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  1. the girl was hard-panned to the right ear whilst the guy was hard-panned to the left ear. it became unbearable trying to listen to it.
  2. Oh nice, we actually get a stat. Not the most reliable stat, but the building itself is 25m tall. I'd be assuming the top height of the turntable is around 19-21m if that's the case.
  3. Didn't think they take mini that literally. Also my ears are going to be in pain from the shoddy panning on this video.
  4. Speaking of, I wonder where @New display name got the King Claw screenshot from. Is it a trademark request? I was correct, although it doesn't give too much information, but they at least have a new swimwear logo for their merch stores. https://search.ipaustralia.gov.au/trademarks/search/view/2475548?q=COAST+ENTERTAINMENT+OPERATIONS+LIMITED
  5. I'm not gonna be surprised if it is Motocoaster related, that REALLY needs a redo for the trains. But if it's a new ride, I'd be even more excited.
  6. A necro scam reply? That's somehow both extremely uncommon and expected at the same time.
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