Well the most reasonable explanation is that they probly just got together (being a saturday night) an decided to have fun and never see each other again. Alot of people used saturday nights at Wonderland to pick up.
haha. On zodiac, now i have heard everthing!. I guess its romantic on some way, but kind of stupid in another..
hahaha I totally get it, mind my slowness
I like daniels retaliation post, I have no idea what daniel was going on about when he mention "clay old son" but im sure it was a good comeback!.
We all have a great social life we are theme park people remember!. Most of us have been messed up in the head after working for Wonderland for many years, now its gone we dont know what to do!. So every evening we get on our computers and talk about a theme park thats not coming back.
The same thing what happened to Wonderland is now happening to featherdale. But they want that to be housing estates. See it just business, i dont care that Wonderland closed anymore, i mean yeah i miss the occasional fun but thats life it goes on, an its closure was probly a good thing cause it gave everyone a chance to get a real job!... Now people will not agree with me, but i just think that if the place had'nt closed i would be still working there, i wouldnt be studying and trying to make somthing in life. And i reckon their are some x employees who have to agree, im sure now they have found great jobs an look back at Wonderland an think to themselves, what was i thinking.