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Everything posted by LunaParkFanatic

  1. OMG... i fully agree!.. iam from the Central Coast! They should build Disneyland where Old Sydney Town used to be
  2. No... iam not joking! My dad helped in the move of the Big Dipper ... he got some photo's of it being moved, iam currently in the stage of diging through them!
  3. I do recall that the Lps Big Dipper is at WonderLand Syd. called The Beastie!
  4. I recently emailed Darryl Webb again asking about the video, rollercoaster & if he could supply any pictures! I'll get back too you guys ASAP....
  5. Yeah... i rode the Taipan! I remember the good old day when it was at SeaWorld!
  6. Will the slide be open in time for my hoilday to the gold coast next year? :confused:
  7. HaHaHa yeah same ere'! Umm could the rollercoaster be Thrillseeker's from Seaworld? Cause that was white & a steel rollercoaster? :confused:
  8. Hmm well i cant really comment on the ride because i've never seen a photo of it now.. I've only seen photo's of what it used to look like!... If anyone could supply some good photos, that'd be awsome
  9. I recently emailed Darryl & got an email back last night! I wrote:- > Hello there, > > I've been told sometime ago that Downunderland was > moving! To move onto more > suitable land that wasn't leased month by month. And > havening seeing no > advertisements for summer, rides being going up, > then back down again... I > was wondering if this is the beginning of > Downunderland's move?!?! Also with > your Downunderland roller coaster, Is that going to > the new land??? > > If you'd be able to give me as much details & > infomation about the move & > roller coaster as possible. That would be much > appreciated! > > Regards > Troy Ashman. He replyed saying:- Hi Troy, Thanks for your interest in Downunderland. Whilst I'm not yet in a position to reveal all, I can confirm that Downunderland is moving and closed on the current site last Christmas. The old site is to be redeveloped into housing I'm told, and yes, as a result, the land owners were not willing to renew our lease for a reasonable long term. Each of the rides is being pulled down, taken away and refurbished. The new site details have not yet been released, but we are well down the track to securing a new site. Construction and set up will take quite a while, but at this stage we are looking at a October/November 2006 opening. We will know more as time goes on. Yes, the roller coaster will be going to the new site, but will most likely be the last to leave the old site. It requires a lot of space for refurbishment, and may well be transported to the new site for refurbishment to take place at the new site, this is still to be decided. We have some new rides for the new site, details of which will have to wait at this stage. One of our new rides was recently used in a movie which is due for release in October/November 2006. We are trying to work toward an opening at the new site around the same time the movie is released. I'll be happy to give you more details closer to the date. I hope this has assisted you and once again I thank you for your interest. Regards Darryl Webb Hmm so it seems like there still on the move?
  10. Ok well i've recently just changed the Url for the fan site to http://lpsfansite.tk/ Please visit the site & leave you comments about the site in the Guestbook (Down the bottom of page 1 -Home!) Thanks peoples!!!
  11. Hmm tough choice!... I'd choose Dreamworld for the rides.. But MovieWorld for the shows,themeing etc.!
  12. Ok buddy... Also iam having trouble opening it... When i try to open it, i get something saying "File Header Is Damaged. Abort Operation?" What do i do? :confused:
  13. Would i be able to use this video on my lpsfansite?
  14. Ladies & Gents, I've recently created a BRAND NEW Lps Fan Site! This fan site is slowly coming together by me! If you wish to help out with surrplying photo's etc.. plz PM me! lpsfansite Please visit the site & give you comments!
  15. As Mr. Fox pointed out, he wanted to update LPM... Has any work started on this yet? :confused:
  16. I MIGHT be able to get hold of a few LPM's original Big Dipper! Iam not so sure but give me a few days and i'll see what i can get hold of for you guys!
  17. I was just looking at the Corin Forest website & i came across a section called Future Plans... Have alook at the website for more details! Corin Forest - Future Plans Link
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