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Everything posted by LunaParkFanatic

  1. Same... Does this coaster go upside down? :confused:
  2. Whats this Roller Ghoster? :confused:
  3. I've recently heard from a friend who lives around 15mins away from the old Backlot area. That fox still owns the area and is looking for a more sutible area to move there park, As they have recently been given help by some park over in the USA, who is going to help out with the re-themeing and ride selection! Hopefully this is true??? If so i hope they stay in Sydney, they could really help out Luna Park Sydney.
  4. Hmm... Bloodly hell, i swear everything is turning into high rise appartments around here, gold coast, sydney, brisbane & Port Maquaire. :confused: WHATS GOING ON???? Stop bulldozing themeparks, park etc....
  5. Hmm ok good idea!.. Richard, could i use a video in my project from the media/video section?
  6. Thanks for your help, I'll tell you what i come up with!
  7. Hey all, Iam currently working on my Year 9 Multimedia Oral Task (project). I've pick an excellent topic, THEMEPARKS! Iam going to talk about themeparks & rollercoasters and how they started, then move onto a section called "World Record Breakers!" here i will talk and give infomatino, stats etc. About rides that have broken World Records. Well down to the point, i need some sound affects... Wooden rollercoaster sound affects. I want some sound affect of a wooden rollercoaster going up a chain hill making all the clicky clacky soundsss...!!! Can anyone suply me with this, or give me a site for where i can download it? All help is needed! :confused:
  8. I remember this place! Went there alot when my family & i went to our caravan in Port Maquaire. HaHaHaHa i remember those little peddle karts, you could go the "Advanced track" or the "Beginners track"! Also i rememeber those water slides, Quite crappy to tell the truth. Hmm think i've got a brochure some-where in my room. I'll find it soon!
  9. Ok.. cool thanks alot! Iam the owner of lpsfansite.tk and i need some pictures of Luna Park Sydney... Could you guys maybe surply me with some? :confused:
  10. Hmm looks good! Only problem is that the pictures are taken at nightfall/night.. so you cant see alot. Have you got anymore pictures? :confused:
  11. Yes.. thanks for backing me up! the Central Coast is kinda like a sister Gold Coast without the themeparks & the high rise's... I think nsw would do excellent with a Disney on the Central Coast because if they put it where the Old Sydney Town was, they'd be like 5mins from the F3.. 1 & half hours from Sydney & Newcastle (two busy citys!)
  12. Yup... is anyone gonna give it a shot? :confused:
  13. Hmm well i've got a Themepark video about some USA parks! And it features Cedar Point... It even shows the Millenium Force :D Awsome Ride!
  14. Yes Nebuchanezzar your right! For some reason i think a Disney land would go really well on the Central Coast! Iam not just saying it because i live here but if they put it near Gosford, well they'd go good. Gosford is growing really fast and well they need a major tourist attraction ASAP! Iam kinda thinking of maybe an area near the Reptile Park... maybe where Old Sydney Town used to be? :confused: If disney moved next to the Reptile Park, they could do a 2 day deal... 1day at Disney & the other at the Reptile Park They'd also be able to do great deals with some of the motel/hotel in the Gosford CBD!...... Anyways only my imput!
  15. Yes, your right! Iam hoping to go down to Melbourne next year to see my cousins, So i shall get my camera and head off to Luna Park while iam there!
  16. central Coast ... Central Coast .... Central Coast... Central Coast
  17. Has any one got the Lps email address? As i need to email them to ask them some stuff! :confused:
  18. HaHaHaHa.... just out of curiousity! Where would they put it? :confused: I recken Central Coast or Sydney!
  19. Pattieboi, I 100% agree with you! When you think of Australia you think of Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House. So it'd be better to have one in Sydney cause i'd suit it better, cause you have people coming to visit the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House! They'd also be able to get surrport from Luna Park Syd. & Taronga Zoo? :confused:
  20. Hahaha Gazza, i fully agree! Could it be too help give it the feeling of being in a toilet or what ever? :confused:
  21. Hmm... ohhh well! I really couldn't care which one my dad helped on Also why did'nt LPS just keep how it was in that picture? And just taking out The Big Dipper (Cyclone) :confused: It would have been heaps better! The Spider & Tumble bug looked awsome back in the 90's....
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