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Everything posted by LunaParkFanatic

  1. The reason i love Lunapark Sydney is because i've only been to Movie World once, in 2001 and i was there for 3hrs. I do know that Lunapark Sydney is not the best themepark and i agree with that, but iam sure when i move up to QLD next year Movie World will be my new favorite park!
  2. I must agree taronga, All Australian rollercoaster dont go for long! AND IT SUCKS.
  3. Yes i must agree with you there. I love the Terminator movies more than Shrek!
  4. I'd personally love a desktop wallpaper too! And seeming my phone is a Nokia 3220 i wouldnt mind making my own back themepark cover for it...
  5. Hello, If you could would you stop the idea for Shrek 4D going ahead?... I sure know i would, Like somebody has already said here on the forums.. that with another movie companys attraction in the park it will turn the park into a "Movie Park" not a Warner Bros. Movie World. If i could i'd love to see maybe a Harry Potter 4D or even a Matrix 4D!
  6. Your right! hmm yes, i remeber the day i went there and i was too small to go on it (like 5cm's short) so i cried and they said fine.. and let me on it! I love it.... Went on it like 10 times after that.
  7. Been great to see?... WTF? This was a really good rollercoaster, and shouldnt have been bulldozed.
  8. Hmm i dont like the cars! They look S@#t-House ! Umm Wouldnt you class the Scooby Do Coaster as a dark ride?
  9. matty_o_911, feel lucky... I havnt even been to DW
  10. Wow, This coaster is really coming along! One problem, i think the coaster should be alittle taller??? Also has any theming started?
  11. WOODEN ROLLERCOASTER!!!!!!! I think they need some sort of Woodie. Australia needs a good woodie,.. Something's been missing in the Australian Amusement Industy since WonderLand closed down. And thats a Woodie. I think maybe something like a the Beast at Paramount Parks in Canada!....
  12. Advertisement! For the first time i saw pictures on the TV of this... Looking good!
  13. Screw the city walk! Use the land for other things.. like MORE RIDES...maybe even a massive Woodie that goes through the bush or something... or something like a Horse Range or Paint-Ball...!
  14. Any photo's of the finished Top hat? Will the coaster have any loops or inversions?
  15. We all can kinda guess whats going in the area were the ThunderBolt was... Hmmm maybe a new WATERPARK?
  16. Hey everyone, Yes, i've been to Draculacs about 2yrs ago now! Best horror themed resturant i've been to. Ok well down to business, i remember rideing the ghost train, it's a pretty crapy and small ghost train! The ghost train goes around in a little hexagon/square typed track (VERY BORING!). So with this "new" coaster, i'd wanna be every small and maybe have some type of launch pad area cause i doubt very much they'll be able to have a chail-lift! Cya.....
  17. Is anyone making this?... I'd love to see it, Also i wanna be able to download matty_o's Movie World, but for some strange reason, it says i cant
  18. Whats happening in these maintenance? *Hmm thinks*
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