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Everything posted by kieran

  1. BOOYAH, dreamworlds making a comeback. finally some decent competition for movieworld!!
  2. I heard it going to MW, near lethal weapon.
  3. I got some pictures of MW before it was opened. My uncle was one of the building crew and he took some photos for something and I found them the other day. really interesting, I would post them if I had a scanner.
  4. Thanks, I noticed that its easier to wait in line at MW then DW for some reason.
  5. me and the familly hit WWW west up at about 10:30 and I went back at about 5:30 and the ride was deserted, we re-rode both times and were offerd again but we were soaked. Is it like this all the time cause' I rember back a few years before the fire the line could easily top 90+ plus minutes.
  6. Go to that 50/40s themed buffet place, not the shatty fast food outlets.
  7. My uncle worked for them when they were building MW, he was a foreman or somthing with the illusion house.
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