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  1. It's even weirder when you compare that to Dreamworld where almost every rides queue is either inside or under shade. I can't think of a single ride in Dreamworld where you are not queuing in the shade.
  2. In terms with Rivertown, that was still classified as a soft opening. They haven't classified it as being fully open to the public yet. If it was, we would have all gotten an email for the grand opening date. Dreamworld seems to be adding in stuff as they come and only want to fully open the area when it's ready.
  3. For Kansas Twister? Pretty good, I would say it's around a minute to a minute and a half for dispatches and since it's a boomerang coaster with 2 trains at once, it's a capacity eater. Flight of the Wicked Witch on the other hand has only got 1 single train (because the model VRTP used can only brake in the station (ala Kenny's Forest Flyer) and therefore is forced to have 1 train of 20 rows of 2) yet the train takes around 5-8 minutes per cycle (I did a stopwatch with one being 7 minutes and another being 5 minutes.) I hear the queue has gotten better over the day. But I just feel VRTP should have picked a model that allowed for more than just 1 single train to take in that amount of guests since it's technically the newest inverted coaster in Australia.
  4. So a little information board popped up and I might have a headcannon that both Jane and Murry aren't technically alive thanks to the Jungle Rush info part. Otherwise, the land is just amazing! I do hear Murrasippi Motors might soft open tomorrow.
  5. To be fair, this is the soft opening. Lights and effects and fully complete
  6. Jungle Rush has just opened again. Murrasippi motors is still closed. Got off it and it was pretty damn good. (First car forward, front row) Of course it's too early to know if the dark ride sections are good as it's still in soft open. And they are running 2 trains
  7. That would mean Jungle Rush is currently running only 1 single train and is never intending on running more than one? I mean, we kinda expected that, but I wonder how that would affect the queues upon public opening.
  8. Same here, might go down tomorrow.. hopefully the transport isn't too bad.
  9. This is really exciting to see! Now I'm tempted to take the transport straight down to dreamworld. Or if I should hope the rides open tomorrow instead.
  10. Damn it, no film projection? and it's 4k? Kinda crud, but at least it's an official IMAX theatre.
  11. Looking at the photos there, the exterior actually looks kinda cool. The interior does look a bit bare and feels a bit like they put too much effort to the exterior and not interiors. Let's hope the arcade can bring at least some revenue to keep the rides up at least.
  12. the girl was hard-panned to the right ear whilst the guy was hard-panned to the left ear. it became unbearable trying to listen to it.
  13. Oh nice, we actually get a stat. Not the most reliable stat, but the building itself is 25m tall. I'd be assuming the top height of the turntable is around 19-21m if that's the case.
  14. Didn't think they take mini that literally. Also my ears are going to be in pain from the shoddy panning on this video.
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