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Everything posted by LunaParkFanatic

  1. Hmmm i personally wouldnt mind seeing Wet 'n' Wild getting one of those..OMG i cant remember the name but i can describe it! You sit on a raft things and go down part of a slide... then you go into a toilet typed thing? Sorry... man i suck
  2. Ok... i went to Lps around 5 weeks ago! And i remember going on the Tumble Bug... While i was on my 2nd ride of the ride, i noticed between the building the Tumble Bug is on and Coney Island building, they're is a really big gap! This gap must be around 10, 20 or even 30 metres. I think if Lps extends the building to link onto Coney Island they could then put another ride underneath next to the Dogems and then have 2 new rides above! You think of it...a new, Huss Rainbow & Zipper on top and maybe some sort of other ride underneath :D hmmm only my thoughts!
  3. Wow....Lps looks bigger then! Is it smaller now? Or is just that picture???
  4. Hmm... i'd love to see Movie World or even Sea World made on Rct3! That'd be good =D
  5. hmm... i missed it Please aware me 1 night before the themepark shows on foxtel so i can watch it plz!
  6. Now i didnt know that... Cool! Where's it going? And they have one.. its Blue Lagon!
  7. Cool... Has anyone been near the place?
  8. Something needs to be done! I think Jambaroo should buy the Zodiac and put it up on the hill with the chairlift etc...! But thats just my opion!
  9. Ohhh ok.... When is this ride/attraction set to open?...... Spring when?
  10. Hmmm ohh well iam happy too see those 2 rides go to a park rather then the tip!
  11. I really want to know why Sunway let WonderLand "Go Down Hill" they had the chance to make it a really great park!!!!
  12. Would some-one be able to send me any of the music? I like the music...alot!
  13. Hmm your right! =( It was a good idea!
  14. I also just found a ride like the Zodiac, but better! http://www.greatamericaparks.com/skywhirl.html The Skywhirl is a version of the Zodiac, but with 3 wheels!
  15. :confused: Hmm well seeming Dreamworld has alot more money and are alot better... I think they'd be able to get it up and working! Ummm Why did they stop making this type of Ferris Wheel?
  16. lol hahahaa so true! What condition is in now?
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