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  1. Oh thank you Zamperla!!!! It was so wonderful to hear from someone who have been there!! Yes! I remember the steel coaster went down below the ground level off the first dip. Thank you very much for the info. How exciting!! I will perhaps contact the Hastings Council regards the info and hopefully some photos!! Thank you once again for replying. P.S. Me from Melbourne (me born here!!)
  2. Ohh goodie!! Let me know if you got the Thunderbolt. I'd like to ride it again.
  3. You mean the Thunderbolt will not be operate again - not ever again??? I'm sorry if I'm all slow on the update news of the ride, but I wondered what will happen to the ride? (Or have happened?) Will it be pulled down, or will it be improved? I know the ride was a bit rough when I first rode it in 1987 (when I was 12!!). I thought it was in repair when I visited Dreamworld again in 2003 and saw it closed at the same time Cyclone was opened. I just wanted to ride on it again and I was disappointed.
  4. Total rides? Huh oh!! I don't know!! I've lost count!! I went on many of them. If I see something new, I ride it. Mainly fast rides, like Ranger or Kazamaze (my favourite - I think I went on it over 100 times!!) I think the one in Luna Park is crap!! Too slow and I was left hanging upside down far too long!! I like those ones in Royal Melbourne Show or at Moomba. They're the fastest. I went onto Corkscrew in Seaworld 4 times, Cyclone once, and Thunderbolt twice. Lethal Weapon twice. Ohh I could go on and on.......!!! But anyway, if I could bring a piece of paper with me to each theme parks I could dot 'em down. I don't think I can count it by now!! Cheers.
  5. Thanks for trying, Scott. Yeah, all I remember was that the white rollercoaster was a steel one but it didn't have any inversions, like loops or corkscrews. It was just like a wooden rollercoaster with ups and downs and several curves, with a lap restraint, not the shoulder ones. It was a big steel rollercoaster. I don't think it was a very big park. It does look big when I was a kid, but my dad told me it was a small one. It didn't have many rides, and it was like a park for picnics. Oh, I wish I could remember more. Thanks anyway. Anyone else???
  6. I am a great fan of rollercoasters and I love riding on them, and looking at the pictures just give me a thrill, too! Your site is absolutely satisfying to my thrill-seeker needs. But then, I remember there is an amusement park years ago in Victoria called Leisureland Fair. I wonder what happened to the park? It just disappeared and I can't remember much, but I remember when I was a kid I went there a couple of times and it was one of my favourite park. I remember that there was a white rollercoaster, a name that I cannot recall, along with other rides, such as Cha-cha and a train ride around the park, similar to the train in Dreamworld. I wonder if anyone could remember that? I tried to find information but to no avail. Thanks a bunch and would be much appreciated if I could get the information of the park from one of my favourite childhood memories.
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